Archived Download: Zodiac Signs 2.3
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12 January 2023: Please go to Tralfaz's adopted version of my mod, as my version is retired.
7 January 2023 : Thanks to Tralfaz482, this mod has been updated and is now in testing territory, you can find it here: <3

31 July 2022 : There's been reports that Version 2.3 causes LE's upon startup, I am currently investigating this problem (DISCLAIMER : Updating might take longer than usual as I have to re-learn the new patch notes as I haven't played the Sims 4 in quite a while, and I also need to go abroad in some days so my reward-style mods might be broken for a long time unfortunately

30 July 2022 : (UPDATE, I have added a Whimless Version of this mod so it fits better with Update 1.90, for those that haven't updated their game, I have also uploaded a new set of Old Zodiac Sign Mods in my Sim File Share link below) As of update 1.90, the whims that are added by this mod are not compatible anymore as whims don't exist anymore, I'll try to make a whimless version soon.
29-30 April 2021 :
If you are new to this mod, this mod aims to convert zodiac signs from the sims 2 and make it as good as I can into the Sims 4 without it taking up Trait Slots, these zodiac Signs are in the Rewards Store!
Not one, not 2 but 4 Compatibility Types!
In older versions of my mod, I had only 2 compatibility types, Bad and Good. Not only I overhauled the compatibility between zodiac signs, but you now have 4 TYPES of Compatibility, Amazing, Good, Bad and Terrible!
I have stopped looking at for Compatibility Ideas because I just didn't like them that much, they were too simplistic, so I looked forward to Sims 2 Compatibility
This is how the Zodiac Signs in the Sims 2 work (And take this as a 'compatibility list' of my mod aswell)
I tried incorporating this compatibility system in the mod as well as I could, I ignored the yellow lines though.
So no more one sided zodiac attraction, now every single zodiac sign will have the right amount of compatibility buffs!
I have realised that I haven't done the whims that well in the last versions, I just put in there what felt right, which is not the way to go, this time, I did match their whims exactly to the personality, In The Sims 2, your zodiac sign corresponds to your personality, so I've been heavily inspired by this :
This is a more in-depth list of all whims :
Aquarius :
34396 <<<Play Video Games [Whim_PlayVideoGames]
34395 <<<Play Video Games for an Hour [Whim_PlayVideoGames_AnHour]
34393 <<<Research Video Games [Whim_ResearchGamingStrategy]
25632 <<<Buy a TV [Whim_BuyTV]
25921 <<<Watch TV [Whim_WatchTV]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
35309 <<<Tell a Joke on a Microphone [Whim_TellJokeMicrophone]
35311 <<<Write Jokes [Whim_WriteJokes]
35312 <<<Write Jokes for an Hour [Whim_WriteJokes_AnHour]
35313 <<<Tell a Successful Joke [Whim_TellSucessfulJoke]
32340 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeFriendly]
32513 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeFriendly]
32636 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeFriendly]
32923 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeFriendly]
33059 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Child_BeFriendly]
Aries :
38406 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge_Travel]
38405 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge]
38404 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub_Travel]
38403 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub]
38402 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar_Travel]
38401 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
27778 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_FlirtWith]
27768 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_MeetNew_FlirtWith_Teen]
28045 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_ChatWith]
154180 <<< [Whim_Vampires_MeetVampire]
33057 <<<Use the Workout Machine for an Hour [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AnHour]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
33083 <<<Work out while Energized [Whim_WorkoutWhileEnergized]
33056 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym]
40619 <<<Workout In Space While Energized [Whim_WorkoutInSpace_Energized]
32906 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeMean]
32603 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMean]
32514 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeMean]
32346 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMean]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
Cancer :
39212 <<<Clean the House [Whim_Neat_CleanHouse]
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
155190 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_CleanPottyChair]
155189 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_CleanHighChair]
154949 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_CleanToys]
77341 <<<Go for a Jog [Whim_GoForJog]
33056 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym]
33057 <<<Use the Workout Machine for an Hour [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AnHour]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
33083 <<<Work out while Energized [Whim_WorkoutWhileEnergized]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
27824 <<<Become Friends with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_BecomeFriendsWith]
27825 <<<Become Good Friends with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_BecomeGoodFriendsWith]
27826 <<<Become Best Friends with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_BecomeBestFRiendsWith]
32336 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_ChatWith]
32338 <<<Get to know {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_GettoKnow]
32340 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeFriendly]
Capricorn :
39212 <<<Clean the House [Whim_Neat_CleanHouse]
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
155190 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_CleanPottyChair]
155189 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_CleanHighChair]
154949 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_CleanToys]
129150 <<<Watch a Movie [whimGoal_WatchMovie]
25921 <<<Watch TV [Whim_WatchTV]
34394 <<<Watch a Gaming Livestream [Whim_WatchGamingLivestream]
35310 <<<Watch Comedy on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Comedy]
39248 <<<Watch [Whim_Child_WatchSimTube]
77344 <<<Watch the Kids Network on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Kids]
28149 <<<Watch Cooking Show [Whim_WatchTV_Cooking]
40620 <<<Play Video Games while Focused [Whim_PlayVideoGames_Focused]
34396 <<<Play Video Games [Whim_PlayVideoGames]
34395 <<<Play Video Games for an Hour [Whim_PlayVideoGames_AnHour]
34393 <<<Research Video Games [Whim_ResearchGamingStrategy]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
39623 <<<Tell a Dirty Joke to Someone [Whim_TellDirtyJoke_Flirty]
35313 <<<Tell a Successful Joke [Whim_TellSucessfulJoke]
35312 <<<Write Jokes for an Hour [Whim_WriteJokes_AnHour]
35311 <<<Write Jokes [Whim_WriteJokes]
35309 <<<Tell a Joke on a Microphone [Whim_TellJokeMicrophone]
40437 <<<Tell 3 Jokes While Playful [Whim_TellJoke_Playful_3]
39628 <<<Tell a Self-Deprecating Joke [Whim_TellSelfJoke_Embarrassed]
40447 <<<Write Jokes While Playful [Whim_WriteJokes_Playful]
154964 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_TellKnockKnockJoke]
155393 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_JokeAboutChickenButt]
