Dance Career
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Does your sim love to dance so much, that they're willing to pursue a career in that field? Or maybe you just want to add another custom career to your belt. Either way, I present you my Mesmeric Dancer Career! This career was inspired by asiashamecca but in no way or form a direct replica.
This particular career contains a specific skill from the game pack: Spa Day. But the career should work fine without it. If not, just let me know and I'll re-upload another file without it.
A dancer is a performing artist who uses movement to convey stories and ideas. He or she usually has expertise in a particular type of dance including jazz, ballet, modern dance, hip-hop or tap, but some excel in more than one of these areas. Dancers express emotions, tell stories, and communicate to an audience through movement. Although most dancers perform as part of ensembles, some of the most talented dancers are lucky enough to work on solo projects. Depending on your training and dance style, you may find yourself performing in a variety of settings.
The first step in becoming a professional dancer is attending auditions. Auditions are a fact of life for the dancer. They are your chance to show your skills and talent to a panel of judges. Whether you are auditioning for college, a dance company, or an entertainment position, they can feel overwhelming to prepare for. No worries. Improve your dancing skills, be confident, and you may just get into the academy.
Wage: Unpaid
Days: ---TFS-
Student Dancer
You passed the auditions with flying colors and landed one of the few spots offered at Willow Creek Academy along with a small dance scholarship. Dance instructors will be the first to tell you that it takes more than just talent to be a great dancer. It should go without saying that you need to work hard in your dance classes, too. Arrive early, ask questions, take notes, and condition your body outside of class. Raise your skills to achieve to impress your classmates and your teacher.
Wage: $10/H
Days: MTWTF--
Advanced Student Dancer
You’re one of the top dancers in the class. Newbies look up to you and those at intermediate-levels are eagerly taking notes as you dance so they can develop your dance skills one day. Keep developing those skills and you may just earn that internship you’ve been working towards.
Wage: $12/H
Days: MTWT---
Dance Intern
Constant practice and long hours rewarded you with... the INTERNSHIP! Experience the thrill and rewards of interning with Del Sol Valley Dance Academy, one of the most prestigious dance schools in Sim City. Whether you’re a high school graduate looking for summer employment, or a college or graduate student seeking a substantive internship supporting the arts, there’s no limit as to how far our opportunities can take you. At DSV Dance Academy you’ll have the opportunity to gain insight into a budding dance organization, explore new career avenues and acquire lifelong skills.
Wage: $18/H
Days: -TWTFS-
Solo Dancer
Your budding dance skills impressed the higher-ups at Del Sol Valley Dance Academy, and they granted you an opportunity to become a solo dancer at their institution. But you don't have to stop here. You have experience and you have the talent. There's a bigger world out for an amazing soulful dancer like you!
Wage: $20/H
Days: MT-T-S-
Theeen the career branches off into 7

Arts Administration | Dance Instructor | Choreographer | Classic Ballet | Dance Movement Therapist | Dance Photographer | Hip-Hop
Track 1: Arts Administration
Your experience in the dance world will have given you a thorough understanding of the arts in general, and transitioning to a desk job is a good option to stay involved in the field if you desire a less physically active career. This is a great position for those who can organize budgetary finances, schedule meetings, rehearsals, or shows, organize fundraisers, and be a support to the artistic director and overall vision of the company.
You’re the first person a client or other visitor sees upon arriving; you’re their first impression of Newcrest Dance Studio. You should embody your company’s ideals, both in your behavior and in your appearance. Taking phone calls, scheduling appointments, and directing those that come by the front desk should be a breeze.
Wage: $65/H
Dance Planner
You spend your days planning events for dancers and working behind the scenes of dance performances. You make sure everything flows naturally and keep the troubles at bay. You sometimes assist Dance Program Directors and take over a few duties when they're too overwhelmed with other tasks.
Wage: $75/H
Days: MT-T-S-
Dance Program Director
You typically oversee the production of a dance performance, whether on stage or in film. You are in charge of hiring dancers and choreographers, running rehearsals, and making decisions regarding creative and practical elements of the production. You develop and implement dance programs; you sometimes choreograph, which involves creating new dances or rewriting existing ones. You frequently teach, hire guest artists and arrange for master, or advanced, classes. You may also develop and oversee budgets.
Wage: $120/H
Days: MT-TF--
Dance Managing Director
You will be responsible for working with the Board of Directors to implement the marketing and fundraising plans, direct the artistic vision and manage the financial operations of the studio. You should possess the ability and desire to manage an arts organization, and fulfill your legacy.
