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#1 Old 3rd Oct 2021 at 6:58 PM Last edited by SimmerAl : 24th Jul 2022 at 10:59 PM.
Default TS2 > TS1 - Modded dresser - Costumes, woohoo and magic portals.

-Created a modded dresser with a combination of the costume trunk, woohoo and magic portal interactions. See post #32.

-Re-uploaded Refreshing Commode from McKraken Industries... again, again. Removed the clog interaction.
-Created a modded sink with tinker, upgrade, and brush teeth interactions!
-Created a modded mirror with practice romance, gussy up and pep talk. See post #28.

Re-uploaded Refreshing Commode from McKraken Industries... again.
-Fixed an infinite cleaning loop.
-Fixed so Sims can't lock themselves from using the toilet under certain conditions.
-Slight graphic changes.
-Removed dirty sprites, (its a 20 year old game... simplifying things for sanity reasons)
-Removed an interaction where Sims with 8 or higher neat points would refuse to use unless cleaned. This just became annoying in a 8 Sim household.

Created a modded toilet with tinker, upgrade and other little details. See post 17 for more information.

28/11/21 Created and modded a shower with tinker, upgrades and woohoo options, see post 8 for more information.

Hi there, trying to get back into making Sims 1 stuff again (after changing jobs and moving house) I thought I'd keep everything under one thread this time. I plan to make conversions from other Sims games along with some mods involved, but no longer making objects recolourable... and doing random pieces I feel like at the time.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 3rd Oct 2021 at 9:25 PM
Neat little project you got here. It's always lovely to see someone still making CC for TS1!

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

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#3 Old 4th Oct 2021 at 8:46 PM Last edited by SimmerAl : 11th Dec 2021 at 1:33 PM.
These plants are from the Sims 2 Seasons! they act like sculptures so don't need watering. Any viewing options have be removed.

download link

download link

download link

download link

This is a work in progress at the moment. I'm currently trying to mod this object to have upgrades, I want sims at certain mechanical levels be able to improve shower quality (higher hygiene gain) unbreakable and self cleaning.

I've successfully made the tinker interactions with custom progress. I just need to set flags to allow quality changes. I'd also like to enable woohoo... but previous tests have been unsuccessful... I'd like to give it another go after I made upgrade interactions.
#4 Old 14th Oct 2021 at 1:25 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 14th Oct 2021 at 1:48 PM. Reason: missed the link
I like this showers. they are having nice features. So if it is possible to create your showers by cloning, or maybe use some codes from that, would be awesome.

Why did you decided to make objects no recolorable? I think that is so nice feature you discovered

Regads Vic

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
#5 Old 26th Oct 2021 at 12:44 AM
So Cool!!!
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#6 Old 2nd Nov 2021 at 2:10 AM
Just a little update, haven't abandon this project yet. I been Ill for the last week and just off on holiday now but wanted to share what I been up to.

I successfully made a shower with tinker, upgrade and woohoo interactions!

The tinker gives mechanical points and has a small chance of implanting an upgrade but higher breakage cost.

Upgrades can be implanted with no risk to breaking. Level 3 mechanical can add self cleaning, level 6 can add unbreakable and level 8 improves shower quality (faster hygiene gain)

Woohoo added, two sims can woohoo, gain relationship points and make other jealous if caught cheating.

Things to do. Work on try for baby option (the baby keeps appearing on the corner on the grid atm...) And maybe add woohoo sprites. With so odd touching up to do.
#7 Old 14th Nov 2021 at 8:07 PM
Those features are amazing! I am very excited to see the result. Since you can't add recolor options, maybe you could add colour options as separated objects?

Please be healthy and stay safe. May God protect you!
Regards Vic ^_^

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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#8 Old 28th Nov 2021 at 12:39 PM Last edited by SimmerAl : 28th Nov 2021 at 12:53 PM.
Download link

Here we go! it's nearly taken me two months... but it's finally finished.

-Schmidt's Wünder Tub originally for Sims 2 now for the original Sims.
-Has the same catalogue deception, price and can be useable in different locations.
-Other changes...
-Hygiene bar fully fills.
-Sims in a good mood will use a different singing sound effect. (something less ear piercing)
-Sims with eight or higher Sloppy/Neat points will clean the shower faster.
-Sims with two or less Sloppy/Neat points will make a mess faster.
-Sims with two or less Sloppy/Neat points with a bladder bar half way can fulfil this.
-Reduce some sprites.

-New interaction tinker, Sims can gain the mechanical skill from tinkering.
-Tinkering has a chance of breaking the shower. Sims with mechanical below five will break often. Sims with a maxed out interest in technology or have grouchy/nice points of 5 or below will get this less.
-Sims with Grouchy/Nice points between 3 and 5 will get slightly higher skill gain rate. Sims with two or below Grouchy/Nice points will get faster skill gain. Sims with maxed technology interest and Grouchy/Nice points with two or below will get the mechanical skill much faster.

-New pop when your Sim gains a skill point! (Live PIP must be turned on or you'll just hear a sound effect)
-No more game pausing or clicking to remove dialog boxes. This new pop only only lasts for five seconds and your game will keep running whatever speed your on.
-Less dramatic rejection to skill gaining, replaced with a simple disapproving animation and messaging saying "I'm not in the mood to tinker" with the new pop up.