156356 <<< [whim_Toddlers_TellKnockKnockJokeToParent]
137188 <<< [whim_Careers_SocialMedia_InternetPersonality_ShareJokeWithFollowers]
Gemini :
39623 <<<Tell a Dirty Joke to Someone [Whim_TellDirtyJoke_Flirty]
25941 <<<WooHoo with Someone [Whim_WoohooSim]
98033 <<<Talk to Self [WhimTalkToSelf]
125296 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_TalkToClubMember]
40768 <<<Chat with Someone while Confident [Whim_Child_Chat_Social_Confident]
40605 <<<Chat with Someone while Confident [Whim_ChatSim_Confident]
33062 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Child_ChatWith]
28045 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_ChatWith]
32336 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_ChatWith]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
38406 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge_Travel]
38405 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge]
38402 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar_Travel]
38401 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar]
28045 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_ChatWith]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
27778 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_FlirtWith]
27768 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_MeetNew_FlirtWith_Teen]
32906 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeMean]
32603 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMean]
32514 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeMean]
32346 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMean]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
Leo :
25921 <<<Watch TV [Whim_WatchTV]
28149 <<<Watch Cooking Show [Whim_WatchTV_Cooking]
28170 <<<Watch Romantic TV Show [Whim_WatchTV_Romance]
34394 <<<Watch a Gaming Livestream [Whim_WatchGamingLivestream]
39248 <<<Watch [Whim_Child_WatchSimTube]
39644 <<<Watch the Fireplace Channel [Whim_WatchTV_Fireplace]
129150 <<<Watch a Movie [whimGoal_WatchMovie]
34395 <<<Play Video Games for an Hour [Whim_PlayVideoGames_AnHour]
34396 <<<Play Video Games [Whim_PlayVideoGames]
34969 <<<Level up in Video Gaming Skill [Whim_SkillUpVideoGaming]
34393 <<<Research Video Games [Whim_ResearchGamingStrategy]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
32346 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMean]
32514 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeMean]
32603 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMean]
32906 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeMean]
125296 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_TalkToClubMember]
40768 <<<Chat with Someone while Confident [Whim_Child_Chat_Social_Confident]
40605 <<<Chat with Someone while Confident [Whim_ChatSim_Confident]
33062 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Child_ChatWith]
28045 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_ChatWith]
32336 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_ChatWith]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
142233 <<< [whim_Podium_PracticeSpeechAtPodium]
137321 <<< [whim_Podium_GiveSpeechAtPodium_PublicRelations]
156305 <<< [whim_Podium_GiveSpeechAtPodium_Activist]
154180 <<< [Whim_Vampires_MeetVampire]
38406 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge_Travel]
38405 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge]
38404 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub_Travel]
38403 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub]
38402 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar_Travel]
38401 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
28045 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_ChatWith]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
27778 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_FlirtWith]
27768 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_MeetNew_FlirtWith_Teen]
Libra :
40620 <<<Play Video Games while Focused [Whim_PlayVideoGames_Focused]
34969 <<<Level up in Video Gaming Skill [Whim_SkillUpVideoGaming]
34396 <<<Play Video Games [Whim_PlayVideoGames]
34395 <<<Play Video Games for an Hour [Whim_PlayVideoGames_AnHour]
34393 <<<Research Video Games [Whim_ResearchGamingStrategy]
155874 <<< [Whim_videoGameConsole_WinMultiplayerGameBuff]
149533 <<< [Whim_BuyVideoGameConsole]
145484 <<< [Whim_videoGameConsole_PlayParty]
145483 <<< [Whim_videoGameConsole_PlayRacing]
145482 <<< [Whim_videoGameConsole_PlayPlatformer]
145480 <<< [Whim_videoGameConsole_PlayConsoleVideoGames]
145481 <<< [Whim_videoGameConsole_PlayRPG]
145479 <<< [Whim_VideoGameConsole_EnterGameTournament]
137199 <<< [whim_Careers_SocialMedia_InternetPersonality_UploadViralVideo]
25632 <<<Buy a TV [Whim_BuyTV]
25921 <<<Watch TV [Whim_WatchTV]
28170 <<<Watch Romantic TV Show [Whim_WatchTV_Romance]
35310 <<<Watch Comedy on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Comedy]
39248 <<<Watch [Whim_Child_WatchSimTube]
77344 <<<Watch the Kids Network on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Kids]
154941 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_WatchTV]
156458 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_WatchTVWithToddler]
32923 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeFriendly]
32513 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeFriendly]
32340 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeFriendly]
33059 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Child_BeFriendly]
38406 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge_Travel]
38405 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge]
38404 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub_Travel]
38403 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub]
38402 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar_Travel]
38401 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
27778 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_FlirtWith]
27768 <<<Flirt with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_MeetNew_FlirtWith_Teen]
28045 <<<Chat with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_ChatWith]
32764 <<<WooHoo with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_WoohooWith]
27813 <<<WooHoo with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_WoohooWith]
25941 <<<WooHoo with Someone [Whim_WoohooSim]
34515 <<<Zero-G WooHoo [Whim_ZeroGWoohoo]
39621 <<<Send a WooHooty Text to Someone [Whim_WoohootyText_Flirty]
120052 <<<Hot Tub WooHoo [Whim_WooHooHotTub]
125366 <<<Woohoo in Bush [whim_WoohooInBush]
125507 <<<Woohoo in the Closet [whimGoal_IntObject_Closet_Woohoo]
105266 <<<Perform WooHoo In a Tent [Whim_Tent_WooHoo]
120550 <<<Sauna WooHoo [Whim_SteamRoom_WooHoo]
Pisces :
25920 <<<Work Out on a Workout Machine [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine]
25479 <<<Workout until Fatigued [Whim_GetFatigued]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
33076 <<<Buy a Workout Machine [Whim_BuyWorkoutMachine]
33083 <<<Work out while Energized [Whim_WorkoutWhileEnergized]
33087 <<<Get Sore from Workout [Whim_GetSore]
38172 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym_Travel]
34643 <<<Be Mischievous [Whim_BeMischievous]
33059 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Child_BeFriendly]
32923 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeFriendly]
32636 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeFriendly]
32513 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeFriendly]
32340 <<<Be Friendly with {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeFriendly]
