Secondary Aspiration Attraction
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Update 2 - June 18, 2020: cleaned up SecondaryAspirationAttraction version to remove unused code which could cause blank or unusual pop-up boxes from other mods
Update 1- June 09, 2020: Added RomanceMod version
With permission granted by him (Thank you JMP!), support for Pescado's RomanceMod is now available. If you currently use RomanceMod and want Secondary Aspiration Attraction as well, then download romancemod-AL - and replace your current RomanceMod with it. This version should be compatible with all EPs FreeTime and above including Ultimate Collection.
If you don't use Pescado's RomanceMod, then download
Romance Sims inherently have poor chemistry with Family Sims. But shouldn't a Romance Sim who has Family as their secondary aspiration have more chemistry with that Family Sim? And what if that Family Sim has Romance as their secondary aspiration? Shouldn't there be even more attraction between those Sims? In Sims2, they are all treated the same with the same poor chemistry regardless of their secondary aspirations.
Pleasure Sims dislike Knowledge Sims. Popularity Sims dislike Knowledge Sims. Shouldn't a Pleasure/Popularity Sim dislike a Knowledge Sim even more? Not according to the game's developers.
Sims' attraction scores were added in Sims2 with Nightlife. When secondary aspirations were added in Freetime, the attraction system was not updated to incorporate secondary aspirations when calculating Sim chemistry.
With Secondary Aspiration Attraction that changes; secondary aspirations will contribute to the chemistry between Sims. For example that Romance/Family Sim will have improved chemistry with any Family sim. And should that Family Sim happen to be Family/Romance, the two will have even more attraction to one another. Similarly, Pleasure/Popularity Sims will have even less chemistry with Knowledge Sims than before.
What it does: Secondary Aspiration Attraction is a Global Mod which adjusts the attraction score between two Sims by taking into account their secondary aspirations. The attraction score that the game provides (which is based on the Sims primary aspirations and other attraction modifiers like Astrological Sign) is now increased or decreased based upon those secondary aspirations and the relationship they have with the primary aspirations of the two Sims. As a result, this new attraction score may change the number of "lightning bolts" of chemistry the two Sims have. If neither Sim has their secondary aspiration set, the mod does nothing and no changes are made to the attraction score.
What it doesn't do: Secondary Aspiration Attraction does not display anything on the screen nor does it affect any other attraction inputs such as Astrological Sign, Turn Ons and Turn Offs, or Personality.
Game Requirements: Nightlife and Freetime EPs
Game Resources Affected: Secondary Aspiration Attraction is a Global Mod which uses BHAV 0x03DA and modifies BHAV 0x0402. It will conflict with other mods which use or modify these BHAVS.
Known conflicts: Simler90's Romantic Standards.
Tested With: Two different configurations (1) all EPs except Mansions and Gardens and (2) the Sims2 Ultimate Collection.
Installation instructions: Install the package file in your Sims 2 Downloads folder
Removal instructions: Simply delete the package file from your Sims 2 Downloads folder. Chemistry scores will be reset the next time the Sims interact.
Thanks to Cyjon for the "Study of Chemistry in The Sims 2" ( which provided the inspiration for this mod.
Thanks to Chris Hatch for his programming assistance and feedback.
I tested all 49 combinations of primary to primary aspirations and captured the attraction score which they generated. All combinations adjusted the score by -35, 0 or +35 (except Grilled Cheese Sims had a +145 attraction score to other Grilled Cheese Sims). Many combinations are not reciprocated. For example, Pleasure Sims dislike Family Sims and generate a -35 score change, but Family Sims are neutral towards Pleasure Sims resulting in a 0 score change.
Secondary Aspiration Attraction changes the attraction score as follows after the above score is calculated:
If Sim B's secondary aspiration is the same as Sim A's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 20 and a previous -35 penalty for incompatible primary aspirations (if there was one) is removed.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration is the same as Sim B's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 20.
If Sim B's secondary aspiration dislikes Sim A's primary aspiration, the attraction score is decreased by 15.
