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THOẠI (formerly known as Conrad Durer) continues with his third publishable posebox and declares his creativity with 21 poses using only the upper body.

  • Name: Posebox no.12
  • Alternative name: 12th posebox
  • Reference: NONE
  • Price: 0 simoleon
  • Categories where the posebox can be found: Hobbies --> All, and Miscellaneous --> All
  • Pose range: Pose FORTY-ONE (41) to 61 (21 poses)
  • Gender: Everyone , I greatly encourage ALL sims to be put in these poses. All my poseboxes are GENDER-INCLUSIVE and it will always be that way.

I've spent a long time thinking: What if we ask a model: If I put your legs/hands in a fixed position, how will you show me modelesque photos.
If one part of the limbs is restricted, how will that model prove their worth in their modeling photos?

This posebox comes as an answer to the question: 21 poses declare the creativity of a person to make poses when the legs of the model is placed fixed in one and only one position. The sky is the truthful limit of one's creativity and imagination.

Illustrative images have been enclosed for your reference

  • MY PERSPECTIVE OF GENDER INCLUSIVITY IMPLEMENTED IN MY POSEBOXES: I believe that all models are able to pose however they want and not be criticized because their poses don't fit in the mold of gender. Therefore, from now on, I ensure all my models pose in every single pose in my posebox to show that: EVERYONE CAN USE MY POSEBOX. My posebox has never devoted to solely men nor women and never will.
  • My poseboxes will not be named from number 1 but will be named based on their ordinal numbers, and this posebox begins with my 41th pose, thus begins from number 41. I hope to receive respect for that.
  • This is the first posebox not to feature any real-life reference, but it is a spectrum of poses that have same leg posture. 21 poses of the 12th box goes to show how creativity goes as the leg posture is restricted to only 1 position but the upper body is free to pose.
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