156382 <<< [whim_BeFriendlyWithCaregiver]
155391 <<< [Whim_BeFriendlyWith]
137301 <<< [whim_Careers_SocialMedia_PublicRelations_BeFriendlyWithJournalist]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
Sagittarius :
25920 <<<Work Out on a Workout Machine [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine]
25479 <<<Workout until Fatigued [Whim_GetFatigued]
33057 <<<Use the Workout Machine for an Hour [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AnHour]
33056 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
33076 <<<Buy a Workout Machine [Whim_BuyWorkoutMachine]
33083 <<<Work out while Energized [Whim_WorkoutWhileEnergized]
33087 <<<Get Sore from Workout [Whim_GetSore]
34516 <<<Work out in Space [Whim_WorkoutInSpace]
34581 <<<Work on a Rocket for an hour [Whim_WorkOnRocket_AnHour]
39450 <<<Use the Workout Machine [Whim_WorkoutMachine_Angry]
38172 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym_Travel]
40619 <<<Workout In Space While Energized [Whim_WorkoutInSpace_Energized]
35312 <<<Write Jokes for an Hour [Whim_WriteJokes_AnHour]
35311 <<<Write Jokes [Whim_WriteJokes]
35309 <<<Tell a Joke on a Microphone [Whim_TellJokeMicrophone]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
35313 <<<Tell a Successful Joke [Whim_TellSucessfulJoke]
39623 <<<Tell a Dirty Joke to Someone [Whim_TellDirtyJoke_Flirty]
40437 <<<Tell 3 Jokes While Playful [Whim_TellJoke_Playful_3]
40447 <<<Write Jokes While Playful [Whim_WriteJokes_Playful]
32630 <<<Be Mischievous to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMischievous]
32342 <<<Be Mischievous to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMischievous]
32603 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMean]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
32346 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMean]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
Scorpio :
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
39212 <<<Clean the House [Whim_Neat_CleanHouse]
25479 <<<Workout until Fatigued [Whim_GetFatigued]
25920 <<<Work Out on a Workout Machine [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine]
33056 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym]
33057 <<<Use the Workout Machine for an Hour [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AnHour]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
33076 <<<Buy a Workout Machine [Whim_BuyWorkoutMachine]
33083 <<<Work out while Energized [Whim_WorkoutWhileEnergized]
33087 <<<Get Sore from Workout [Whim_GetSore]
34516 <<<Work out in Space [Whim_WorkoutInSpace]
34581 <<<Work on a Rocket for an hour [Whim_WorkOnRocket_AnHour]
32906 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Partner_BeMean]
32603 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMean]
32514 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_NewRomance_BeMean]
32346 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMean]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
32342 <<<Be Mischievous to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Friendship_BeMischievous]
32630 <<<Be Mischievous to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMischievous]
34643 <<<Be Mischievous [Whim_BeMischievous]
34971 <<<Level up in Mischief Skill [Whim_SkillUpMischief]
40563 <<<Perform 3 Mischievous Actions while Playful [Whim_BeMischievous_Playful_3]
77357 <<<Be Mischievous [Whim_MischiefSim]
Taurus :
25921 <<<Watch TV [Whim_WatchTV]
34394 <<<Watch a Gaming Livestream [Whim_WatchGamingLivestream]
35310 <<<Watch Comedy on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Comedy]
39248 <<<Watch [Whim_Child_WatchSimTube]
77344 <<<Watch the Kids Network on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Kids]
35311 <<<Write Jokes [Whim_WriteJokes]
35312 <<<Write Jokes for an Hour [Whim_WriteJokes_AnHour]
35309 <<<Tell a Joke on a Microphone [Whim_TellJokeMicrophone]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
35313 <<<Tell a Successful Joke [Whim_TellSucessfulJoke]
39623 <<<Tell a Dirty Joke to Someone [Whim_TellDirtyJoke_Flirty]
39628 <<<Tell a Self-Deprecating Joke [Whim_TellSelfJoke_Embarrassed]
40437 <<<Tell 3 Jokes While Playful [Whim_TellJoke_Playful_3]
40447 <<<Write Jokes While Playful [Whim_WriteJokes_Playful]
154964 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_TellKnockKnockJoke]
155393 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_JokeAboutChickenButt]
156356 <<< [whim_Toddlers_TellKnockKnockJokeToParent]
137188 <<< [whim_Careers_SocialMedia_InternetPersonality_ShareJokeWithFollowers]
32603 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Enemies_BeMean]
32225 <<<Be Mean to {2.SimFirstName} [Whim_Meetnew_BeMean]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
Virgo :
155190 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_CleanPottyChair]
154949 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_CleanToys]
155189 <<< [Whim_Toddlers_Caregivers_CleanHighChair]
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
39212 <<<Clean the House [Whim_Neat_CleanHouse]
25920 <<<Work Out on a Workout Machine [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine]
33056 <<<Use a Workout Machine at the Gym [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AtGym]
33057 <<<Use the Workout Machine for an Hour [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine_AnHour]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
33083 <<<Work out while Energized [Whim_WorkoutWhileEnergized]
Now sims with Zodiac Signs should autonomously do stuff corresponding to that Zodiac Sign personality
So for example Libras are nice in the sims 2, so Libras in the sims 4 would try to talk and do nice stuff to other sims!
Here's a more in-depth look at the autonomies, the autonomous interactions are based on the sims 4 traits:
Virgo :
29114 <<<Neat
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob
Aquarius :
29123 <<<Slob
77332 <<<Loner
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball
29121 <<<Good
Aries :
29111 <<<Outgoing
29105 <<<Active
29112 <<<Mean
29151 <<<Snob
Cancer :
29114 <<<Neat
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob
29121 <<<Good
Capricorn :
29114 <<<Neat
77332 <<<Loner
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball
Gemini :
29123 <<<Slob
29108 <<<Outgoing
29105 <<<Active
29112 <<<Mean
29151 <<<Snob
29123 <<<Slob
29108 <<<Outgoing
29111 <<<Lazy
29151 <<<Snob
29112 <<<Mean
Libra :
29123 <<<Slob
29108 <<<Outgoing
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball
29121 <<<Good
Pisces :
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob
29121 <<<Good
Sagittarius :
29123 <<<Slob
77332 <<<Loner
29105 <<<Active
29110 <<<Goofball
29112 <<<Mean
Scorpio :
29114 <<<Neat
29105 <<<Active
29151 <<<Snob
29112 <<<Mean
Taurus :
29111 <<<Lazy
29110 <<<Goofball
29112 <<<Mean
30.05.2021 Sun :
2.1 : People were complaining that the emotion strengths were too strong, especially with roBurky's Meaningful Stories, So I changed the Amazing and Terrible Compatibilities from an emotion strength of 8 to 3!
This is all I have to show you guys, I hope you guys like this update, just in-case you don't, additional old versions are in the 'files' tab
Due to a bug in MTS, I can't add additional pictures, however, when I'll be able too, I will.
10.06.2021 Thu
NiSyms Made a new portuguese translation! You will not need to download an extra file to have the translation, As this portuguese translation is already incorporated in the main mod!
14.07.2021 Wed
New French Translation by Jazhmock! For 2.0 and 2.1 Versions.

