Alien Abductions & No Abductions

1.jpg - width=900 height=506
Female gets abducted

2.jpg - width=900 height=506
Male gets abducted

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2nd Female gets abducted

5.jpg - width=900 height=506
Female is pregnant
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Baby is born :)
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Child abduction1.jpg - width=1016 height=579
Child gets abducted
Child abduction2.jpg - width=1016 height=579
Child gets abducted (different angle)
grimabduction1.jpg - width=1092 height=1010
Close up , he is pregnant!
grimabduction2.jpg - width=1476 height=976
Grim Reaper discovers green glowing belly!
grimabduction3.jpg - width=946 height=914
Grim Reaper gets abducted
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Grim Reaper on the way to surgery!
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He had one baby girl and one boy!
grimbaby3.jpg - width=1000 height=410
On top of that I got the Achievement to become Grims friend lol
grimbaby.jpg - width=966 height=870
Sky Blue Grim Reaper Alien Baby! :)

- This mod was created with Version (Update 05/14/2015-05/15/2015)
- The mod is compatible with Version (Update 06/11/2015)
- The mod is only compatible with the EP1 - Get To Work. Do not try to use it with the Base Game alone! You won't get aliens this way. They are simply not in the Base Game.

This step is important as parts of older mod versions can be stuck inside these cache files, and in order for the new version to work, these old pieces need to be cleaned!
[WARNING! Don't use more than one mod flavor! Only one package at a time will work! So choose wisely]
Video demonstrations
Alien Abduction Mod 1.4 (Hardcore) Video:
No Alien Abductions 1.4 (Hardcore) video:
Spacey72659 provided an incredible proof of how well the mod works in her game! I say YEAH bring these UFOs in masses!
3 UFOs all at the same lot abducting now also TEENS!
Mod Description
The Satellite can be used repeatedly. (That means even if you already contacted Aliens, the function will not turn off for 24 hours. It will stay active infinitely)
WARNING: Make sure not to contact Aliens if Alien visitors are already at your home! This will force the game to create new NPC aliens and this will replace certain NPC's around the world! Remember I warned you!
* The satellite will stay active and you can contact the Aliens more than once.
* The duration for the "Contact Aliens" interaction is now set to almost forever. You do not need to contact Aliens everyday. It will stay active! If you get your Sim abducted the first time, it should not take long for any other sim in this save file to get abducted as well!
* Females can be impregnated by Alien abductions
* Males will become pregnant as well
* After contacting the Aliens you cannot use the satellite for preventing abductions.
* You can cancel the interaction when Sims go outside to investigate "weird lights". just click cancel on the interaction and then choose something else to do, after that the UFO is gone.
* Teens and Elders can be abducted as well and come back pregnant!!!
* Children can use the satellite and be abducted with the correct flavors of the mod.
* Grim Reaper can now contact Aliens on the Satellite and be abducted, he will come back pregnant!

Tutorial - Where to find the satellite?
The satellite can be invented by Scientist Sims. However there is a cheat to get the satellite faster without having your Sim work in the science career!
Do the following:
- Control + Shift + C
- Type: bb.showhiddenobjects
- Go to buy mode
- Satellite is in the misc electronics category (buy it)
- Place the satellite somewhere on your property
- Select "contact aliens" on the satellite menu when you are ready to be abducted. With the Main Mod installed this will be around 6:00 PM and from there on 10 hours. If you use the Extreme version the abductions can happen from 1:00 AM and then 24/7
Main Mod Descriptions:
Abduction Mod 1.5: this version contains all of the above mentioned features. You want aliens in your game and become pregnant? Use the satellite between 6:00 PM - 5:00 AM, on your home lot. You will either get a phone call and right after that a 100% guaranteed abduction, or alien visitors will come over and you will be abducted regardless.
No Abductions 1.5: This version is created for the other side of the fence. The people who complained about too many abductions can now prevent them through the satellite and it will stay forever on prevention. However the "Contact Aliens" interaction will stay active and you can use it even while the satellite is preventing. The buff for successful abductions wears off quite fast and therefore you don't need to worry that suddenly a whole invasion could happen. Just Contact them once and you will get what you wanted. An Alien baby regardless of your gender!
Flavors to use instead of the Main Abduction Mod 1.5:
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (50% Pregnancy): 50% chance of either female or male pregnancy through an abduction.
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (Extreme) This mod is the same as the main mod. But this time it's the extreme version. That means that abductions can now happen from 1:00 AM and from then on 24 hours! I also lowered the lock out time, which means it could happen way more.
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (Hardcore): All values increased, No chance for phone calls, neither alien visitors will ever come to you. The only outcome is an abduction! It will work on your home lot or surroundings once you click on Contact Aliens!
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (only females - Hardcore): All values increased, No chance for phone calls, neither alien visitors will ever come to you. The only outcome is an abduction! It will work on your home lot or surroundings once you click on Contact Aliens! Only females will come back pregnant. Male will be abducted, but won't be impregnated!
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (only females): This mod contains all the features of the main 1.2 mod. But this time only females can become pregnant. Males will be abducted but won’t come back pregnant.
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (only females - Extreme) This mod is the same as the normal only females mod. But this time it's the extreme version. That means that abductions can now happen from 1:00 AM and from then on 24 hours! I also lowered the lock out time, which means it could happen way more.
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (only females - 50% chance) This mod is the same as the normal only females mod, but here the chances for pregnancy are only at 50%
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (Children + Extreme + Hardcore): These flavors use all of the Main mod version's features + children can now use the satellite to contact aliens and be abducted as a result.
Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.5 (Only Males + Extreme + Hardcore): These flavors use all of the Main mod version's features + I reversed my changes to females, that means Only males will come back pregnant after abductions!

