Sims 4 Teen Job Career Set
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I present to you eight careers for your teen sims that literally just popped into my head. I felt that my teen sims needed more options, so I began jotting down ideas and that's how these careers were born

Camp Counselor
Do you love the outdoors, adventures, creating friendships, and working with kids? If that's a yes, then becoming a camp counselor is the perfect part-time job for you! Come to Camp Granite Falls to begin wonderful memories and earn a little paycheck while having fun!
Kiddie Counselor
All new camp counselors get stuck with the little kids as they're just a tad bit rambunctious. It's a camp tradition and it's a way to "break" the newbies in. But little do they know, you know how to handle kids and you're light years ahead of their mischevious tactics they tend to pull on new, unsuspecting camp counselors. This is going to be fun!
Wage: $12/H
Days: -----SS
Water Baby Counselor
You tend to disappear for long periods of time and it took a while for the others to catch on that you're either in the lake or setting up water balloon fights. You know about every single water activity at the camp and you like to plan them, too. Kids enjoy coming to your water activities because they know they're in for tons of fun.
Wage: $15/H
Days: -----SS
Camp Favorite
Kids get excited whenever you're on duty and always flock to you. They often request to be a part of your group and love being a part of whatever activity you're in charge of. Other camp counselors simply enjoy your open-minded presence all while taking notes on how to be the best camp counselor like you.
Wage: $18/H
Days: -----SS
Grocery Store Bagger
Baggers are integral members of the team, providing support to both customers and staff members. Merchandise handling is just one aspect of a bagger’s responsibilities. Baggers also perform tasks that contribute significantly to customer service and the smooth operation of the store in general. Bring those lovely charisma skills to the Fresh Market and bag some groceries.
Cart Attendant
New hires get tasked with getting the carts from the parking lot. Heat, cold, rain, it doesn't matter. Nobody really likes this job which is why you've been stuck with it, but it's only temporary.
Wage: $10/H
Days: ---TFS-
Grocery Bagger
You're just learning the basics of bagging groceries. The number one rule of the Fresh Market is to never, ever, EVER put bread at the bottom of the bag. You're just asking for a tantrum if you break that rule. Keep taking notes and remember that rule to become a more experience bagger.
Wage: $12/H
Days: ---TFS-
Top Bagger
You bag grocery bags to perfection and the customers have no complaints. Instead, praises are sent to your manager about you and every now and then, they may slip you a tip after you help them with bags to their car. A few coworkers have overheard that you may be a getting a raise soon.
Wage: $14/H
Days: ---TFS-
It's so relaxing to sit by the pool and get paid for it. Sounds great, right? Then apply to be a lifeguard at Willow Creek Pool! If you don't have the experience, no worries. That's what training is for.
Before you become an official lifeguard, training is the first step. You're going to have to practice on CPR dummies and do a couple of swim tests. If you work on your fitness skills, it won't be long before you're put on duty at the pool.
Wage: $11/H
Days: -----SS
Pool Lifeguard
"No running around the pool! No diving at the shallow end!" Those words have been embedded inside your mind since you say them day in and day out. You get frustrated every now and then, but other than a few pesky kids and teenagers, you pretty much enjoy your job.
Wage: $14/H
Days: -----SS
The Pool Watcher
Nothing gets past your eagle eye anymore. You know how to enforce the rules and be laidback at the same time, thus increasing both your enjoyment and the guests. Keep up the good work!
Wage: $18/H
Days: -----SS
Movie Theater
If you really love movies and snacking on the job, then working at Sim Sky Cinema is just right for you! Friendly faces and cheerful smiles are needed to sell tickets and bring in the crowds!
Ticket Seller
Ticket Sellers work in ticket booths selling movie tickets and gift cards. To perform functions properly, you need to maintain knowledge of current movies, including plots and show times. The job often requires serving long lines of guests quickly before show times. To ensure smooth operations, you must exhibit courteous attitudes and work efficiently under pressure. Not so hard, right?
Wage: $9/H
Days: ----FSS
Concession Counter Attendant
You work at concessions counters and serve fresh food and beverages to customers. Like Ticket Sellers, you often experience hectic lines and need to quickly and efficiently serve guests in order to keep patrons moving. And not to burst your bubble or anything, you might get the occasional entitled person whose duty is to make your night as miserable as possible. But keep smiling and kill 'em with kindness!
Wages: $11/H
Days: ----FSS
Floor Staff:
Your duty is to maintain theater appearances and perform ticket-tearing. Also, cleaning auditoriums, restrooms (ew), hallways, and lobbies. When performing ticket-tearing duties, you control access for age-restricted movies, monitor projection and sound quality, and deter disruptive behavior. This job is great, isn't it?
