Starlet Eyes - Default Eye Replacements and Contacts
Post Thumbnail.png - width=878 height=893
thumbnail for post
Default Replacements.png - width=1230 height=1386
default replacement cas swatches
Natural Add-Ons.png - width=1230 height=934
natural add-ons cas swatches
Fantasy add-ons.png - width=1230 height=992
fantasy add-ons cas swatches
Live Mode Swatches - Browns.png - width=880 height=960
live mode swatches - brown eyes
Live Mode Swatches - Greens.png - width=880 height=960
live mode swatches - green eyes
Live Mode Swatches - Blues.png - width=880 height=960
live mode swatches - blue eyes
Live Mode Swatches - Greys and Albino.png - width=880 height=960
live mode swatches - grey and albino eyes
Live Mode Swatches - White to Yellow.png - width=880 height=960
live mode swatches - white to yellow eyes
Live Mode Swatches - Lime to Purple.png - width=880 height=960
live mode swatches - lime to purple eyes
Live Mode Swatches - Lavender and Rainbow.png - width=880 height=340
live mode swatches - lavender and rainbow eyes

The Starlet eyes are finally updated to work with last June's patch. I also fixed some inconsistent tagging across all files, and disallowed contacts and unnatural defaults for random.
Please let me know if there are any issues still, or if I screwed some tags up.
I said before that I would be making add-ons for other life states, but since it has been two years since I have made these, I am no longer personally satisfied with how these look and am not confident I would be able to make any add-ons match with the originals. I am however in the process of remaking the layer file I used to make these so I can make new eyes that will include other life states.
I also may update these again soon. I noticed an issue where the textures are sometimes fine, but pixelate when certain CAS parts are selected, even when the Starlet eyes are the only cc in my game (it shows in every single picture in this post, so it's nothing new or different). I was going to try and upload a fix with the update, but figuring it out is taking a long time so I went ahead and updated them. Updating to the LRLE format now appears to cause the eyes to be pixelated all the time instead of some swatches being fine sometimes. If anyone has any insight, I'm open to advice and tips.
There's a lot of fantastic default replacement eyes and contacts out there, but most of what I've seen has been very maxis-match or very alpha, and I wanted something a little more in between, so I made these. I started with recoloring all 18 base game eyes, then made a few more natural and fantasy swatches. Well, maybe 20 isn't really 'a few'. These aren't meant to be comprehensive of every possible natural eye color out there though; heck I didn't even make a swatch that closely resembles my own eyes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Someday maybe I'll add more on, but in any case recolors are strongly encouraged!
I hand-painted these textures in Paint Tool SAI from scratch, and have included .sai, .psd, and .kra files with all the layers I used and files with every swatch on a separate layer in 2048x resolution in case someone wants to make these compatible for the HQ mod. I also included a guide to recoloring these for anyone who is new to making recolors, and tried to keep it as basic as possible.
Default Replacements
There are three options for downloading these eyes as default replacements:
- default replacements for all 18 base game eye colors
- default replacements for all 18 base game eye colors + 9 natural add-ons
- default replacements for all 18 base game eye colors + 20 natural and fantasy add-ons
The second option adds 9 natural(ish) eye colors in addition to the base game colors, including an albino (pink/red) and occular albino (lavender) eyes. The 9 add-ons will not replace any of the base game colors, so they will not be automatically applied to any existing sims.
The third option also has 11 fantasy/unnatural colors in addition the 9 natural colors. Again, these do not replace any of the base game eyes and will not be automatically applied to any existing sims.
I tried to tag these to allow them to show up on babies but I don't think it works. I removed the specular map on the eyes so they don't have that weird glare on them in live mode, but babies still seem to have a specular and don't have my eye texture from what I can tell.
As these are default replacements, they will override the game's eye texture. This means you pick the eye color as you normally do, not as contacts in skin details or a makeup category. These eye colors will also be genetic...for the most part (see known issues).
If you are downloading default replacement eyes, only download one of these! All three replace the base game eyes, and at best having more than one will be redundant, and at worst it could cause issues in your game.
Contacts (Face Paint)
There are three options for face paint contacts:
- all 38 colors
- 24 natural eye colors
- 14 fantasy eye colors
Unlike the default replacements, you can have more than one of these in your game. If you wanted to download both the natural and fantasy eye color options so they are separate, that would work perfectly fine. Additionally, if you only wanted natural genetic eyes, but still wanted fantasy eye colors as contacts, you could download the natural default replacements and the fantasy contacts and that would also work fine in-game.
As the file names suggest, these can be found in the face paint category. They are suitable for feminine and masculine styles, all ages, and all outfits.
Issues and Conflicts
The game has a limited number of tags to use as eye colors, so I could not have an individual tag for every eye color. There were only three unused tags: honey, hazel, and golden.
Amber was already being used for the red and purple eye colors, so I tagged all the fantasy add-ons as amber so they'll go together at least, though this means a red-eyed parent and a cyan-eyed parent could have a lime-eyed child. If you have an existing red-eyed sim, this should not change their eye color and should only affect what eye colors any future offspring may have.