24.09.2021 Fri
Zodiac Signs 2.2: This new update adds highly requested descriptions to all zodiac signs, they are the same description as of those in The Sims 2.

25.09.2021 Sat
The Polish and the Chinese translations have been updated for 2.2! These translations are now included in the main mod so you don't have to download external translations like in the past. Thank you Aurora and Simsberry19!
27.09.2021 Mon
The Italian Translation has been updated for 2.2 by Rahl81!
28.09.2021 Tue
The Spanish Translation has been created and updated for 2.2! By l_nere!
1.10.2021 Fri
The Chinese Simplified Translation has been created and updated for 2.2! By AJia
Fixed a bug where the Leo trait was showing up as with the title of 'gemini' in the simology panel.
Moved the Old Versions.rar on SimFileShare!

17.10.2021 Sun
The French Translation has been updated by Jazhmock for 2.2!
Credits :
Tralfaz482 for Updating the Mod! Thank you! and for Icons
Rahl81, Aurora, NiSyms Jazhmock, l_nere, simsberry19, AJia, and Jazhmock For making translations!
Hello everyone! I made a zodiac sign mod, that adds zodiac traits to your Sims 4 game!

What this mod does in a brief nutshell:
This mod adds the ability to have (all) zodiac traits, The zodiac traits will be added to the reward store for 0 satisfaction points, These traits are here to make your sims have more personality whilst not taking up a 3rd trait slot.

In version 1.2, I've added bad compatibility matches, which means for example, If a Libra meets a Virgo, they will get a +1 Uncomfortable Moodlet while near them or while talking, their friendship and romance bars will go at a speed of x0.95, which is a bit slower than normal, this makes it take more time for them to become friends! See more down of description for more Bad Compatibility Info!

Good Compatibility system: (1.1)
I thought this would've be a cool feature because it reminds me of The Sims 3 zodiac signs, excluding the buff and the relationship boost
In version 1.1, I've added a feature that makes sims get a relationship boost from NPC's or Townies if their zodiac sign is compatible with each other, they will also get a +1 happy proximity buff named :
Good compatibility with *compatible sign*
The buff is always active if the sim is talking, communicating or near a compatible sim, and thus the buff doesn't have a duration, each zodiac trait will have 2 favourite zodiac signs, for example : Capricorn is compatible with Cancer and Taurus and thus the buff and the relationship boost with them will take place, this buff affects friendly and romantic interactions by x1.1. I might also add disliked zodiac signs however I don't know how to implement that yet because I don't want it to destroy relationships entirely based on the sim's date of birth

