"DITA" Dining Set Recolours

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As requested by Simonut, the "DITA" Dining Set by Shoukeir from Sims2Play, in AL Wood and MALM colours. The dining chair fabric comes in 16 YETI colours also Fairy Floss and Lemon Drop. The bowls in the cupboard come in the same 18 colours and the mirror comes in 25 random prints. If you head over to Sim2Play you can find some lovely recolours by Shoukeir.

The lights, the cupboard doors, cupboard shelves, top of sideboard 2 and white bits on the table, cupboard and sideboards can not be recoloured.

If you would like to cut down on some custom content in your game, celebkiriedhel has slaved this set and it is available HERE, scroll down to reply #9. Many thanks to celebkiriedhel, for letting me know about and giving me the link to her slaved set.

These are base game compatible, no EP's or SP's required! The MESHES are included in the zip file with my recolours.

SH-Dita Dining Chair:
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Dining Chairs. Price: §999.

SH-Dita Cupboard:
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous. Price: §288.

SH-Dita Column A and Column B:
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous. Price: §100 & §100.

SH-Dita Shelf 1 and Shelf 2:
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Miscellaneous. Price: §288 & §288.

SH-Dita Sideboard and Sideboard 2:
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Miscellaneous. Price: §648 & §748.

SH-Dita Dining Table
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Tables. Price: §899.

SH-Dita Mirror:
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Mirrors. Price: §168.

SH-Dita Lighting A, Lighting B, Lighting C and Lighting 5 spot:
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Wall Lamps Price: §28, §28, §28, §128.

Files have been compressed and checked in game. MESHES and colour charts are included in the zip file.

Additional Credits: SimPE - CEP - GIMP - Milkshape - UV Mapper - The Compressorizer - Maxis/EA Games and MTS.
All images I use have been randomly collected over several years from within Public Domain.
amythestfenix for the extra wood colours and for allowing me to use them.
Many thanks to Shoukeir for the "DITA" Dining Set.
Many thanks to shastakiss for the YETI Colour Palette.
Thanks to Simonut for requesting these recolours.
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