Wages: $14/H
Days: ----FSS
Newspaper Deliverer (Paperboy / Papergirl)
The most important expectation of a delivery job person is delivering the correct product to the customer within a designated time frame. Timeliness is especially important for newspaper delivery jobs. Newspapers report time-sensitive information that may interest the public. Grab that stack and start delivering!
New Kid on the Block
The neighborhood doesn't know much about you or how well you perform your job just yet. Be careful of dogs on the loose or throwing someone's paper in a mud puddle. Ruining someone's day before it even starts won't be good for you or your paycheck.
Wage: $8/H
Days: MTWTF--
Intermediate Newspaper Deliverer
People are starting to know who you are now. A couple of waves and friendly smiles make your early mornings worth it as you hand them their papers they've been itching to read. Nobody's made any complaint of their paper landing in water, so that's good!
Wage: $10/H
Days: MTWTF--
Pro Paper Thrower
You've grown accustomed to the neighborhood and know every nook and cranny. You know which streets you may have to make adjustments on because of a loose dog and you know almost everybody by name. They surely know you and slip you a tip here and there. Nice work!
Wage: $12/H
Days: MTWTF--
Pet Sitter
Who doesn't love animals? They're so cute, fluffy, and irresistible! Being a pet sitter comes with big responsibilities. Pet sitters are responsible for all basic animal care while their clients are on vacation or traveling for business. Routine duties for a pet sitter include feeding, putting out fresh water, brushing pets, taking dogs on walks, and cleaning litter boxes.
Taking on big responsibilities can be quite daunting but after learning your duties and getting into the habit, you'll be on top of stuff in no time. Besides, spending time with animals should make your time all the more fun.
Wage: $10/H
Days: ----FSS
Poop Scooper
What is that stench!? You've gone from being a newbie in the business to scooping up poop while on walks and whatnot. The job stinks. Literally. But at least you're getting paid for it.
Wage: $13/H
Days: ----FSS
Animal Whisperer
Mr. Pebbles' owner doesn't know what's wrong with him, but you do. Being around animals consistently improved your "animal whispering" skills that you didn't know you had. Fulfilling tasks and being able to take care of animals with ease has earned you an awesome reputation in this part of town.
Wage: $15/H
Days: ----FSS
Is tutoring for you? Do you enjoy helping others? Are there certain classes that you really enjoyed? Would you like work experience that looks good on a resume or college application? Is that a yes? Then apply to be a tutor to help your academic peers, young and old!
Elementary School Tutor
ABC as easy as 123. Tutoring elementary students are a breeze. They're eager to learn, like to find new ways to solutions, and their homework is easy as pie to solve!
Wage: $15/H
Days: -TWT---
Middle School Tutor
Homework and projects in middle school aren't as easy as once was when you were there. However, you're still smart enough to grasp the concept and show the confused kids an easier way to solve the problems.
Wage: $18/H
Days: -TWT---
High School Tutor
Asking for help is better in the long run than cheating off your classmate's test. A few high school students finally figured that out for themselves and came to you for help in a wide range of subjects. You know what you're doing and your grades prove that. And maybe the fact that you're well-known around the school because you know what you're talking about better than the teachers.
Wage: $20/H
Days: -TWT---
Yard Worker
Yard workers monitor and landscape the grounds surrounding buildings and businesses. This is an outdoor job that takes place in all weather. It’s well suited to people with the strength and stamina to carry out physically demanding tasks, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to work independently without supervision. If your skills match, then welcome to being a Yard Worker
The job can get a little itchy when strands of grass somehow find their way into places they don't belong. But other than that and some sweat, your lawnmower skills are pretty good. The yard looks nice and well trimmed. Good job.
Wage: $13/H
Days: -----SS
Time to get down and dirty! Welcome to the world of stained clothes, dirty nails, and little bugs clinging onto your shirt for dear life. You're tasked to plant a few flowers here and there as well as doing some weeding and maintenance.
Wage: $15
Days: -----SS
Landscape Expert
You have a good amount of knowledge about landscaping and know exactly what you're doing. You're basically the flower whisperer who also knows how to make the garden beautiful in every way possible.
Wage: $18/H
Days: -----SS
I hope you enjoy this career that I worked extremely hard on. If you have any questions or problems, let me know! If you just wanna extend some support, I'll appreciate that too

Additional Credits:
icons (all of them) -
Neia's online Create-a-Career tool
Python 3.7
Uploaded: 30th Mar 2020, 1.49 MB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 30th Mar 2020 at 7:21 PM
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