Hero Career! My Hero Academia career path
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I decided to make a career path for the My Hero Academia sims!

After becoming a student, you have the opportunity to choose which branch to intern under. Once chosen, YOU CANNOT PICK AGAIN,
so choose wisely! As you climb the ranks you'll see something similar to the image below depending on which path you choose.
Once you become the best, expect to work everyday (If you wanna stay at the top you need to be dedicated!), but don't worry, it doesn't require as many hours.
5/7/23 Updating doesn't seem to solve the issues with the mod. I have to wait until the mod's website updates before I can fix anything, sorry about this. If you know any other career making mods (I use Neia's Create-a-career), let me know and I will try to make it another way.
4/12/23 updated new patch, error with the two invisible skills is there there.
2/20/23 updated new patch, error with the two invisible skills is there there.
1/1/23 I updated and tested it today, and it seems to work. The only issue I see is when you are a Student, the requirements for skills to be promoted to Intern are 1 Charisma, 1 Fitness, 1 Logic, and 1 Handiness, however the Logic and Handiness skills aren't showing up in the Job tab, although the requirement is still needed. So just know in order to advance, you need to level up all four objectives. I found another thread for career mods, so if all goes well, I might be able to do a better update in the future, but we'll see! Let me know if the patch works.
UPDATE: 10/18/22 Updated new patch. Contact me if it does not work.
UPDATE: 6/6/22 I updated it just to be safe, and it works for me, but I cannot figure out how to get their vacation days to work. The career builder I use hasn't been updated since last year at least, so I can't do much until then.
UPDATE: 1/13/21 The mod should be fixed

More about the branches!
Hero: In a world where Quirks rule, heroes are essential to keeping order amongst the chaos. Whether you want to beat up bad guys, help rescue
civilians, or build the super cool equipment, hero work is tough yet rewarding! To be the best, you need to train harder than the rest. Working on your
fitness and charisma are the most useful, but sometimes logic can be just as helpful if not more so! Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
Student: Welcome to UA! It's good to learn about all available fields before making a decision on where you want to work. Take this time to
consider which path you'll want to take and learn as much as you can!
Pay: $5/hr
Charisma, Fitness, Handiness, Logic: 1
It's easy enough to become a pro if you train hard enough, but only the strongest get the recognition of being apart of the Top Ten. It's a lot
of work, but if it's worth it, even you can become the Number One Hero!
Before you jump into the fray, it's good to shadow other heroes to get an idea of what you'll be up against. Once you learn the ropes, you'll
work more hours as a sidekick!
Pay: $10/hr
Charisma, Logic: 2
Fitness: 3
Now that your officially on track to being the hero you want to be, it's always smart to start out as a sidekick first to learn the tricks of the trade
before rushing in head first. While learning from the best, it's a good time to come up with your own hero name. Make something simple and
try to avoid violent names like King Explosion Murder.
Pay: $20/hr
Charisma, Fitness, Logic: 5
-Pro Hero
Congrats! You finally made it as a true Pro, now you can continue to grow your name and team up with other heroes in a company. You can coast
and enjoy the spoils of your hard work, but if simply being a Pro isn't enough for you, you can always work harder and overachieve to reach the Top Ten list.
Pay: $100/hr
Charisma, Fitness, Logic: 7
-The Top Ten
Through hard work and even more paperwork, you've reached the ranks on the Top Ten! It's a competition out there, so if you slack too much you
could easily be pushed out, but with perseverance you can climb your way to the history books. Enjoy your new fame, but not too much!
Pay: $300/hr
Charisma, Fitness, Logic: 10
-The Symbol of Peace
Villains cry when they hear your name, as they should. You didn't get the title as the Symbol of Peace for nothing, no crime is too big or too small
for you to handle, and no hand is too small to high five. If you want to keep your fancy title then don't start slacking off now, your schedule has been
adjusted to reserve your strength for the toughest enemies while patrolling the city more often. While you patrol, you continue to spread your message
of peace and strength to your people. Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
Pay: $550/hr
skills and hone your quirk to help rescue and save civilians caught up in disasters and battle zones. Even the most powerful quirk can be used for
helping instead of hurting, and it's your job to make sure that there are little to no causalities when disaster strikes!
Before you jump into the fray, it's good to shadow other heroes to get an idea of what you'll be up against. Once you learn the ropes, you'll work
more hours as an assistant!
Pay: $10/hr
Fitness, Logic: 2
Charisma: 3
-Medical Assistant
Now that you're officially on track to being the hero you want to be, it's always smart to start out as a medical assistant to learn proper techniques
which will help save someone if they are critically injured. While learning from the best, it's a good time to come up with your own hero name.
Make something simple and try to avoid violent names like Lord Explosion Murder.
