Hello everyone. ENolan back with a more SIM-ple upload for you... (Ok, I'm sorry. That was pretty bad.)
I noticed a lot of sims being uploaded to MTS instead of the exchange so I thought I'd share a creation that I really liked. She was originally on one of the first renders for TS4 and immediately got me interested in the new styles that TS4 would provide. Unfortunately, that was all the attention she'd receive: a single, tiny render. Eventually, she'd cease to exist and be steadily replaced with another favorite, June Kay.
While I never really discovered her original name, I dubbed her
Lisa Ying. She is dressed in base game content and her traits are far different from June's; Lisa is
Ambitious, Genius, and Outgoing whereas June is
Ambitious, Insane, and a Foodie. You can obviously have them both in a single game, but I can't guarantee their relationship status.
Additional Credits:
Additional, non-required content included in the images:
Andrew's Pose Player:
J-Sims Cleavage Textures:
kellyhb5's Maxis Eyes Overhaul:
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