Chapter 5
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CHAPTER 5: "Your City Does Not Exist"


As Masato and Carlos were tending to Jason; Zack and Trini went around in search of more Putties and Gwirdon Treaders. Little did they realize that, after de-morphing, a security camera or two on HanomCorp grounds captured footage of them!

Zack: "It looks like all the Putties are gone! And I can't see what happened to those other creeps."

Trini: "Me neither! But it bothers me that we haven't heard anything from Jason."

Zack: "This whole place bothers me! I feel like Big Brother is watching us here. Like this is some sort of mountain dystopia."

Trini: "In that case, we'd better be careful how we approach those grounds where we appeared. I didn't take the time to read the sign on that one fence, but I'm pretty sure we're not welcome here."

The two found themselves near a storage locker facility, and began heading back toward where they came from a different way. They were in less of a hurry this time. As much as they feared for Jason's safety, they were just as concerned about drawing suspicion to themselves.

Zack: " okay there?"

Trini: "I suppose. It's just...well...I was feeling shy about saying anything..."

Zack: "You're worried we'll be stuck here forever?"

Trini: "Well, that's part of it."

Zack: "Unless you want it to do otherwise, then nothing you tell me here leaves this other world. And whatever happens in this world, stays here, right?"

Trini: "That can never be entirely true of literally everything; but I get your point."

Zack: "So...what's eating you?"

Trini: " the few months that I've come to know you...I've come to see sides of you that I have never seen in anyone else. Sides I..."

Zack: "Hey, it's all right. I've been over-the-moon for you too. But I set my sights on Angela first. Hey...if things don't work out with you and Richie, and I can't win over Angela long can always look me up. I don't think anyone else will understand me like you will."

Trini: "That's just it. If we don't find a way may very well be literally it. I don't know if my family would approve though."

Zack: "Well, if we are stuck here, then they aren't around to say anything, right?"

Before he could say another word, she grabbed hold of him. The kiss was a long one, enough to invoke in both of them fond memories of having watched films such as The Princess Bride. It could potentially cause them to question everything.

His rugged lips against her smooth ones provided them a contrast of textures enticing enough to want to explore further, though they knew doing so would be against their better judgment. As their hearts raced in a way they weren't accustomed to, they immediately realized they'd already gone too far.

Trini: "For now...that stays here. But I would be all too happy to do it again!"

Zack: "Amen to that. If we don't find Jason by nightfall..."

Trini: "As much as I'd like to...we better find him!"

Zack: "Right. Duty first, love later. Let's keep going!"

Both of them felt changed inside. Like this is how it was supposed to happen! But again...what about Angela and Ritchie?

On the other hand...if they never got back to their proper world, would those two even matter? It's not like Ritchie had ever shown Trini the affection and attention she wanted from him. And did Angela really care about Zack at all?

That kiss created a lot of confusion instantly. To whom were these two even loyal? Each other? Their external crushes?

No time for that! Jason needed to be found! Why hadn't he tried to reach them yet?

The two didn't get much further, before their location was discovered by Bozeman police!

Officer Jeff Harrison: "Hands up where I can see them!"

Zack: "What's the deal, officer?"

Officer Clyde Winston: "Trespassing on HanomCorp R&D grounds, you two??? As if those bugs stealing things constantly weren't already a problem, now we have Diversity Program-Approved Neo-Bonnie and Clyde?"

Trini: "We woke up in a strange place, with no idea how we got there! A friend of ours might be in trouble from those...bugs. We just want to know where we are, and get him and ourselves somewhere safe!"

Winston: "So you admit you were trespassing?"

Zack: "That's not fair!"

Winston: "Shut up, home boy!"

Zack: "Excuse me?"

Harrison: "Cuff 'em, Winston!"

Winston: "Don't resist, you bums! You're on video! You did it!"

As if finding out they were in love weren't enough of a world-shattering revelation for Zack and Trini both, the realization that they were under arrest for something just hit them even harder!

Trini: "Zack! This isn't happening!"

Winston: "Afraid so. Now get on your knees, and get ready! You're on your way to the dollhouse, sister!"

As the two officers placed handcuffs on the mysterious lost couple, Winston couldn't help but reach about - a bit inappropriately - into Trini's pocket to search for anything he could find of value on her. With less of a perverted streak, Harrison reached into Zack's pockets.

Harrison: "Power Rangers? This some sort of cute toy?"

Zack: "It's no toy, trust me!"

Winston: "A confession of illegal weapons possession? Anyway, it's probably one of Hanom's crazy inventions! I bet he intends to make his own version of whatever that Knight is that keeps prowling around his properties! But since he knows we're not fond of that Knight, a Ranger just might be more accepted? Guy's nuts!"

Harrison: "Whatever. We'll collect these...these..."

