4 Knitted Sweathers
sweather_blue.jpg - width=157 height=253
sweather_horse.jpg - width=165 height=247
sweather_mario.jpg - width=175 height=263
sweather_raine.jpg - width=173 height=271
details.jpg - width=500 height=500
1_knitted.jpg - width=275 height=291

All these knitted sweathers are "tops", so you can add any bottom clothing to match.
Raine - worn by a character in Final Fantasy 8. The sweather is "blindingly white" sometimes in the game because of the lightning there.
Horse - a green sweather with a cute ponyhead. Show your love for horses!
Blue - A blue/lightblue sweather with blue cartoony flowers/starthingys
Mario - I don´t know if this is accepted (as cut and pasted Disney images aren´t), but instead of just cutting and pasting my favourite Mario pic, I actually made him look knitted. I used the "look knitted" material for my sweather, and made it to look like Marios face. Now Sim ladies can have their favourite hero on their favourite sweather.

This is the first time I uploaded clothing alone, so if I screwed something up, please tell me! :confused:
I hope you like them! :D
Uploaded: 2nd Apr 2005, 259.9 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Apr 2005, 224.9 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Apr 2005, 225.3 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Apr 2005, 252.5 KB.
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Characters from Wild Arms - Cecilia, Jack and Rudy
by Akito 2nd Apr 2005 at 1:11pm
Made by request! more...
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Locke from FF6 - Classic and Amano version
by Akito 10th Jul 2005 at 1:39pm
Yay, I finally finished something! more...
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