gamepreview.png - width=1201 height=738
This is an example of how it looks in game
locandina.png - width=776 height=1080
Simple preview that shows what brings the package.
screen2ph.png - width=886 height=1080
Lightblue, dark blue and violet set.
screen3ph.png - width=938 height=1080
Yellow, green and dark green set.
screen4ph.png - width=876 height=1080
Grey, red and dark red set.
screen5ph.png - width=1200 height=1080
Lightgrey, brown, black and white set
screen1ph.png - width=861 height=1080
Fuchsia, pink and orange set
screen6ph.png - width=865 height=1049
Tan set with the swatch color list