I tagged my amber eyes as golden, the two albino eyes as hazel, and the honey eyes as honey. The natural add-ons that didn't have a unique tag were tagged as the next closest eye color. (Ex. blue-green was tagged as blue, so a blue-eyed parent may have a blue-green-eyed child even if their partner does not have blue-green eyes). As far as I know, there is no way around this.
As mentioned earlier, the default replacements do not appear to work on babies. Or at least, I don't know how to make them work on babies.
The default replacements will conflict with any other default replacements. This includes Luumiasims' eye shine remover mod.
Terms of Use
Recolors are encouraged, but I do not give anyone permission to re-upload these files. If you do make recolors, please give credit to me for the original texture and link back either to my profile or this post. Thanks!
As I mentioned earlier, if someone wants to make this HQ mod compatible, the recolor resources has all my textures at 2048x resolution, so go ahead. The same terms listed above will still apply.
CC Makers Credits
In my live mode pictures I used cc from the following creators:
obscurus-sims, kijiko, remussirion, wingssims, anto, ms blue, sintiklia, goppolsme, alf-si, pralinesims, shojoangel, ryuffy, komugy, nightcrawler, fashionroyalty, musae, leahlillith, ha2d (hal's archive), s-club, crypticsim, aanhamdan93, busenur41, simpliciaty, honeyssims, mobisims, iconic, mmsims, stealthic, screaming mustard (myobi), dani paradise, bobur, kyimu, newsea, and namine
If I missed anyone please let me know and I'll add them!
Additional Credits:
Paint Tool SAI
[CuSO4] - default eye replacements - all
| default eye replacements - all colors
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2021, 496.4 KB.
[CuSO4] - default eye replacements - natural colors
| default eye replacements - base game + natural add-ons
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2021, 353.0 KB.
[CuSO4] - default eye replacements - ea colors
| default eye replacements - base game colors only
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2021, 247.2 KB.
[CuSO4] - eye colors as face paint - all
| eye contacts - all colors
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2021, 1.41 MB.
[CuSO4] - eye colors as face paint - fantasy
| eye contacts - fantasy colors
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2021, 367.1 KB.
[CuSO4] - eye colors as face paint - natural
| eye contacts - natural colors
Uploaded: 23rd Jul 2021, 621.8 KB.
| everything you'd need to make recolors
Uploaded: 22nd Jun 2019, 9.35 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 24th Jul 2021 at 2:25 AM - spelling error lol
#default, #eyes, #maxis-match, #eye, #replacement, #contacts
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Get Famous
About Me
- publicly re-upload my unedited cc anywhere
- claim that any part of my original cc is yours
- recolor my cc without indicating that it is a recolor and giving me credit for the original
- use any assets (meshes, textures, speculars, etc.) from my original cc without crediting me
You may:
- convert my cc to sims 2 and 3, provided you specify that it is a conversion and credit me for the original cc (do not claim as your own)
- upload my cc to a cloud storage service (SFS, Mediafire) AS LONG AS you don't link to the download publicly (you can share the link privately if you want)
- upload a fix for my cc to a cloud storage service and link to it on social media or a public forum (tumblr, reddit, in a comment on MTS, etc.) SOLELY IN THE EVENT that my cc breaks and I don't fix it or indicate that I will fix it for over a month. This does not mean I am orphaning my cc or giving away rights to it, so the 'Dont's' still apply
- upload a recolor of my cc, as long as you indicate that it is a recolor, that it was made by me, and what the original name of the cc is. You don't need to link back to my post, but it's appreciated if you do
- upload pictures of your sims using my cc anywhere you want. You don't have to explicitly credit me, but it would be much appreciated (I love seeing that people are using my cc ^^)
If you aren't sure of something, please ask me first either by comment or PM
Current/Upcoming Projects:
New Default Eye Colors + Add-ons
status: (in progress) [human: complete] | [alien: 2/3 complete] | [vampire: 0/3 complete] | [mermaid: 0/3 complete] | [spellcaster: 0/3 complete] | [pet: 0 complete]
special notes: will be released once I get done with non-human life states, but each life state will be released separately as they will each have several variations to download and I do not want a confusing download page with dozens of different options; before uploading I will see if I can link to my sfs if anyone wants to download everything in one merged file
New Face Paint/Contact Eye Colors
status: (not started)
special notes: contact version of the new defaults; will include 'odd-eye' heterochromia contacts
Skin Color Default Replacements:
status: (not started)
special notes: fix splotchiness, better undertones including olive; will possibly include default replacements of body overlays, but probably not facial as they differ between individual facial features and as much as I would like to dr all overlays for individual facial features I know better than to try lmao
Skin Details Overlay Set:
status: (not started)
special notes: eye bags, cheek structure, nose, mouth, freckles, moles, wrinkles; body overlays; will be compatible with kijiko's skin detail eyelashes (I will make sure that none of my overlays use the same part type as one of the part types kijiko's lashes use if I don't just make my own)
Update Get Famous Windows:
status: (not started)