List of compatible signs:
Aquarius with Leo and Sagittarius
Aries with Leo and Libra
Cancer with Capricorn and Taurus
Capricorn with Cancer and Taurus
Gemini with Aquarius and Sagittarius
Leo with Aquarius and Gemini
Libra with Aries and Sagittarius
Pisces with Taurus and Virgo
Sagittarius with Aries and Gemini
Scorpio with Cancer and Taurus
Virgo with Cancer and Pisces

Non-Compatible Signs!
Aquarius With Taurus
Aries With Aquarius
Cancer With Aquarius
Capricorn With Gemini
Gemini With Capricorn
Leo With Scorpio
Libra with Virgo
Pisces with Gemini
Sagittarius With Capricorn
Scorpio with Aries
Taurus with Sagittarius
Virgo with Sagittarius

Whim system: (1.0)
When your sim has a zodiac trait unlocked, they will occasionally get whims for their zodiac sign ,each zodiac trait will correspond to your sim's zodiac trait and will each trait will give off a negative and positive whim, like :
Meet someone new (by being a Leo) and Get into a fight (by being a Scorpio).
The frequency of these whims will differ and will appear at random occasions throughout your sim's life, these 'zodiac' goals already exist in the game, they will have the default satisfaction point award as it is in the game, so the goals for the custom whims already exist in the game, and the zodiac trait won't overwrite any existing whims that already exist in the game. In the future I might add custom goals to whims


In version 1.1 , from the help of SrslySims (mod creator) (I can't thank her enough

Zerbu's Mod Constructor For icons and additional information
Rahl81, for translating the mod to Italian
CanDYS, for updating the French Translation!

000263, for translating the mod to Chinese

BlueHorse, for translating the mod to German

AuroraSky, for translating the mod to Polish

Atheduchess for translating the mod to Spanish

Letrax for translating the mod to Swedish

ItsMeTroi and Fantazya for over viewing the mod on her YouTube channel

Translation info:
Translations completed :
French by ArzazTrad, ( ) Translation in progress
Chinese by 000263, (1.1 old)
German by BlueHorse, (1.1 old)
Polish by AuroraSky. (1.2 NEW)
Spanish by Atheduchess (1.2 NEW)
Swedish by Letrax! (1.2 NEW)
Italian by Rahl81! (1.2 NEW)

Don't put your zodiac trait 1.1 folder 2 folders deep in your mods folder, as the game can't scan them.
Make sure you have script mods and CC options enabled in settings>other
Make sure you extract the folder
Don't seperate folder, in other words, don't put the script file in a folder and the other file in another folder, it might create problems.
Still expect bugs, if you find any, let me know
You won't need any packs for this, even though some packs will make this mod to its full potential