Zack: "Morphers!"

Harrison: "Yes, whatever. We'll collect these trinkets as evidence. We can add theft charges to the trespassing ones."

Trini: "We didn't get those from this 'Hanom' figure! It was given to us by-"

Winston: "Tell the judge, hot stuff! He might just get you moved to a psych ward instead, if you put on a good enough show. You still ain't free, but it'll be a tad more comfy there."

Zack: "Hey, man! You can stop grabbing her there! That ain't professional!"

Harrison: "I hate it when they're right. Best cut it out, Winston. We can't afford to have them suing the city."

Winston: "Ah, whatever! Fine! Check this out...these are very old-school California state IDs. 'Angel Grove' though? There's no such city!"

Harrison: "Fake IDs? We'll add that to the list of charges! The DA is gonna love us!"

Zack: "We're not from this Earth number, man! It shouldn't surprise you that your Earth doesn't have an Angel Grove!"

Winston: "Aw crap! Do we gotta put him in the psych ward too?"

Harrison: "We put a 'vampire' in there, allegedly. And we did see that Knight battling a giant raccoon! So...there's a ghost of a chance they're telling the truth!"

Winston: "Let's just take 'em in. Let the judge sort this out! This city is getting way too weird for me!"

Harrison: "On that, I agree."

Zack thought the officers in Angel Grove were stupid! He wasn't sure what to be upset about more: the fact that he and the woman he just realized he was in love with were both going to jail; or the fact that the arresting officers were really this bad at their jobs!

Either way, he could hardly believe that he went from respected Ranger and role model to petty criminal in a matter of a few hours, all due to a gross misunderstanding!

And then it dawned on him: Trini was always the role model everyone looked up to, even before him! How would she show her face now? Would anyone back in Angel Grove understand?

This moment was perhaps the worst for Trini. As a family across the street exited a classic German-style restaurant, the little children gazed in awe at the sight of what was happening.

Child in distance (shouting with excitement): "Mom! They caught some bad guys!!!"

Trini was especially hurt to hear those words! Was that really all she was to this strange new world? Even more painfully...she couldn't argue! She was on HanomCorp property without an invitation. She had hopped a fence. She was in possession of a trinket she couldn't even properly explain! From all accounts of that world's limited understanding of things, she was guilty!

Winston: "It's looking like you two could be locked away for up to 8 years if found guilty of everything!"

Her heart sank even more! How could they be so inhospitable to a lost young woman? Was she really about to lose 8 years of her life over something this stupid? They couldn't even prove she'd hurt anything or anyone...apart from the Putties and Treaders! But since when did Bozeman police assert either of those hideous creatures to have rights? And if they did, then she could be facing multiple assault charges and be locked up even longer!

Anger, guilt, and confusion filled inside her, until she could barely hold back the tears.

Zack: "We have a right to a lawyer, Trini! They'll have to honor that!"

Winston: "Assuming you still qualify as Americans, yes! But...since there is no Angel Grove, we're gonna have a hard time placing you two. Hell, Gitmo could be in your futures!"

Harrison: "Enough, Winston; you're making the girl cry! The judge will figure this out."

Once they were inside the car, they knew it wasn't just an act. This was really happening!

Harrison: "The girl is gonna ride with Winston. As for you, Fresh Prince...another car is coming for you! You'll be side-by-side entering the station. But if you got any Romeo and Juliet left inside, that'll be your last chance for it. After that, we're separating you two."

Winston: "Make with da smoochies! F-Pod's gonna wanna hear your story, babe! All the idiots on drugs....boring! But've got a story to tell!"

Harrison:"Winston, please! You gotta learn to treat the ladies with a little more respect! See, that's why you're still single!"

Winston: "And what's your excuse? The perps don't need to see our dirty underwear, come on!"

The officers walked away, waiting for the back-up car to arrive.

Trini (sobbing):"This is the most humiliating day of my entire life!"

Zack: "Hey, it's okay! Well, no it ain't, but...well, it sucks for me too! But we've been through a lot worse!"

He reached to kiss her again. She wasn't sure this was an appropriate time, but allowed for it.

Zack:"Hold on to that, as a promise. Even if I'm stuck here the rest of my life, I'm gonna find a way to get you out."

Trini:"Wait a bit first. Zordon might have a plan. Let's not do anything stupid until we know for sure there is no other way."

Zack:"If we have to be stuck in this world, growing old as outlaws, I'd do it...for you."

Trini: "And I for you. But...let's not jump the gun, okay?"

Zack: "Of course not. It's not what Jason would've wanted."

The two rested their foreheads on one another, mutually diffusing each other's grief through their common bond.

Winston: "Oh, please! This sweetness is giving me diabetes! Can't that back-up just get here already!?"

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