Male Ponytail Recolors - Part 2!
MalePonytailRecolor-ElectricBlue.jpg - width=410 height=605
MalePonytailRecolor-ElectricPurple.jpg - width=412 height=603
MalePonytailRecolor-FireGlow1.jpg - width=400 height=581
MalePonytailRecolor-TrueBlack.jpg - width=410 height=605
MalePonytailRecolor-TrueBlonde.jpg - width=417 height=602
Credit goes to Nukascrue for intially re-meshing the female ponytail for the men, and to Yangn for modifying this alpha to give it the slimmer bangs. Please dont upload anything you have not made completely yourself on pay sites without the permission of the creater. Keep Free work FREE. Also, give credit where credit is due and dont try to pawn things off as your own if they are not :omg:
The version you need:
Yangn's slimmed bang mesh can be found HERE! (Unfortunately included with the entire Hojo Sim).
You can find the original mesh that started it all, by Nukascrue. You can find the original post and mesh HERE (for those who like the full bangs look) .
The 5 recolors added to the collection this round are : Electric Blue, Electric Purple, Fire Glow, True Black, and True Blonde. I promise, no more snot greens passing as blonde here!
First Recolors Thread can be found HERE!
Uploaded: 5th Aug 2005, 451.5 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Aug 2005, 341.6 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Aug 2005, 332.6 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Aug 2005, 375.0 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Aug 2005, 368.4 KB.
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Nouk's Male Ponytail Recolor - Deep Red
by Midnight Voyager 28th Jul 2007 at 3:27am
Nouk’s male ponytail made shorter - binned [UPDATED 24.08.11]
by Cheryl Mason updated 24th Aug 2011 at 4:25pm
Recolors: Nukascrue Male Ponytail
by elektro 29th Jul 2005 at 8:48am
Here is my first posting of any recolor I have done. more...