"Faelians": Multi-PT mod based on "Stolen by Fairies" with Pixie skins and geneticized galaxy eyes
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The eight PTs
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Secunda (Auberon-spawn) and Prima (Ainsel-spawn)
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Quinta and Quadrus (Corrigan-spawn)
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Septima (Briary-spawn)
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Alpha (Titania-spawn) and Beta (Mallebron-spawn)
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Zeta (Robin-spawn), with father in background
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Pi and Rho (Lankin-spawn)
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Neoprima (3/4ths-faelian) and Neoprimus (7/8ths-faelian)
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Neoalpha (1/4th-faelian) and Neobeta (1/8th-faelian)
I discovered Hat's Stolen by Fairies at an impressionable age. I'm inclined to blame it for my long-running fascination with the conceptual overlap between aliens and fae. The idea of beings so unlike humanity as to create an unbridgeable psychological difference, that take people and brings them back changed, lurks somewhere intriguingly in the collective unconsciousness. Stolen by Fairies restyles the PTs as fae and was designed for medieval games, but is brilliantly applicable in any context; the concepts shake and shift and shudder when you poke at them a moment, and man, do I like poking them.
Still, I'm picky. Coming back to serious play after a long break and needing a PT set, I didn't want the eyes anymore, and I wasn't sure about the skins, either, even though I respect the Discworld reference. Outside the context of medieval-ania, I also found myself wondering about the titles. See, Hat gave the PTs titles -- kings and queens, lords and ladies. They're not all equally-titled, either, but occupy different parts of a class structure. I wondered, stripped of the romance, what fundamentally and profoundly alien creatures would need their kings and queens for.
As I discovered Enayla's Pixie skins, a few concepts started slotting into place. Where did creatures that (no matter how human-shaped they were) are so deeply unlike humans get a caste system from? What would they distinguish themselves by?
...Did, perhaps, some have gems growing out of their skin?
This is an eight-PT set that uses the Stolen by Fairies PTs as a base. The face shapes and hair colours are unchanged, and can be seen in the first image or the original Stolen by Fairies post on Dreamwidth (linked in intro). The hairstyles and clothes the PTs come with are also unchanged; the image uses default replacements, and in your family trees they'll appear in base game Maxis hairstyles (or whatever default replacements you have for them, which are probably different to mine). The unreplaced hairstyles can be seen in Hat's original screenshots.
What's changed are the skins and eyes. Skins have been replaced with various fantasy skins from Enayla's Pixie set. I pulled Auberon's and Titania's from Pixie Gems and Ainsel's and Lankin's from Pixie Demonic, as an intentional 'class' consistency; the rest come from a couple different sets. Eyes have been replaced with (a few names here...) Joku's untownification of Pooklet's/Furbyq's/Aelia's/CuriousB's/Nyren's/Lella's recolours of Mouseyblue's 'galaxy' alien eyes. These are geneticized eyes, something I haven't seen any multi-PT sets do before and which the guides I've seen on the subject claim is impossible -- it's completely possible, and they behave exactly as you'd expect them to.
The eyes are all geneticized at 1. For the five basic eye colours, they're codominant with brown and dark blue (so offspring will have a 50/50 chance of either) and dominant over light blue, green, and grey. If your game has additional eye colours to the base five, check the details of your set; some custom eyes are left ungeneticized (so are super-dominant over all geneticized eyes, these included), while others are geneticized either at the basic 1 or 2 values, or various fractions. The skins are just straight custom and are superdominant over normal geneticized skins. All skins and eyes are included (and necessary for the mod to work properly) and will show up in CAS; none are townified, so townies won't spawn with faelian features.
Details of the PTs, in the order they appear in the first pic:
Her Majesty Titania Underhill
Black hair, Pixie Amethyst skin, Cesium eyes
Pixie Amethyst was the skin that provided the genesis for this set. It was immediately obvious it belonged to Titania, being a sharp, refined, regal, feminine skin. Cesium was chosen as a complement to both the obvious purple and to the cool-toned darkness of the skin as a whole; I tried a few other purples from the 60-colour set, but all seemed too bright. Amethyst, past the gemstones, is a dark skin; the saturated purples didn't fit it.
His Majesty Auberon Vertdubois
Blond hair, Pixie Sapphire skin, Sapphire eyes
Another immediately obvious association. Blue offsets yellow well, and the skin as a whole had an immediate power to it that also clearly fit. Sapphire was the obvious option of the eye colours. From the swatch it seemed it might blend a little too much with the skin, but on actual faelian-spawn it looks good.
Dame Ainsel Mustardseed
Red hair, Pixie Ashes skin, Red eyes
This was by far the hardest of the eight to decide. Ainsel and Lankin both felt -- if you will -- more 'evil' than the other six, from their supervillain outfits and sharp features, so it was obvious their skins would come from the Demonic set; the broad impression I got was of a warrior/mercenary class. I spent a very long time in Bodyshop clicking back and forth between Ashes and Incubi. I liked Incubi a lot, and was worried how the patterns on Ashes would stand up over the generations (I've seen them look a little warped on some multi-PT mods with extreme features), but the flower on Incubi looked very wrong. Once I actually had the mod set up and Ainsel-spawn in the game, it was clear I made the right choice.