Pay: $20/hr
Charisma, Logic, Fitness: 5
-Pro Hero
Congrats! You finally made it as a true Pro, now you can work on some more serious emergencies out in the field and make a big difference in the world!
You can either coast and enjoy the spoils of your hard work, or you can continue to make a name for yourself and grow. Maybe teach the next generation
the satisfaction of saving a life!
Pay: $100/hr
Charisma: 7
Fitness: 6
Logic: 5
-USJ Coordinator
Through hard work and even more paperwork, you've been entrusted with being in charge of the USJ! Only the most prestigious heroes are asked to teach
the masses within the extremely, high tech environment. Your reputation precedes you as you give private lessons and plenty of selfies with aspiring
heroes of all ages. Even more veteran heroes come to you from time to time; it never hurts to learn from the best!
Pay: $250/hr
Charisma: 10
Fitness: 9
Logic: 8
-Symbol of Safety
Remember last week when you saved over a hundred of people from that earthquake? Well they sure do! With a record like yours, you've been dubbed
The Symbol of Safety by the public. Whenever you're around, it gives those in need a sense of peace knowing that they will be okay! There will always be
lives to save, but thanks to your teaching, there are plenty of heroes to help during smaller emergencies. Now that you're schedule has been adjusted,
you can focus on larger natural disasters and mass scale attacks, but who knows what may come up while on patrol. Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
Pay: $470/hr
no higher level of satisfaction than watching a hero saving a life or destroying a villain and knowing that you made that possible. It's okay if brawns aren't
your style because you have plenty of brain and creativity to make up for it!
Before you jump into the fray, it's good to shadow other pros to get an idea of what you'll be up against. Once you learn the ropes, you'll work more
hours as an assistant!
Pay: $10/hr
Handiness: 3
Programming, Logic: 2
-Technical Assistant:
Now that you've seen what there is to see from the professionals, it's time to work with them and create some new babies of your own! Technology babies
that is! If one doesn't succeed, don't lose hope, it takes mistakes to learn how to do something right!
Pay: $35/hr
Handiness, Programming, Logic: 5
-Head Developer:
After numerous trials and errors, you've made leaps in bounds in your accomplishments! So much so that you've been assigned as the head developer
for that prestigious company you've had your eyes on. Hard work definitely pays off, and you can only go higher from here! Without restrictions, you are
free to create whatever you can imagine on the company's bill!
Pay: $150/hr
Handiness: 7
Programming: 6
-Company Manager:
Hard work does not go unrecognized, and after all the inventions you've helped pump out, you've made your company into a household name! Now that
you're in charge of you're own company, you can focus your own time on bigger more complicated projects. Maybe a cloaking suit, or an invisible car!
But remember, you still have employees to look after!
Pay: $300/hr
Handiness: 10
Programming: 9
-Personal Hero Technician:
A telephone call, from who? Only from the top hero in your area, that's who! Your name isn't foreign among the hero society, you've made plenty of gadgets
that can be mass sold or customized, but now you've just accepted the offer of a lifetime! That's right! The personal technician of a top hero! Only the most
skilled technicians with the most creative minds get personally requested to make custom gear for the pros. All Might and Endeavor didn't just buy their
signature onesies from the mall. You'll have to be on call everyday in case you need to fix or adjust something, but that also means working fewer hours,
so check your new schedule! Now go shine and literally make the world a better place! Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
Pay: $420/hr
I tested it out with career cheats and it works fine, but the uniforms are your normal clothes, and there aren’t any chance cards
(until someone can link me to a tutorial on how to make them). Also, once you choose a path for a sim (Hero, Rescue, Support)
you wont be able to change paths, even if you quit. You can reapply, but you will still be on the path you originally chose.
The images attached are just snippets of the ranks and stuff.
This is my first upload and I just started making mods, so if you use it, leave a comment and let me know what you think!
I also have Bakugou and Kirishima's hair (3 different styles, you can see the icons in the snapshot images), the AU gym uniform
(not perfect, but it works), some custom shirts/shoes, and I'm currently working on Ashido's hair (eyes are done). I'm not sure how popular BnHA
is on this site, but I'm making the mods for myself and wanted to share~
Here is more BnHA content so far:
To make your own career, I followed this tutorial: http://db.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=611227
The install details are saying to place the packages in the Downloads for whatever reason. Once you unzip the file, place both packages (2) in the Mods folder.
Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Mods
And make sure you have mods enabled in game.
Game version
Filename | Type | Size |
Sakine_Careers_Hero_patch7.7z | 7z | |
Neia_Careers_Commons.package | package | 235174 |
Sakine_Careers_Hero_patch7.package | package | 734666 |
Sakine_Careers_Hero_patch7.ts4script | ts4script | 1276 |
Uploaded: 7th May 2023, 828.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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