All whims:
Aquarius :
32905 <<<Donate to a Charity [Whim_DonateToCharity]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
32915 <<<Compliment Someone [Whim_ComplimentSomeone]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
97953 <<<Dance to Stereo Music [Whim_DanceStereo]
97969 <<<Get a Promotion [Whim_GetPromoted]
26114 <<<Start a New Career [Whim_JoinCareer]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
26097 <<<Finish Writing a Book [Whim_WriteSomething]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
31572 <<<Cook a Gourmet Meal [Whim_CookGourmetMeal]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
34292 <<<Play the Piano [Whim_PlayThePiano]
34274 <<<Play the Guitar [Whim_PlayTheGuitar]
34302 <<<Play the Violin [Whim_PlayTheViolin]
34563 <<<Paint on an Easel [Whim_PaintOnEasel]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
97900 <<<View a piece of Art [Whim_ViewArt]
39588 <<<Buy an Instrument [Whim_BuyInstrument]
34351 <<<Play a Card Game [Whim_PlayCardGame]
34353 <<<Play Chess [Whim_PlayChess]
34356 <<<Observe a Chess Game [Whim_ObserveChess]
34357 <<<Win a Game of Chess [Whim_WinChess]
34366 <<<Buy a Chess Table [Whim_BuyChessBoard]
39618 <<<Create Mathematical Diagrams on the Easel [Whim_PaintMathematics]
39613 <<<Finish Reading a Book [Whim_FinishedBook]
39616 <<<Observe the Skies with the Telescope [Whim_ObserveSkies]
39607 <<<Research on the Computer [Whim_ComputerResearch]
38381 <<<Research on a Computer at the Library [Whim_ComputerResearch_AtLibrary_Travel]
38380 <<<Read a Book at the Library [Whim_ReadSomething_AtLibrary_Travel]
38369 <<<Play Chess at the Library [Whim_PlayChess_AtLibrary_Travel]
35448 <<<Read Something [Whim_ReadSomething]
34952 <<<Upgrade an Object [Whim_UpgradeObject]
34609 <<<Practice Programming [Whim_PracticeCoding]
34396 <<<Play Video Games [Whim_PlayVideoGames]
39641 <<<Hip Bump Someone! [Whim_HipBump_Energized]
97953 <<<Dance to Stereo Music [Whim_DanceStereo]
39426 <<<Try to Calm Self Down in the Mirror [Whim_CalmSelf_Angry]
39444 <<<Take a Cold Shower [Whim_TakeShower_Angry]
25927 <<<Use a Punching Bag [Whim_UsePunchingBag]
39414 <<<Insult Someone's Face [Whim_InsultFace_Angry]
97900 <<<View a piece of Art [Whim_ViewArt]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
38383 <<<Discuss Color Theory at the Museum [Whim_DiscussColorTheory_AtMuseum_Travel]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
34563 <<<Paint on an Easel [Whim_PaintOnEasel]
39586 <<<Buy an Easel [Whim_BuyEasel]
39273 <<<Buy an Oven while Inspired [Whim_BuyOven_Inspired]
39599 <<<Propose Crazy Scheme to Someone [Whim_ProposeScheme_Inspired]
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
77341 <<<Go for a Jog [Whim_GoForJog]
25918 <<<Run on a Treadmill [Whim_UseTreadmill]
25651 <<<Become Energized [Whim_GetEnergized]
35448 <<<Read Something [Whim_ReadSomething]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
34563 <<<Paint on an Easel [Whim_PaintOnEasel]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
31572 <<<Cook a Gourmet Meal [Whim_CookGourmetMeal]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
39586 <<<Buy an Easel [Whim_BuyEasel]
39596 <<<Pitch an Idea to Someone [Whim_PitchIdea_Inspired]
39599 <<<Propose Crazy Scheme to Someone [Whim_ProposeScheme_Inspired]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
97900 <<<View a piece of Art [Whim_ViewArt]
39604 <<<Talk about Dreams with Someone [Whim_TalkAboutDreams_Inspired]
39273 <<<Buy an Oven while Inspired [Whim_BuyOven_Inspired]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
25938 <<<Flirt with Someone [Whim_FlirtSim]
25941 <<<WooHoo with Someone [Whim_WoohooSim]
26066 <<<Ask Someone to Go Steady [Whim_AskOut]
27881 <<<Level up in Charisma Skill [Whim_SkillUpCharisma]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
28095 <<<Kiss Someone [Whim_KissSim]
16031 <<<Become Inspired [Whim_GetInspired]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
77354 <<<Share Ideas [Whim_ShareIdeas]
77362 <<<Freshen Up in the Mirror [Whim_GussyUp]
77315 <<<Do Something Romantic [Whim_RomanceSim]
25938 <<<Flirt with Someone [Whim_FlirtSim]
16026 <<<Become Flirty [Whim_GetFlirty]
28095 <<<Kiss Someone [Whim_KissSim]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
32915 <<<Compliment Someone [Whim_ComplimentSomeone]
97953 <<<Dance to Stereo Music [Whim_DanceStereo]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
33061 <<<Research Workout Tips [Whim_ResearchWorkoutTips]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
26097 <<<Finish Writing a Book [Whim_WriteSomething]
31572 <<<Cook a Gourmet Meal [Whim_CookGourmetMeal]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
34563 <<<Paint on an Easel [Whim_PaintOnEasel]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
97900 <<<View a piece of Art [Whim_ViewArt]
32905 <<<Donate to a Charity [Whim_DonateToCharity]
39212 <<<Clean the House [Whim_Neat_CleanHouse]
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
35448 <<<Read Something [Whim_ReadSomething]
38355 <<<Travel to the Club [Whim_TravelToClub]
38366 <<<Travel to the Bar [Whim_TravelToBar]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
32905 <<<Donate to a Charity [Whim_DonateToCharity]
34830 <<<Bro Hug Someone [Whim_bro_BroHugSim]
34829 <<<Watch Sports on TV [Whim_bro_WatchTVsports]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
16026 <<<Become Flirty [Whim_GetFlirty]
25938 <<<Flirt with Someone [Whim_FlirtSim]
77362 <<<Freshen Up in the Mirror [Whim_GussyUp]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
39511 <<<Play a Social Prank [Whim_PlayPrank]
39518 <<<Play in a Puddle. [Whim_PlayInPuddle_Playful]