Wage: $210/H
Days: -TWT---
Track 2: Dance Instructor
Many dancers choose to become dance instructors to share their passion for dance with others. Not only is it an opportunity to do what you love, it is possible to have a flexible work schedule and to earn a good living. If you like to dance and enjoy working with people, then being a dance instructor might be a perfect choice.
Seasoned Dance Instructor
Long hours in temporary studios and camps is what your time consists of for now. Unfortunately, every place you've applied to has a shortage in the art budget and can't afford to keep you for long periods of time. Just keep your head up, work on your skills, and you'll land that long-term job someday.
Wage: $25/H
Days: MTW-FS-
Assistant Dance Instructor
The position doesn’t pay much but it helps expand your skills on teaching. You enjoy learning anyhow and want to one day make your mark in the dancing world as one of the most influential dance instructors. To get there, you’re going to have to be an assistant to the Lead Dance instructor and help with various responsibilities. No problem. You’ll reach your goals in no time.
Wage: $39/H
Days: MTWTF-
Beginner Dance Instructor
The training wheels have come off and you’re finally on your own. There’s no one to tell you what to do except for your head boss, but that’s beside the point. You don’t have many people signing up for your class just yet but that’ll one day change. Learn as you go, build your skills, and review the constructive-criticism to improve your methods.
Wage: $48/H
Days: MTWTF-
Advanced Dance Instructor
Word is getting around that you’re the best dance instructor in the studio and your classes are filling up so quickly, that there’s a waiting list! Your mission is to inspire, motivate, and enrich every student in the arts of dance. With this motto, your students secure solo performances and build the reputation of your studio.
Wage: $55
Days: MTWTF-
After-School Dance Instructor
You took notice in tons of kids and teens signing up for your classes, so you offered an additional after-school dance program. These specific set of students are quite serious about becoming a part of the dance community and they look to you for guidance. Your nurturing nature and genuine advice push them to step outside the box and accomplish their goals.
Wage: $110/H
Days: MT-TF--
Dance Mentor
You’re the most sought-after dance mentor in Sim City. Your number of students grew tremendously across the country and you settled on moving your dance classes online. Sales for your videos and memberships soared in a matter of minutes, and tons of fan-mail has stuffed your inbox full. Congrats, you have made your mark in the dance world!
Wage: $375/H
Days: ---TFS-
Track 3: Choreographer
Being a choreographer isn't an easy job but it is quite rewarding. Create compelling dance routines in a way that translates emotions through movements. You then direct rehearsals during which you instruct dancers, singers, and sometimes actors on how to perform the routines you thoughtfully crafted. These beautiful pieces of art will eventually become your masterpieces.
Dance Captain:
Being a dance captain is a difficult, multifaceted job. The role requires taking extensive notes and giving feedback to the other performers. It also involves making sure the spacing and intent of the movement are still intact, as well as fielding concerns from company members. And when a newcomer joins the production, you are responsible for teaching the dancer the choreography. In some shows, you need to know 20+ dancers' parts inside and out, in addition to their own role.
Wage: $37/H
Days: MTW--S-
Assistant Choreographer
As an Assistant Choreographer, you’re tasked to work with the performers and teach them the required steps and routines after the choreographer has established the dance routines in the production. You’re also required to perform the routine themselves, acting as a dance partner to the performers, or to show the choreographer the final result of the movement design. You work closely with the Director of Photography and Assistant Directors to set up how the movement will be shown on screen. Don’t forget to book the dancers and arrange their transportation to and from the shooting location.
Wage: $45/H
Days: MTW-F--
Video Choreographer
An Assistant Director mentioned your name in passing and pretty much landed you a job as a Video Choreographer. Your keen sense of detail when it comes to dancing and your visionary thoughts turns the most lackluster videos into a hit and leaves reviewers raving for weeks.
Wage: $55/H
Days: MTWTF--
Theatrical Choreographer
It's time for your creativity to shine on stage! You create the dance elements in a play or musical and often teach them to actors, singers, and dancers. You will work with the creative team–especially the director and, if they're available, the composer–to decide what kind of movement will help to tell the story or support the vision of the piece.
Wage: $85/H
Days: --WTFS-
Film Choreographer
Remember Dirty Dancing? What about your old pastime favorite, High School Musical? Who do you think was behind those fun-filled dance scenes that had everybody on their feet? Choreographers on the set of films, of course! And you're now one of them. More work, more money, more networking, more everything. The musical genre was already selling pretty well, but now they're flying off the shelves when your name is mentioned when asked who was directing the steps.
