Two Sims: Taegan Hall, an adult and Laise, a YA

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Last, but certainly not least, I bring you Taegan Hall and Laise.

Taegan is another hairy bear. His likeness was done by yours truly, his hair Chazdesigns, his skintone by AllenABQ, his beard Rad47. Taegan was actually also requested, so he's here for your download pleasure. He is an adult sim so he can be downloaded whether you have the EP or not.

In game photo shot of Taegan:

The second sim I bring you, whose likeness was also done by me, is Laise (pronounced LASH'uh, an old Gaelic name that I absolutely love). The hair in the photo is actually from guppysims, but is not included out of respect for the creator (the hair in the package file was actually converted from the female version and can be found in the hair meshes section). His clothing is Maxi's, his eyes created by helaene, brows by SimTV, and the cosmetic touch up on the lips is by none other than Sim Cribbling. He is a young adult sim, so you need to have University installed.
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