simler90 Tuning Add-on

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This is a file that compiles all optional tuning tweaks for simler90's Gameplay Core Mod for simmers to find and tweak more easily.

simler90's Gameplay Core Mod fixes many bugs and oversights in the game, however, some of them work better together with tweaks not included in the core mod.
I've put the necessary resources in one single file, and provide some information about the changes from simler90's mind.
While this mod was created to complement simler90's core mod, it does not necessarily depend on it.

Please note that...
simler90 was the one who pointed out the exact resources and values to look for and modify, I will not take credit for that and they are only written here to facilitate the understanding of the changes in comparison to an unmodded game, and to make it a little easier for inexperienced S3PE who find it confusing to search through the text of all the core mod updates for instructions..
I will stop doing this if it's wrong, please tell simler90 that I'm sorry if I have bothered them.
Please don't thank me, thank simler90 instead...
Minimum Funds
  • EA: 500
  • Me: 250
    The minimum amount of simoleons that an inactive household can have.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's "SimulateBudgetForInactives", which changes the family funds of inactive households to balance the game. On by default.
    TUNING: In "Household_0xa9ba9a66e6364a5e" change te value of "kMinFamilyFunds" or delete the resource if you don't need it.

Mourning Debuff
  • EA: 101 (disabled)
  • Me: 80
    The relationship level required with a deceased sim not living in the same household to receive the Mourning Debuff.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Mourning Debuff Fix, which fixes Mourning Debuff in sims of the same household. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: In "Urnstone_0x8332d3edece83e1e" change te value of "kMinLikingAddMourning" or delete the resource if you don't want it.

Story Progression Demographics
  • EA: 5 / 0.004,0.01 / 0.5 / 10 respectively
  • Me: 25 / 0.0,0.01 / 0.25 / 15 respectively
    A combination of settings to make Story Progression's demographic choices more random. More information at simler90's post.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Demographic Draws Fix, which fixes a problem that causes the game to waste demographic draws unnecessarily making Story Progression almost unable to do anything. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: In "Demographics_0x0915b951121e2690" change te value of "kDemographicChoiceTemperature", "kActionsScoreFriction", "kSelectedDemographicAttenuation" and "kNumDemographicDraws" or delete the resource if you don't want this.

Distant Genealogy Purge
  • EA: 3 / 1 respectively
  • Me: 10 / 5 respectively
    This is the number of genealogy links that are preserved for living and dead sims when the game purges them every night.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's "PurgeDistantGenealogyRelations", which makes this maintenance routine optional to prevent the game from unlinking sims when it shouldn't. Off by default.
    TUNING: In "SimDescription_0x2f781fbc26bb4d8a" change te value of "kPreservedGenealogyLinksForLivingSims" and "kPreservedGenealogyLinksForDeadSims" or delete the resource if you left "PurgeDistantGenealogyRelations" set to False.

Phone/Camera Idles
  • EA: 10 / 10 / 5 respectively
  • Me: no change
    The frequency at which these idles will be executed
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Restored Idles, which restores some idles that were probably accidentally deactivated from the game. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: In "Idles" change te value of "SmartPhoneIdles", "FuturePhoneIdles" and "Photography_idle". This resource was left here in case you need it, I recommend deleting it since probably some Idle mod in your game makes use of this resource.

Play in Sand Age Autonomy
  • EA: Children
  • Me: Children to Elder
    Age availability of autonomously playing in sand.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Autonomous Play in Sand Fix, which makes sims able to play in sand autonomously again. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: In "AutonomousPlayInSand_Sim" change te value of "AgeSpeciesAvail" or delete the resource if you don't need it. More information at simler90's post.

Bonehilda Bar Drink
  • EA: 10
  • Me: 0
    This setting disables a Bonehilda feature regarding bars that does not work correctly. More info at simler90's post.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Bonehilda Bar Fixes, which fixes some issues with Bonehilda at bars if Late Night is installed. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: Delete the resource if you don't want this.

Dream Pod Ownership
  • EA: False
  • Me: True
    This makes sim take into account bed ownership of dream pods from Into The Future.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Bed Ownership Fixes, which fixes some issues with bed ownership, autonomy and sleeping. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: Delete "DreamPodSleep_BedDreamPod" if you don't need this.

Sleep if Bed's Away
  • EA: 0.01
  • Me: 0.5
    Tweak that makes it more likely for a sim to sleep in a bed if their owned bed is on another lot.
    USAGE: This is complemented by simler90's Bed Ownership Fixes, which fixes some issues with bed ownership, autonomy and sleeping. Integrated into the core mod.
    TUNING: In "BedSleep_0xae29aadc36ba8672" change te value of "kAutonomyScoreMultiplierForBedAwayFromOwnedBed" or delete the resource if you don't need it.

Thanks to...
simler90 for having created the core mod to which this is a complement, and for giving detailed information about the exact resources and values to be modified, recommended values and the effects they produce in the game, this is just a summary of them.
Peter & Inge Jones for S3PE.
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