Wage: $125/H
Days: MTWT---
Broadway Choreographer
Your notable work is getting you recognized and you've been asked to choreograph for Broadway. Dance is an essential part of most Broadway musicals and there have been many amazing choreographers over the years. Some have really stood out, either reinventing the form and purpose of dance within Broadway musicals and/or bringing a signature style to their work that has become legendary in its own right. You finally get that chance to be among the greats and to bring attention to how dance can shape and illuminate a story.
Wage: $210/H
Days: MT--FS-
Dance Guru
Your name is among the top ten greatest dancers. Your distinctive dance style is credited in a variety of performances whether on-screen, the stage, or in people's homes. You've built your brand from the bottom-up and your success proves it.
Wage: $490/H
Days: -TWT---
Track 4: Classic Ballet
Classic Ballet dancers are a very elite group of athletes. They train for many years before becoming professional dancers and once they join a company their training does not end. Dancers' bodies need to be extremely strong and flexible to execute the demanding technique of ballet so they must practice and rehearse every day to keep their bodies in top physical condition.
Corps de Ballet
You found your calling at Oasis Springs Ballet Dance Studio and passed the auditions. At the lowest level of the company, the corps de ballet, feature in shows as ensemble dancers. Because many classic ballets call for large groups of female dancers, the corps de ballet for most Sim City companies typically consists of many more females than males. Dancers in this rank also usually remain at this level for their entire careers but not you. Raise your skills and show your determination to rise in the ranks.
Wage: $25/H
Congrats, you're climbing the ladder in the Ballet world! Coryphées are members of the lower corps de ballet that have been promoted because of their talent. That's right. Your dance talent captured the eyes of some of the higher-ups and opened the door just a tad. Coryphées are given solo parts sometimes but usually continue to dance as corps members after each contract. You will be working long hours every day to prove why you deserve that Second Soloist position.
Wage: $35/H
Second Soloist
You excelled in the Corps de Ballet and achieved the next rank: Second Soloist. You work fewer days but you still have to work twice as hard. You will be performing in smaller group dances and have more opportunities to do solo roles.
Wage: $48/H
Days: -TWTFS
First Soloist
You shined exceptionally bright on stage during one of your solos and nabbed the First Soloist title! These are generally designated for the rising stars of the company and that's a beautiful compliment. You will often learn principal roles as understudies, occasionally performing them when the principal has to miss a show. Take advantage of those rare moments and you might go even further.
Wage: $75/H
Days: MTW-F--
Character Artist
You reached the final level of the ballet company hierarchy, though these dancers often outrank all but the principals. That's because these dancers are often respected senior members of a company who perform roles that required a lot of acting as well as skilled dancing.
Wage: $90/H
Days: M-W-F-S-
Principal Dancer
The Character Artist may have been the final level, but you finally achieved the top rank position of ballet. These dancers score leading roles and are the cornerstones of their ballet companies, though they often also appear in other companies' performances as guest stars.
Wage: $130/H
Days: MT-T-F--
Artistic Director
Your heart is deep in dance but unfortunately, your body can't keep up like it used to. But the good news? Retired dancers have an amazing opportunity to be an Artistic Director and you're made for the position! Artistic Directors of a performing arts organization are the chief creative officer responsible for the artistic vision of the company. You assume creative control over choices regarding show selection and staging, and those concerning the employment of artistic and production staff. You may also serve as a spokesperson for the organization and are therefore a public figure whose goal is to attract audiences through positive interaction with the media and surrounding community.
Wage: $280/H
Days: -TWT---
Track 5: Dance Movement Therapist
Dance therapists work with people in therapy to help them improve their body image and self-esteem. Dance/movement therapy is a versatile form of therapy founded on the idea that motion and emotion are interconnected. The creative expression of dance therapy can bolster communication skills and inspire dynamic relationships.
First Year Dance Grad Student
DMT is your calling, therefore you have to attend a few extra years of school. No biggie. A few all-nighters, long hours, and extra dance classes don't hurt. The Master of Fine Arts in Dance provides an opportunity to increase knowledge, broaden understanding, and develop research and artistic capability. Building on a well-balanced undergraduate education, graduate students are expected to develop a thorough understanding of the specific discipline of dance, supported by a personal commitment to high scholarly and artistic standards.
Wage: $80/H
Days: MTWT---
Final Year Dance Grad Student
You've made it. You reached your final year in grad school and only have a few months until graduation. Make the best of it, get an internship, and start preparing for your exams as well as the DMT training program. It won't be long before you'll be making a difference in someone's life.