If Sim B's secondary aspiration likes Sim A's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 15.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration dislikes Sim B's primary aspiration, the attraction score is decreased by 15.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration likes Sim B's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 15.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration is the same as Sim B's secondary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 10.
Grilled Cheese aspiration matches get higher increases. For a primary to secondary match the score is increased by 50 instead of 20. For a secondary to secondary match, the attraction score is increased by 25 instead of 10.
The changes to the attraction score made by this mod range from -40 to +75.
Likes and dislikes are based upon the table below. (+ is Like, - is Dislike, n is Neutral and = is the same as).
For example a Romance aspiration dislikes a Grilled Cheese aspiration while a Grilled Cheese Aspiration neither likes nor dislikes a Romance aspiration. These likes and dislikes are what are used in calculating how the attraction score is changed by this mod.
Several Calculation Examples:
Without this mod, a Romance/Family Sim's attraction to a Family/Romance Sim has a -35 value.
With this mod, a Romance/Family Sim's attraction to a Family/Romance Sim has a +40 value.
(Romance->Romance means +20 and an additional +35 because Romance disliked Family as primary; Family->Family is +20)
This is the most extreme (non-Cheese) change with a difference of 75 points in the attraction scores.
Without this mod, a Romance/Family Sim's attraction to a Pleasure/Grilled Cheese Sim has a +35 value.
With this mod, the attraction has a +5 value; a difference of -30. (Romance->Cheese is -15; Pleasure->Family is -15)
Without this mod, a Family/Cheese Sim's attraction to a Knowledge/Cheese Sim has a +35 value.
With this mod, the attraction has a +75 value; a difference of +40. (Cheese->Family is +15; Cheese->Cheese is +25)
Update 1- June 09, 2020: Added RomanceMod version
With permission granted by him (Thank you JMP!), support for Pescado's RomanceMod is now available. If you currently use RomanceMod and want Secondary Aspiration Attraction as well, then download romancemod-AL - and replace your current RomanceMod with it. This version should be compatible with all EPs FreeTime and above including Ultimate Collection.
If you don't use Pescado's RomanceMod, then download
Secondary Aspiration Attraction
Romance Sims inherently have poor chemistry with Family Sims. But shouldn't a Romance Sim who has Family as their secondary aspiration have more chemistry with that Family Sim? And what if that Family Sim has Romance as their secondary aspiration? Shouldn't there be even more attraction between those Sims? In Sims2, they are all treated the same with the same poor chemistry regardless of their secondary aspirations.
Pleasure Sims dislike Knowledge Sims. Popularity Sims dislike Knowledge Sims. Shouldn't a Pleasure/Popularity Sim dislike a Knowledge Sim even more? Not according to the game's developers.
Sims' attraction scores were added in Sims2 with Nightlife. When secondary aspirations were added in Freetime, the attraction system was not updated to incorporate secondary aspirations when calculating Sim chemistry.
With Secondary Aspiration Attraction that changes; secondary aspirations will contribute to the chemistry between Sims. For example that Romance/Family Sim will have improved chemistry with any Family sim. And should that Family Sim happen to be Family/Romance, the two will have even more attraction to one another. Similarly, Pleasure/Popularity Sims will have even less chemistry with Knowledge Sims than before.
What it does: Secondary Aspiration Attraction is a Global Mod which adjusts the attraction score between two Sims by taking into account their secondary aspirations. The attraction score that the game provides (which is based on the Sims primary aspirations and other attraction modifiers like Astrological Sign) is now increased or decreased based upon those secondary aspirations and the relationship they have with the primary aspirations of the two Sims. As a result, this new attraction score may change the number of "lightning bolts" of chemistry the two Sims have. If neither Sim has their secondary aspiration set, the mod does nothing and no changes are made to the attraction score.
What it doesn't do: Secondary Aspiration Attraction does not display anything on the screen nor does it affect any other attraction inputs such as Astrological Sign, Turn Ons and Turn Offs, or Personality.
Game Requirements: Nightlife and Freetime EPs
Game Resources Affected: Secondary Aspiration Attraction is a Global Mod which uses BHAV 0x03DA and modifies BHAV 0x0402. It will conflict with other mods which use or modify these BHAVS.