Lord Lankin Oren
Blond hair, Pixie Serpent skin, Vanadium eyes
Lankin was comparatively easy. Serpent was a gimme from the Demonic skins -- 'lizard people' occupy the same collective-unconsciousness space again. I wanted both Ainsel and Lankin to have 'edgier' eye colours, befitting the aforementioned socially-sanctioned-bad-guy associations. Red and black eyes respectively fit the general associations, and also contributed to a general colour palette of warmer colours on Ainsel and cooler on Lankin.
Mallebron Cobweb
Red hair, Pixie Diamond skin, Semtex eyes
Poor Mallebron was the one I kept forgetting. Multiple times when picking out skins I counted, noticed I only had seven PTs accounted for, scrolled back through Hat's post, and saw I missed Mallebron. 'Cobweb' in his name led me to Pixie Diamond, with its cobwebby facial patterns. Semtex-green eyes came from...well...phenotype stereotypes for pale redheads.
Briary Peaseblossom
Red hair, Pixie Pearl skin, Tetryl eyes
Briary feels very pink to me. It's the lighting in Hat's inline pic. She spent years in my mind as 'the pink one', so pink she is. I worried a little that red hair and pink skin and pink eyes would blend in with each other, but the shades all turned out distinct enough.
Robin Goodfellow
Brown hair, Pixie Nymph skin, Brisance eyes
Robin came across to me as a nature fae in a way none of the rest did, so he got nature-fae styling. Pixie Glory is probably the more popular of Enayla's two forest-y skins, but felt way overkill for a non-titled faelian. Nymph is much more subtle and pairs well with brown hair and eyes.
Corrigan Moth
Blonde hair, Pixie Orchid skin, Torpedo eyes
Corrigan is the weird one of the bunch. It's not obvious in the images that she's more extreme, but her kids can come out pretty bizarre-looking (her daughter in my tests has a characterful face). I liked this -- it's good to have a more offbeat PT in an otherwise 'inhumanly beautiful' set. Pixie Orchid is a good skin for her, fitting both the playful/pixie vibe and the eccentric features; the way it looks around the eyes highlights inhuman/faelian elements in her spawn. (Mallebron's Pixie Diamond does this too, but Orchid has it moreso.) I wanted yellow eyes to continue the general theme of light colours and match her hair.
These are good PTs. The skins are all distinguishable such that the specific faelian parent is obvious from birth (though some of the lighter shades require a bit of squinting and zooming). Their offspring are broadly "good-looking, but just weird enough" -- tendencies to long faces. Corrigan's are weirder than the rest, so people who prefer their PTs 'interesting-looking' are still served. Auberon's are the best of the bunch, IMO; Hat likes Robin's and Titania's a lot. See what you like.
These were tested with fathers with S2 skin and the second face template. The ones with vaguely-Latinate names had a father with blond hair and dark blue eyes; the ones with Greek names had a father with red hair and brown eyes. All are pictured as adults, except Secunda (teen). Hairs were chosen for optimal revealing of facial features.
Secunda (Auberon-spawn) and Prima (Ainsel-spawn)
Quinta and Quadrus (Corrigan-spawn)
Septima (Briary-spawn)
Alpha (Titania-spawn) and Beta (Mallebron-spawn)
Zeta (Robin-spawn), with his father in the background
Pi and Rho (Lankin-spawn), who took forever due to sadorandomness
A cool part of multi-PT mods is you can have multigenerational aliens. In an unmodded game, the presence of only one PT means all aliens are considered related; half-aliens can't have relationships with each other, and abductions don't result in 3/4ths or higher offspring. Because there are multiple faelians, it's possible to have faelian-spawn get taken (however you choose to interpret it) themselves and produce faelian-spawn of their own.
Neoprima (left) is the daughter of an unpictured Auberon-spawn and Ainsel; Neoprimus (right) is the son of Neoprima and Corrigan
Finally, it's important to know how the faelian-spawn themselves reproduce with normal sims. I tested with two fathers; the original faelian-spawn reproduced with a sim with black hair, grey eyes, S1 skin, and the first face template, while her daughter reproduced with a sim with brown hair, green eyes, S3 skin, and the 27th face template. The results were promising.
Neoalpha (daughter of an unpictured Mallebron-spawn) retained faelian skin and eyes, Neobeta lost them
Multi-PT mods are simple to use, but have a few caveats to avoid causing problems for your game.
To install the mod, simply place it in your downloads folder as you would other CC/mods. This mod includes all the genetics needed for the PTs to work -- the base sims and their CC skins and eyes. None of those three elements can be removed if there are faelian-spawn in your game, unless you plan to permanently cease playing any neighbourhoods with faelian-spawn. Removing them will break genetics, resulting in sims passing down junk genetic data that eventually causes gameplay problems.
