[3t2] All Wall Decorations From The Generations Expansion Pack
Thumbnail.png - width=1280 height=512
The Thumbnail.
BeaconOfFreedomPosterSet.png - width=1450 height=683
The Beacon of Freedom Poster Set [TS2]
BunnyInTheRain.png - width=427 height=525
The Bunny in the Rain [TS2]
DreamOfTheWindrunner.png - width=1457 height=549
The Dream of the Windrunner [TS2]
FrillyFramedPicture.png - width=1603 height=791
The Frilly Framed Picture [TS2]
IncomparableIdolPoster.png - width=1542 height=605
The Incomparable Idol Poster [TS2]
OliviaOctopi.png - width=1792 height=429
The Olivia Octopi [TS2]
PaintingsOfMedievalAdventures.png - width=1831 height=373
The Painting of Medieval Adventures [TS2]
PlanesOfThePast.png - width=1793 height=535
The Planes of the Past [TS2]
TheNaturalFamilyPortrait.png - width=1371 height=499
The "Natural" Family Portrait [TS2]
WallWalkingAnimals.png - width=1526 height=327
The Wall Walking Animals [TS2]
BeaconOfFreedomPosterSet.png - width=1235 height=584
The Beacon of Freedom Poster Set [TS3/Original]
BunnyInTheRain.png - width=360 height=454
The Bunny in the Rain [TS3/Original]
DreamOfTheWindrunner.png - width=1364 height=521
The Dream of the Windrunner [TS3/Original]
FrillyFramedPicture.png - width=1442 height=707
The Frilly Framed Picture [TS3/Original]
IncomparableIdolPoster.png - width=1297 height=483
The Incomparable Idol Poster [TS3/Original]
OliviaOctopi.png - width=1760 height=447
The Olivia Octopi [TS3/Original]
PaintingsOfMedievalAdventures.png - width=1730 height=339
The Painting of Medieval Adventures [TS3/Original]
PlanesOfThePast.png - width=1597 height=537
The Planes of the Past [TS3/Original]
TheNaturalFamilyPortrait.png - width=1344 height=483
The "Natural" Family Portrait [TS3/Original]
WallWalkingAnimals.png - width=1641 height=324
The Wall Walking Animals [TS3/Original]
If you want them all in your game, you can download the bundle with all the wall decorations included in the file section. If you don't want them all, you can choose manually between the seperate files listed there as well.
The wall decorations included are:
- Beacon of Freedom Poster Set (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study]
- Bunny in the Rain (1 version) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study, Kids]
- Dream of the Windrunner (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study, Kids]
- Frilly Framed Picture (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study]
- Incomparable Idol Poster (3 versions) [Bedroom, Livingroom, Study, Kids]
- Olivia Octopi (3 versions) [Kids]
- Paintings of Medieval Adventures (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study, Kids]
- Planes of the Past (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study, Kids]
- The "Natural" Family Portrait (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study]
- Wall Walking Animals (3 versions) [Bedroom, Diningroom, Livingroom, Study, Kids]
These are the original names of the objects as they are in The Sims 3, in between brackets is the room category that they are found in.
There are 10 individual objects in total (28 including the recolour objects).
Each object includes a custom made shadow made specifically for the object.
There is one interaction available for all these objects, this is the 'View' interaction.
(Same as in TS3.)
If the FreeTime EP is installed, your Sims will gain art enthusiasm when viewing the objects, which is also the case for many Maxis objects in the game. If you don't have that EP installed, the objects will still work completely fine!
Price per object:
- Beacon of Freedom Poster Set: $240
- Bunny in the Rain: $200
- Dream of the Windrunner: $235
- Frilly Framed Picture: $295
- Incomparable Idol Poster: $125
- Olivia Octopi: $125
- Paintings of Medieval Adventures: $415
- Planes of the Past: $550
- The "Natural" Family Portrait: $125
- Wall Walking Animals: $60
The price per object is the same as in The Sims 3.
All objects are translated to all the languages they are available in in The Sims 3, these include:
- English (US) [Default if game language translation is not available]
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Danish
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Finnish
- Russian
- Portuguese (European and Brazilian)
- Japanese
- Polish
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Korean
- Czech
- Greek
- Hungarian
The objects are sorted by price, just like all Maxis objects.
I hope you have fun with this conversion!

Note: I've made this conversion set as close as possible to its original as always, but humans sometimes make mistakes. If there's anything from TS3 that I didn't convert (correctly) to TS2 in this set, please let me know by leaving a comment on this upload or by sending me a PM! Thank you!

Please keep in mind that TS3 and TS2 use different lighting in their games, so some things may look different because of that.
[3t2]EP04_WallWalkingAnimals by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Wall Walking Animals" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 93.0 KB.
[3t2]EP04_TheNaturalFamilyPortrait by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "The 'Natural' Family Portrait" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 198.3 KB.
[3t2]EP04_PlanesOfThePast by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Planes of the Past" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 372.4 KB.
[3t2]EP04_PaintingsOfMedievalAdventures by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Paintings of Medieval Adventures" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 403.4 KB.
[3t2]EP04_OliviaOctopi by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Olivia Octopi" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 512.0 KB.
[3t2]EP04_IncomparableIdolPoster by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Incomparable Idol Poster" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 77.6 KB.
[3t2]EP04_FrillyFramedPicture by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Frilly Framed Picture" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 356.6 KB.
[3t2]EP04_DreamOfTheWindrunner by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Dream of the Windrunner" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 213.9 KB.
[3t2]EP04_BunnyInTheRain by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Bunny in the Rain" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 45.7 KB.
[3t2]EP04_BeaconOfFreedomPosterSet by CT04 [Decorations_Wall].zip
| The "Beacon of Freedom Poster Set" wall decoration.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 207.1 KB.
[3t2] Generations EP Wall Decorations by CT04 - ALL.zip
| All the wall decorations in one bundle.
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2021, 2.42 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 18th Aug 2021 at 1:10 PM
#3t2, #TS3 to TS2, #Sims 3 to Sims 2, #conversion, #converted, #object, #objects, #wall decorations, #wall hangings, #decorations, #Generations, #children, #fantasy, #family, #historical
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