Wage: $85/H
Days: MTWT---
DMT Training Program
The program incorporates hands-on clinical experience to complement highly experiential classroom sessions. Students develop a strong theoretical framework through papers and integrative learning projects that follow each course and acquire all the DMT courses needed
Wage: $110/H
Days: MTW--SS
Registered DMT
Willow Creek therapy clinic has offered you the entry-level position of R-DMT. You acknowledge the attainment of a basic level of competence in dance/movement therapy, achieved through the completion of dance/movement therapy education and training. You normally have about three groups each workday to attend to if you're not focusing on minimal paperwork. Your high charisma and kind attitude keep you booked.
Wage: $195/H
Days: -TW-F--
Board Certified DMT
After additional requirements and experience, you have started your own practice and people are lining up outside your clinic for your therapeutic advice. You've made a name for yourself in the medical dance community and are highly respected.
Wage: $235/H
Days: -T-TFS-
Track 6: Dance Photographer
As a dancer, you have probably been on the other side of the lens many times. You already have an awareness of movement when you take the leap into the photography world, giving you an edge to predict great photo moments or video framing. It could even lead to a bigger career in photography.
Beginner Dance Photographer
You're just learning the basics of composition and photo editing. It's more than just taking a simple photo and calling it day. You need to have a keen eye for beauty, movement, lighting, and timing. You must often develop a precision to capture dynamic shapes, an impressive lift or a floating turn.
Wage: $38/H
Days: M-WTFS-
Advanced Dance Photographer
You take pride in skills you have acquired from your dance background that has given you a one-up on being a photographer of dance. You understand things like timing and what makes a good line or shape, and you also understand what type of lighting is most flattering for dancers. You know how to take alignment and movement that is 3D and shift it into 2D. Your skill-set is quite impressive and you have many clients in your inbox who are willing to pay the high price for your quality work.
Wage: $110/H
Days: -TWTF--
Expert Photographer Freelancer
Your desire to have a career in studio photography grew tremendously and you now have your own rented studio place with the best quality equipment. You know the correct technique, understand and follow choreographic patterns and see how they will time with musicality. Also a quality in dancers and one that serves you well in photography is the constant desire to learn and grow.
Wage: $320/H
Days: -TWT---
Track 7: Hip-Hop
Hip-hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. It includes a wide range of styles primarily breaking which was created in the 1970s and made popular by dance crews across Sim City.
Simstagram is the perfect place to build followers and go viral with your dance videos. It doesn’t bring in much money, but sponsorships put a little change in your pocket. A little more publicity and you’ll be in a video shoot no time.
Wage: $100/H
Video Background Dancer
Music videos, such as Hip Hop and R & B videos, frequently feature dancers to help express the emotion and ideas that the music presents. Casting directors for these types of videos are always looking for fresh, new and talented dancers to help capture and express the emotions behind these songs. That happens to be you. You’re in the background but that doesn’t dim your shine in the slightest. Show off those skills, expand on others, and you’ll be moving up soon.
Wage: $130/H
Days: ---TFSS
Guest Artist
Several studios across Sim City have extended offers to you to participate in dance workshops as a Guest Artist. You meet students of various ages and backgrounds, have a couple of photos taken since you’re just a tad famous, and network with a multitude of people. Rubbing elbows with the right people might open some doors for you.
Wage: $200/H
Days: M-W-FS-
Video Choreographer
From a past background video dancer to choreographing videos, you’ve made it big. The dancers listen to you and the director is impressed with your expertise. Churning out several videos with amazing dances that are true to your style has brought recognition to your brand and has other artists wanting to collab with you.
Wage: $235/H
Days: M-WT-S-
Celebrity Choreographer
Your style of dancing has become mainstream and its own genre. Others have incorporated your technique into their dances and are paying homage to the hard work that you gave throughout the years. You’re getting gigs left and right to perform at various events, giving interviews, and choreographing for those who request your services.
Wage: $420/H
Days: ---TFS-
I hope you enjoy this career that I worked extremely hard on. If you have any questions or problems, let me know! If you just wanna extend some support, I'll appreciate that too

Additional Credits:
Icons (all of them) -
Neia's online Create-a-Career tool
Python 3.7
| Poses |
Dad and Kids: I currently lost the link but once I find it, I'll upload it here.
| Clothing |
Doctor Outfit:
Uploaded: 29th Mar 2020, 1.45 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 29th Mar 2020 at 11:25 PM
#sims4, #dance, #custom career, #mesmericsimmer, #adult
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 4 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Get to Work |
Game Pack | |
![]() | Spa Day |