If you want to remove the mod (to replace it with another PT set or go back to the default PT), remove the subfolder 'Mod' from the Faelians folder. You can do this repeatedly -- if you'd like to alternate between this mod and another multi-PT set, you can just repeatedly change which mod file you have in your game. (This is useful if you have radically different neighbourhoods and want this set for some but not all.) Similarly, if you want to switch to this mod from another multi-PT mod, just find the mod file of it and remove it. Some will have clearly marked mod files/folders as mine does, while others might require a bit of poking, but they'll all have a distinct mod file to handle the actual PT elements. (You'll know you have the right file if it reads 'Get Alien Dad' in SimPe.)
It's perfectly safe to switch to this mod from the original Stolen by Fairies (or vice versa). I remade the mod from scratch; the GUIDs are different, so won't cause any issues.
The mod file itself is called 'Faelians Mod v2'. There is no v1 -- my playtesting revealed my original attempt at an eight-PT mod resulted in a de facto four-PT mod (four were overridden and unable to spawn).
Not included, but suggested: Hat's original Stolen by Fairies includes an optional add-on that replaces game text referencing 'aliens' to reference 'fairies'. I've intentionally played up the ambiguity here, so if you want it to land confidently on that side rather than the other (whether because you play a period game or because you just want it to say 'fairies'), feel free to check it out. The text-changing add-on is available as a separate download, so you can pick it up from the link in the first paragraph.
Hat deserves the most credit for the original mod, the inspiration, and the obsession with the overlap it gestures at. As mentioned: Enayla, Joku, Pooklet, Furbyq, Aelia, CuriousB, Nyren, Lella, and Mouseyblue deserve credit for the skins and eyes (and Enayla another part of the mod's inspiration). Simgaroop made a helpful (if not entirely accurate regarding geneticized eyes) tutorial that I kept close while working on the mod. Quaxi made SimPe, which was of course a fundamental part of its creation. As we all do, I stand on the shoulders of giants.
Filename | Type | Size |
Faelians.zip | zip | |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_brisance.package | package | 16262 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_cesium.package | package | 16011 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_red.package | package | 16367 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_sapphire.package | package | 17146 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_semtex.package | package | 18512 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_tetryl.package | package | 17748 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_torpedo.package | package | 19014 |
pooklet_lellamouseyblueeyes_vanadium.package | package | 10636 |
Faelian Ainsel.package | package | 210419 |
Faelian Auberon.package | package | 204602 |
Faelian Briary.package | package | 178915 |
Faelian Corrigan.package | package | 215883 |
Faelian Lankin.package | package | 189786 |
Faelian Mallebron.package | package | 209487 |
Faelian Robin.package | package | 179516 |
Faelian Titania.package | package | 176685 |
Faelians Mod v2.package | package | 1139 |
PT - BHAV-0x1000.simpe | simpe | 145 |
PT - BHAV-0x1000.simpe.xml | xml | 324 |
PT - BHAV-0x1001.simpe | simpe | 99 |
PT - BHAV-0x1001.simpe.xml | xml | 324 |
PT - Catalog Description.simpe | simpe | 1048 |
PT - Catalog Description.simpe.xml | xml | 332 |
PT - Global Data.simpe | simpe | 320 |
PT - Global Data.simpe.xml | xml | 323 |
PT - Object Data.simpe | simpe | 330 |
PT - Object Data.simpe.xml | xml | 323 |
PT - Object Functions.simpe | simpe | 300 |
PT - Object Functions.simpe.xml | xml | 328 |
9eb3acb1_pixieamethyst.package | package | 1303643 |
cffc19ba_gleam.package | package | 60761 |
46dc6d98_ashhorns.package | package | 134059 |
900b476c_hedonist.package | package | 71544 |
df99b89f_pixieashes.package | package | 1965750 |
90a5fbca_pixiediamond.package | package | 2182626 |
affd35d_ecstasy.package | package | 79144 |
2de5e73f_summerglow.package | package | 56039 |
c11aefc3_pixienymph.package | package | 3139487 |
2b7cdb0d_blossom.package | package | 65474 |
8f9303a9_pixieorchid.package | package | 1774640 |
50efe11b_pixiepearl.package | package | 3502948 |
691a24e1_euphoria.package | package | 71098 |
b7e63835_inspiration.package | package | 61119 |
e82c3f16_pixiesapphire.package | package | 3038084 |
2e7eaf52_zenith.package | package | 78590 |
8f625f79_serpentshorn.package | package | 46086 |
b4892d3f_pixieserpent.package | package | 3034484 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Pixie Amethyst by Enayla
- Pixie Sapphire by Enayla
- Pixie Ashes by Enayla
- Pixie Serpent by Enayla
- Pixie Diamond by Enayla
- Pixie Pearl by Enayla
- Pixie Nymph by Enayla
- Pixie Orchid by Enayla
- Untownified Galaxy eyes by Joku
| The full mod, including PTs and required CC
Uploaded: 28th Mar 2023, 18.43 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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#multi-pt, #pollination technician, #multi pollination technician, #alien, #aliens, #fae, #fairy, #fairies
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