39510 <<<Do an Impression for Someone [Whim_DoImpression_Playful]
39509 <<<Goof Around with Someone [Whim_GoofAround_Playful]
39428 <<<Make Silly Faces in the Mirror [Whim_SillyFace]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
32915 <<<Compliment Someone [Whim_ComplimentSomeone]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
97953 <<<Dance to Stereo Music [Whim_DanceStereo]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
16026 <<<Become Flirty [Whim_GetFlirty]
25938 <<<Flirt with Someone [Whim_FlirtSim]
28095 <<<Kiss Someone [Whim_KissSim]
28170 <<<Watch Romantic TV Show [Whim_WatchTV_Romance]
77315 <<<Do Something Romantic [Whim_RomanceSim]
77362 <<<Freshen Up in the Mirror [Whim_GussyUp]
25938 <<<Flirt with Someone [Whim_FlirtSim]
25941 <<<WooHoo with Someone [Whim_WoohooSim]
26066 <<<Ask Someone to Go Steady [Whim_AskOut]
27881 <<<Level up in Charisma Skill [Whim_SkillUpCharisma]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
28095 <<<Kiss Someone [Whim_KissSim]
97984 <<<Schedule a Date [Whim_AskonDate]
28170 <<<Watch Romantic TV Show [Whim_WatchTV_Romance]
120052 <<<Hot Tub WooHoo [Whim_WooHooHotTub]
100174 <<<Start a Flirty Painting [Whim_Paint_Emo_Flirty]
120550 <<<Sauna WooHoo [Whim_SteamRoom_WooHoo]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
39632 <<<Compliment Someone [Whim_ComplimentSomeone_Confident]
39438 <<<Admire Yourself in the Mirror [Whim_AdmireSelf_Confident]
38402 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar_Travel]
38406 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge_Travel]
38404 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub_Travel]
32907 <<<Practice Speaking in the Mirror [Whim_PracticeSpeaking]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
39634 <<<Tell an Unbelievable Story [Whim_TellEpicStory_Confident]
39636 <<<Use a Bold Pick-up Line on Someone [Whim_BoldPickupLine_Confident]
39633 <<<Show Off Muscles to Someone [Whim_ShowOffMuscles_Confident]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
97969 <<<Get a Promotion [Whim_GetPromoted]
26114 <<<Start a New Career [Whim_JoinCareer]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
34563 <<<Paint on an Easel [Whim_PaintOnEasel]
31572 <<<Cook a Gourmet Meal [Whim_CookGourmetMeal]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
39586 <<<Buy an Easel [Whim_BuyEasel]
39588 <<<Buy an Instrument [Whim_BuyInstrument]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
97900 <<<View a piece of Art [Whim_ViewArt]
32905 <<<Donate to a Charity [Whim_DonateToCharity]
34302 <<<Play the Violin [Whim_PlayTheViolin]
34292 <<<Play the Piano [Whim_PlayThePiano]
34274 <<<Play the Guitar [Whim_PlayTheGuitar]
34563 <<<Paint on an Easel [Whim_PaintOnEasel]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
31572 <<<Cook a Gourmet Meal [Whim_CookGourmetMeal]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
26097 <<<Finish Writing a Book [Whim_WriteSomething]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
97900 <<<View a piece of Art [Whim_ViewArt]
77502 <<<Work on Writing a Song [Whim_WriteSong]
39604 <<<Talk about Dreams with Someone [Whim_TalkAboutDreams_Inspired]
39599 <<<Propose Crazy Scheme to Someone [Whim_ProposeScheme_Inspired]
39596 <<<Pitch an Idea to Someone [Whim_PitchIdea_Inspired]
39588 <<<Buy an Instrument [Whim_BuyInstrument]
39586 <<<Buy an Easel [Whim_BuyEasel]
39585 <<<Buy a Bar [Whim_BuyBar]
39273 <<<Buy an Oven while Inspired [Whim_BuyOven_Inspired]
34351 <<<Play a Card Game [Whim_PlayCardGame]
34353 <<<Play Chess [Whim_PlayChess]
77354 <<<Share Ideas [Whim_ShareIdeas]
97969 <<<Get a Promotion [Whim_GetPromoted]
26114 <<<Start a New Career [Whim_JoinCareer]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
39212 <<<Clean the House [Whim_Neat_CleanHouse]
25933 <<<Clean Something [Whim_CleanSomething]
77376 <<<Catch a Fish [Whim_CatchFish]
34837 <<<Enthuse about the Outdoors [Whim_LovesOutdoors_EnthuseaboutNature]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
34566 <<<Discuss Color Theory [Whim_DiscussColorTheory]
34827 <<<Talk about Art [Whim_artLover_TalkAboutArt]
34825 <<<Admire Art [Whim_artLover_AdmireArt]
26098 <<<Finish a Painting [Whim_Paint]
97953 <<<Dance to Stereo Music [Whim_DanceStereo]
77359 <<<Listen Deeply to Music [Whim_ListenDeeply_MusicLover]
77360 <<<Buy a Stereo [Whim_BuyStereo]
39588 <<<Buy an Instrument [Whim_BuyInstrument]
34847 <<<Discuss Favorite Band [Whim_MusicLover_DiscussFavoriteBand]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
34402 <<<Troll Web Forums [Whim_TrollWebForums]
35310 <<<Watch Comedy on TV [Whim_WatchTV_Comedy]
35311 <<<Write Jokes [Whim_WriteJokes]
39428 <<<Make Silly Faces in the Mirror [Whim_SillyFace]
39509 <<<Goof Around with Someone [Whim_GoofAround_Playful]
39510 <<<Do an Impression for Someone [Whim_DoImpression_Playful]
39511 <<<Play a Social Prank [Whim_PlayPrank]
39539 <<<Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone [Whim_FlashCrazyEyes_Playful]
77357 <<<Be Mischievous [Whim_MischiefSim]
33119 <<<Harvest a Plant [Whim_Harvest]
34837 <<<Enthuse about the Outdoors [Whim_LovesOutdoors_EnthuseaboutNature]
77376 <<<Catch a Fish [Whim_CatchFish]
97938 <<<Plant Something [Whim_PlantSomething]
25939 <<<Tell a Joke [Whim_TellJoke]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
32915 <<<Compliment Someone [Whim_ComplimentSomeone]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
97953 <<<Dance to Stereo Music [Whim_DanceStereo]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
32905 <<<Donate to a Charity [Whim_DonateToCharity]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