Flavors to use instead of the Main No Abductions Mod 1.5
Prevent Abductions [120 hours]: Has the same features as the No Abduction mod, but here the duration will not stay active forever. Rather than activating the satellite every 24 hours, you have it now active for 120 hours!
Prevent Abductions [168 hours]: Has the same features as the No Abduction mod, but here the duration will not stay active forever. Rather than activating the satellite every 24 hours, you have it now active for 168 hours!
Prevent Abductions [360 hours]: Has the same features as the No Abduction mod, but here the duration will not stay active forever. Rather than activating the satellite every 24 hours, you have it now active for 360 hours!
Again you can while it's preventing abductions click on "Contact Aliens" this will result in an immediate abduction resulting most likely in pregnancy!
No Alien Abductions Mod ver. 1.4 (Hardcore): This is the opposite of the Hardcore Abductions mod. You click on prevent abductions and the no chance buff stays forever, until you decide to be abducted! No Alien visitors, no phone calls, only pure abductions!
What are the pregnancy chances?
All mods have a 80% chance of pregnancy for both genders! Except the ones that clearly state 50%. With these 50% versions you will not necessarily come back pregnant after an abduction. The new Hardcore version has a 100% base chance of pregnancy. It's not without a reason called Hardcore!


06/05/2015 I've uploaded a fix for the CHILDREN flavors of this mod on June 5th... As it did not come to my awareness that Children apparently were getting pregnant after abduction... It seems the abduction pregnancy files bypass the laws of the game which makes it easy to get teens pregnant... So please disregard the old version and download the new ones instead. Children now should only be abducted but do not come back pregnant...
06/04/2015 I've uploaded 3 new mod flavors on the 4th of June. I read a funny post on The Sims forums. A user asked for Grim Reaper Alien babies and so I came to the conclusion if there is anything still missing for this mod, then it is indeed having Grim Reaper being abducted and becoming pregnant! And so I created the 3 new flavors.
I also re-arranged the rar archives and added them all in nice packages.
06/04/2015 I've uploaded 3 new mod flavors on the 4th of June. As requested I created the 3 main mods for Only females and children. This means only females will come back pregnant after abduction, males won't get pregnant anymore. Children can be abducted!
06/02/2015 I've uploaded a few new mod flavors on the 2nd of June. This time You get 2 completely new flavors to choose from. Whoever watched the movie Close Encounters of the third kind, knows that children can be abducted! So I created a flavor of all the main mods that does exactly that! Children can now use the satellite to contact aliens and be abducted as a result. The second flavor I created reverses the changes to females and allows ONLY males to come back pregnant from abductions. If you are a fan of male pregnancy only, these versions may be for you!
05/20/2015 Important update! It came to my awareness that the abduction mod created Last Exception files. I finally could find the culprit... It was a < too much in the code... So I updated all the mod versions.
05/20/2015: I've uploaded a new Hardcore version for Females only!
05/19/2015: I deleted the 1.2 versions as these are by now old, and I am pretty sure anybody who had the first May patch would update his/her game anyway to the new version, so there is no reason for the old versions to stay.
05/17/2015: Version 1.4 of the updated mod is now also available for Females Only. These mods only allow females to become pregnant after abductions!
05/16/2015: Finally I could fix the problem. The mod is now fully compatible and working with game version + newest update from 05/15. The female versions are still missing, but it took a whole day to fix this mod, so forgive me if I am too tired now to re-create these packages. I will upload them tomorrow!
05/14/2015: I've uploaded updated versions for the newest patch version: The old versions can still be downloaded, I've added the flavors all in one package, please make sure to always only use one of them! Either one of the main mods or a flavor instead of a main mod.
05/11/2015: I've uploaded two new extreme flavors of the Abduction Mod 1.2. You can use one of them instead of the main mod. For more information about these flavors, please read the mod descriptions.
05/09/2015: I've uploaded another flavor of the female only version of the abduction mod. This time it's only a 50% chance for females to become pregnant. Males won't come back pregnant!
05/09/2015: I've uploaded of all mods new versions (fixes) as EA messed up the beginning music for abductions and an icon got missing which showed before the May patch the Sims head in the interaction queue, where now is a flying lama. I fixed these two mistakes. So please re-download the new mods with the end FIX on them!
- Uploaded a new flavor that can be used instead of the main mod 1.2. This flavor allows only females to come back pregnant after abductions. Males will be abducted, but they won't come back pregnant.
Conflicts with every mod that tries to change the aliens abduction system or the satellite itself!
Additional Credits:
thanks to:
Sims 4 Studio
Gimp 2.8
And special thanks to all the people who tested the mod through it's beginning stage!
1. Mocajava
2. Gecko420
3. AndiBug
4. Windweaver
5. CLK1143
A special thank you credit goes also to:
ClaudiaSharon - She created a No abduction mod that prevents the random abductions from the very beginning. My plan was to create an abduction mod that does the opposite. So I checked the files for her mod. (Thank you very much for this Claudia! I appreciate that you let me look over the files myself!