Known conflicts: Simler90's Romantic Standards.
Tested With: Two different configurations (1) all EPs except Mansions and Gardens and (2) the Sims2 Ultimate Collection.
Installation instructions: Install the package file in your Sims 2 Downloads folder
Removal instructions: Simply delete the package file from your Sims 2 Downloads folder. Chemistry scores will be reset the next time the Sims interact.
Thanks to Cyjon for the "Study of Chemistry in The Sims 2" ( which provided the inspiration for this mod.
Thanks to Chris Hatch for his programming assistance and feedback.
I tested all 49 combinations of primary to primary aspirations and captured the attraction score which they generated. All combinations adjusted the score by -35, 0 or +35 (except Grilled Cheese Sims had a +145 attraction score to other Grilled Cheese Sims). Many combinations are not reciprocated. For example, Pleasure Sims dislike Family Sims and generate a -35 score change, but Family Sims are neutral towards Pleasure Sims resulting in a 0 score change.
Secondary Aspiration Attraction changes the attraction score as follows after the above score is calculated:
If Sim B's secondary aspiration is the same as Sim A's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 20 and a previous -35 penalty for incompatible primary aspirations (if there was one) is removed.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration is the same as Sim B's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 20.
If Sim B's secondary aspiration dislikes Sim A's primary aspiration, the attraction score is decreased by 15.
If Sim B's secondary aspiration likes Sim A's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 15.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration dislikes Sim B's primary aspiration, the attraction score is decreased by 15.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration likes Sim B's primary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 15.
If Sim A's secondary aspiration is the same as Sim B's secondary aspiration, the attraction score is increased by 10.
Grilled Cheese aspiration matches get higher increases. For a primary to secondary match the score is increased by 50 instead of 20. For a secondary to secondary match, the attraction score is increased by 25 instead of 10.
The changes to the attraction score made by this mod range from -40 to +75.
Likes and dislikes are based upon the table below. (+ is Like, - is Dislike, n is Neutral and = is the same as).
From/To | Rom | Fam | For | Pop | Kno | Plz | Chs |
Romance | = | - | n | n | n | + | - |
Family | - | = | + | - | + | n | n |
Fortune | n | n | = | + | n | - | - |
Popularity | n | n | n | = | - | + | - |
Knowledge | - | + | n | n | = | - | n |
Pleasure | + | - | n | n | - | = | + |
Cheese | n | + | - | - | n | n | = |
For example a Romance aspiration dislikes a Grilled Cheese aspiration while a Grilled Cheese Aspiration neither likes nor dislikes a Romance aspiration. These likes and dislikes are what are used in calculating how the attraction score is changed by this mod.
Several Calculation Examples:
Without this mod, a Romance/Family Sim's attraction to a Family/Romance Sim has a -35 value.
With this mod, a Romance/Family Sim's attraction to a Family/Romance Sim has a +40 value.
(Romance->Romance means +20 and an additional +35 because Romance disliked Family as primary; Family->Family is +20)
This is the most extreme (non-Cheese) change with a difference of 75 points in the attraction scores.
Without this mod, a Romance/Family Sim's attraction to a Pleasure/Grilled Cheese Sim has a +35 value.
With this mod, the attraction has a +5 value; a difference of -30. (Romance->Cheese is -15; Pleasure->Family is -15)
Without this mod, a Family/Cheese Sim's attraction to a Knowledge/Cheese Sim has a +35 value.
With this mod, the attraction has a +75 value; a difference of +40. (Cheese->Family is +15; Cheese->Cheese is +25)
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| Secondary Aspiration Attraction adjusts the chemistry between Sims by using their secondary aspirations
Uploaded: 18th Jun 2020, 1.7 KB.
romancemod-AL -
Uploaded: 9th Jun 2020, 9.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Download Details
Uploaded: 6th Jun 2020 at 5:28 PM
Updated: 17th Jul 2020 at 6:35 PM
Updated: 17th Jul 2020 at 6:35 PM
– Global Mods
: Mods that change the way the game works without requiring any user intervention.
#chemistry, #attraction, #secondary, #aspiration
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