26114 <<<Start a New Career [Whim_JoinCareer]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
32907 <<<Practice Speaking in the Mirror [Whim_PracticeSpeaking]
38396 <<<Have a Drink at the Bar Venue [Whim_HaveDrink_AtBar_Travel]
38399 <<<Have a Drink at the Lounge [Whim_HaveDrink_AtLounge_Travel]
38400 <<<Have a Drink at the Club [Whim_HaveDrink_AtClub_Travel]
38402 <<<Meet Someone New at the Bar Venue [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtBar_Travel]
38404 <<<Meet Someone New at the Club [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtClub_Travel]
38406 <<<Meet Someone New at the Lounge [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew_AtLounge_Travel]
39438 <<<Admire Yourself in the Mirror [Whim_AdmireSelf_Confident]
39440 <<<Practice Pick-up Lines in the Mirror [Whim_RomanceMoves_Confident]
39631 <<<Propose Crazy Scheme to Someone [Whim_ProposeScheme_Confident]
39632 <<<Compliment Someone [Whim_ComplimentSomeone_Confident]
39633 <<<Show Off Muscles to Someone [Whim_ShowOffMuscles_Confident]
39634 <<<Tell an Unbelievable Story [Whim_TellEpicStory_Confident]
39636 <<<Use a Bold Pick-up Line on Someone [Whim_BoldPickupLine_Confident]
25920 <<<Work Out on a Workout Machine [Whim_UseWorkoutMachine]
25921 <<<Watch TV [Whim_WatchTV]
25927 <<<Use a Punching Bag [Whim_UsePunchingBag]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
25927 <<<Use a Punching Bag [Whim_UsePunchingBag]
28011 <<<Be Mean to Someone [Whim_MeanSim]
39457 <<<Rant and Rave to Someone [Whim_RantRave_Angry]
39444 <<<Take a Cold Shower [Whim_TakeShower_Angry]
39426 <<<Try to Calm Self Down in the Mirror [Whim_CalmSelf_Angry]
39415 <<<Mock Someone [Whim_MockSomeone_Angry]
39414 <<<Insult Someone's Face [Whim_InsultFace_Angry]
35724 <<<Get into a Fight [Whim_FightSim]
34402 <<<Troll Web Forums [Whim_TrollWebForums]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
97969 <<<Get a Promotion [Whim_GetPromoted]
26114 <<<Start a New Career [Whim_JoinCareer]
34830 <<<Bro Hug Someone [Whim_bro_BroHugSim]
34829 <<<Watch Sports on TV [Whim_bro_WatchTVsports]
34855 <<<Brag about Possessions [Whim_Materialistic_BragAboutPossessions]
39206 <<<Admire Possessions [Whim_Materialistic_AdmirePossessions]
97969 <<<Get a Promotion [Whim_GetPromoted]
26114 <<<Start a New Career [Whim_JoinCareer]
34854 <<<Critique Something [Whim_Snob_CritiqueSomething]
16025 <<<Become Confident [Whim_GetConfident]
28145 <<<Cook a Meal [Whim_CookMeal]
25932 <<<Make a Group Meal [Whim_CookGroupMeal]
25931 <<<Make a Drink [Whim_CraftDrink]
25919 <<<Play an Instrument [Whim_PlayInstrument]
39638 <<<Take a Speedy Shower [Whim_TakeShower_Energized]
33075 <<<Buy a Punching Bag [Whim_BuyPunchingBag]
16031 <<<Become Inspired [Whim_GetInspired]
16026 <<<Become Flirty [Whim_GetFlirty]
25938 <<<Flirt with Someone [Whim_FlirtSim]
28095 <<<Kiss Someone [Whim_KissSim]
77315 <<<Do Something Romantic [Whim_RomanceSim]
77362 <<<Freshen Up in the Mirror [Whim_GussyUp]
16025 <<<Become Confident [Whim_GetConfident]
16027 <<<Become Focused [Whim_GetFocused]
16031 <<<Become Inspired [Whim_GetInspired]
39613 <<<Finish Reading a Book [Whim_FinishedBook]
39607 <<<Research on the Computer [Whim_ComputerResearch]
38381 <<<Research on a Computer at the Library [Whim_ComputerResearch_AtLibrary_Travel]
38380 <<<Read a Book at the Library [Whim_ReadSomething_AtLibrary_Travel]
38369 <<<Play Chess at the Library [Whim_PlayChess_AtLibrary_Travel]
38353 <<<Travel to the Library [Whim_TravelToLibrary]
35448 <<<Read Something [Whim_ReadSomething]
34953 <<<Repair an Object [Whim_RepairObject]
34952 <<<Upgrade an Object [Whim_UpgradeObject]
34609 <<<Practice Programming [Whim_PracticeCoding]
34366 <<<Buy a Chess Table [Whim_BuyChessBoard]
34357 <<<Win a Game of Chess [Whim_WinChess]
34356 <<<Observe a Chess Game [Whim_ObserveChess]
34353 <<<Play Chess [Whim_PlayChess]
34351 <<<Play a Card Game [Whim_PlayCardGame]
35727 <<<Call Someone on the Phone [Whim_CallSim]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
26111 <<<Make a Friend [Whim_Make_Friend]
28010 <<<Chat with Someone [Whim_ChatSim]
27902 <<<Meet Someone New [Whim_MeetSomeoneNew]
25656 <<<Become Happy [Whim_GetHappy]
32905 <<<Donate to a Charity [Whim_DonateToCharity]
28091 <<<Hug Someone [Whim_HugSim]
27881 <<<Level up in Charisma Skill [Whim_SkillUpCharisma]
26066 <<<Ask Someone to Go Steady [Whim_AskOut]
25941 <<<WooHoo with Someone [Whim_WoohooSim]
120052 <<<Hot Tub WooHoo [Whim_WooHooHotTub]
120550 <<<Sauna WooHoo [Whim_SteamRoom_WooHoo]
100174 <<<Start a Flirty Painting [Whim_Paint_Emo_Flirty]
39620 <<<Take a Cold Shower [Whim_TakeShower_Flirty]
Filename | Type | Size |
Radiophobe_ZodiacSigns2.3.rar | rar | |
Radiophobe_ZodiacTraits2.3.ts4script | ts4script | 4066 |
Radiophobe_ZodiacTraits2.3.package | package | 427082 |
Uploaded: 30th Jul 2022, 350.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 7th Oct 2024 at 1:46 AM
Archived Download: Balanced And Fair Reward Store Traits!
by Radiophobe updated 13th May 2021 at 9:20pm
23 28.4k 63
Archived Download: 3T4 Late Night Sectionals Converted
by Radiophobe 19th Feb 2021 at 9:09pm
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Archived Download: Riverside Modern Home
by Radiophobe 7th Apr 2021 at 10:14pm
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Get to Work
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Archived Download: Smaller Sims 4 Plants Set
by Radiophobe 22nd Apr 2021 at 12:08am
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Archived Download: Riverside Modern Home
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Archived Download: Balanced And Fair Reward Store Traits!
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