I reversed the values that she changed and tested this mod for a while and did not see any differences, no random abductions ever happened.
I nearly gave up but then told myself wait a second, you don't give up so easily... So I disregarded her mod and checked ALL abduction files from my extracted tuning files again. I changed a lot around and I am using the satellite for immediate abductions and prevention. However, my No abductions mod does not start from the beginning. First when you click on the satellite interaction "Prevent abductions" the buff stays forever and does not go down. BUT I thought about the people who would try it at some point and instead of changing the mods all the time, I added the feature that even while the satellite prevented abductions from happening, that people can click on "Contact Aliens" and this will cause a direct abduction. The satellite however stays on prevention forever! That being said, Claudia's and my mod are very different! And I encourage her to upload her version as well. As some people may not want to use the satellite for prevention.
Abduction Mod Archive (Main Mod)_FIX 1.5.rar
| This package includes all Main Abduction Flavors ( - compatible with (
Uploaded: 20th Jun 2015, 42.9 KB.
Abduction Mod Archive (Children Flavors) 1.5_fix.rar
| This package includes all Children Flavors_FIX (
Uploaded: 6th Jun 2015, 66.3 KB.
Abduction Mod Archive (GrimReaper Flavors) 1.5.rar
| This package includes all GRIM REAPER Flavors ( - compatible with (
Uploaded: 5th Jun 2015, 34.5 KB.
Abduction Mod Archive (Only Females Flavors) 1.5.rar
| This package includes all ONLY FEMALES Flavors ( - compatible with (
Uploaded: 5th Jun 2015, 77.3 KB.
Abduction Mod Archive (Only Males Flavors) 1.5.rar
| This package includes all ONLY MALES Flavors ( - compatible with (
Uploaded: 5th Jun 2015, 33.0 KB.
Abduction Mod Archive (No Abduction Flavors) 1.5.rar
| This package includes all Main No Abduction Flavors ( - compatible with (
Uploaded: 5th Jun 2015, 43.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 20th Jun 2015 at 5:23 AM - Update May 17th
by Tanja1986 updated 12th Jun 2015 at 6:05pm
51 40.6k 99
Alien Default Eyes Replacement
by Tanja1986 3rd May 2015 at 3:35am
Alien Voices Changed to Human or Reaper (1.17.7)
by Shimrod101 2nd May 2016 at 5:27pm
+1 packs
Get to Work
Grim Reaper Default Replacement
by Darkolaito updated 31st Jan 2020 at 12:40am
Restored Skull for Remodeled Grim Reaper
by Triple_sSs 26th Jan 2025 at 11:53pm
Alien Skin & Eyes Default Replacement (GREYS Edition)
by Tanja1986 updated 13th Jun 2015 at 10:15pm
This Skin replaces all colored Alien skins in Game as well as all eyes. Which transforms the Aliens into the GREYS that we know from movies or abduction stories. more...
No autonomous use of Computer activities
by Tanja1986 updated 18th Jun 2015 at 6:09am
Are you tired of your Sims always going to the next close computer to browse the web, play games or do other silly stuff? Then this mod is for you! more...
62 81.1k 248
Alien Default Eyes Replacement
by Tanja1986 3rd May 2015 at 3:35am
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Longer/Shorter Pregnancy Length - FIX
by Tanja1986 updated 17th Jun 2015 at 8:03am
This mod allows you to change the pregnancy time to be longer or shorter than the default of three days. more...
134 147.1k 292
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 4 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Get to Work |