Clothes Overhaul by Influence - FIXED 21-10-2016

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EDIT 21-10-2016: Fixed a bug making AM pirate clothes show in formal. Sorry for possible inconveniences.

Maxis gave us a big amount of interesting clothes. Too bad most of them are generating unexpectedly for random sims.

This mod makes some unusual clothes townie-disabled which means it will no longer be given to townies and grown up sims. Also it moves some clothes to more logical categories as shown.

Things you need to know:
1. Not all included clothes are de-townified. All non-townie things are clearly labeled. E. g. basegame kilts are non-townie but hooded sweatshirts are townie-friendly.
a) Also white toddler tuxedo from Celebrations SP is townie-disabled but the rest of them are enabled for townies.
b) Weddingball dresses from Celebrations SP are townie-disabled except of blue one. We don't need random ladies in wedding gowns, right?
2. All hipsweats separates from University EP made available not only for casual but for activewear as well. It means you can buy it through Everyday category and choose as activewear using dresser (or you can use Pescado clothing tool). Hipsweats are townified, enabled for YAs and adults.
3. Bomberjacket tops from OFB made available for Everyday and Outerwear. To use it you'll need some outerwear bottoms (e.g. these ones from Skell or her recategorized maxis bottoms). These tops are townified. So if you have it in game without any townie-enabled outerwear bottoms you may see sims looking weird. That's why I put these clothes in their own separate file. So you've been warned: download outerwear bottoms or throw this package out.
4. Some fullbody outfits from Glamour Life and Happy Holiday are categorized as outerwear too as shown. It means a) you need Seasons EP to use it and b) it WILL conflict with various mods enabling these clothes for outerwear (but only these given clothes).
5. AL recat contains two files. Influence_RecatAL contains regular clothes (afexerciseoutfit and tfsporty) and you can use it safely. But Influence_RecatAL_ausporty involves outfits for Jocks social class (amsporty and afsporty). Moving them from Everyday means Jocks townies will look different than intended by Maxis. I don't consider it bad but if you don't want this please don't use Influence_RecatAL_ausporty.package.

How to install:
You can put all the files in your Downloads folder. But in this case delete button will be enabled (and you know you shouldn't delete maxis clothes). To avoid this put files here:
[Program Files or directory where your game is installed]/[latest EP folder]/TSdata/Res/Catalog/Bins.

For example I have my game installed to Sims2 folder. My latest EP is Mansions&Gardens (yes, it counts as latest EP). So destination folder will be:

This mod conflicts with all the mods which change age, category or townie flags of given outfits including hiders. For example it's incompatible with fanseelamb GLS outerwear (and you don't need this because my mod includes GLS coats) but basegame, NL and H&M from this set are okay (my mod doesn't affect outfits used by fanseelamb's packages). It WILL conflict with Sim-Wolf clothes for all ages. Defaults are okay while its packages doesn't contain Property Set resource.

Cyjon also made some clothes and hair non-townie, look here .

Additional Credits: SimPE
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