-New interaction upgrade. Sims with a certain level of mechanical skill can implant an upgrade permanently.
-Level three mechanical can install a self cleaning mode, The shower will never need cleaning again!
-Level six mechanical can install a unbreakable mode. The shower will never break again!
-Level eight mechanical can install a shower quality. This gives sims faster hygiene gain!
-Purple bar added to show your Sims progress.
-A sound effect and a pip pop up will show once the upgrade is completed.
-Sims tinkering can have a rare chance of implanting a random upgrade. You will be noted with a pip pop up saying so with a sound effect.

-Woohoo interaction added.
-Two Sims who are in love can woohoo in the shower.
-Sims must been in love with each other to do this.
-You can either select the shower when in use to woohoo or have your selected sim while in the shower to make another join them.
-Both sims gain hygiene, fun and social.
-Sims will gain ten relationship point each.
-Sims in the shower will reject the other sim if there in a bad mood.
-Sims will both lose five relationship points if rejected.
-Woohoo animations added.
-Sometimes sexy music will play.
-Becomes messy quicker, Sims with two or below Sloppy/Neat points will make even more of a mess.
-No jealously... I couldn't get this to work without it affecting the wrong sims.
-No try for baby... I said I was working on this but can't figure out how the genetics work.

-Sims can't woohoo if there are children close by, children in large rooms or around corners will be ignored. Only affects them if there too close.

-New interaction cast. If your Sim has some enchant spells, you can just use them on this shower to instantly upgrade them.
-Children can do this as well if they have some enchant Jr spells.

-The spell will backfire if performed in a bad mood.

-Dirty sprite added, so you know your self cleaning upgrades at least works.
-Sims with eight or more Sloppy/Neat points will refuse to shower, tinker, upgrade, repair or woohoo until its cleaned.

Download link
Top Secret Researcher
#9 Old 28th Nov 2021 at 6:16 PM
Wow! That's very cool. I'm impressed that you've incorporated all these new features!

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at http://corylea.com/Sims1ModsByCorylea.html
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#10 Old 6th Dec 2021 at 12:35 PM Last edited by First_is_Best : 6th Dec 2021 at 4:25 PM.
Default The Link Does Not Work
This is so cool! I am still playing the sims1 - gives me the mose pleasure then any other sims game

I am working on some objects by myself I think I will put them on the site

Quote: Originally posted by SimmerAl
Thanks HarVee! been busy making more.

download link

This is a work in progress at the moment. I'm currently trying to mod this object to have upgrades, I want sims at certain mechanical levels be able to improve shower quality (higher hygiene gain) unbreakable and self cleaning.

I've successfully made the tinker interactions with custom progress. I just need to set flags to allow quality changes. I'd also like to enable woohoo... but previous tests have been unsuccessful... I'd like to give it another go after I made upgrade interactions.
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#11 Old 11th Dec 2021 at 1:44 PM
@Victor_tor I think I might in game recolours for decorative objects instead. It just gets too much for objects with multiply graphics states, and there just some objects I don't understand how the graphic changes work.... like dinging chairs...

@Corylea Thanks, I wish I was able to add more!

@First_is_Best That's great! always great to see sims 1 creators still active.

Here's a small preview of my latest object, a toilet... but just like the shower, can be tinkered and upgraded. Upgrades are self cleaning and auto flush which makes the cheap toilet act like the expensive one.

#12 Old 12th Dec 2021 at 3:49 PM
That's a bit disappointing that showers can not be recolored. Or cloned with another color.
Anyways awesome!

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
#13 Old 18th Dec 2021 at 11:48 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 18th Dec 2021 at 11:56 PM. Reason: Solved
I have not found your shower in catalogue. I put it in Games\TheSims\GameData\UserObjects llike I do with all iff files but this did not show up.

Edit: solved. The problem was very predictable. My game is not read German ü in the file name.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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#14 Old 24th Dec 2021 at 6:11 AM
Oh god, when woohooing it plays the erotic cake dancer music from House Party

11/10 great content!

probably busy starting another project instead of finishing my last one
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#15 Old 27th Dec 2021 at 2:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I have not found your shower in catalogue. I put it in Games\TheSims\GameData\UserObjects llike I do with all iff files but this did not show up.

Edit: solved. The problem was very predictable. My game is not read German ü in the file name.

Yes mine too. when I changes the file name it workes
Test Subject
#16 Old 29th May 2022 at 12:36 AM
Thank you so much! When I discovered my sim can upgrade the shower to self cleaning i was so happy!!!!
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#17 Old 6th Jun 2022 at 8:03 PM Last edited by SimmerAl : 15th Jun 2022 at 5:08 PM.
It's been awhile... but hey better late then never. Introducing... a toilet.
Download link

-Refreshing Commode from McKraken Industries originally for Sims 2 now for the original Sims.
-Has the same catalogue deception, price and can be useable in different locations.
-Censor bar made smaller.
-Animation tweaks.
-Less visitor swarm, visiting Sims who attempt to use this toilet will just refresh there bladder on the spot, they will very rarely attempt to use this toilet, your household Sims are unaffected.
-Other changes...

-New interaction tinker, Sims can gain the mechanical skill from tinkering.
-Tinkering has a chance of breaking the toilet. Sims with mechanical below five will break often. Sims with a maxed out interest in technology or have grouchy/nice points of 5 or below will get this less.
-Sims with Grouchy/Nice points between 3 and 5 will get slightly higher skill gain rate. Sims with two or below Grouchy/Nice points will get faster skill gain. Sims with maxed technology interest and Grouchy/Nice points with two or below will get the mechanical skill much faster.
-Level three mechanical can install a self cleaning mode, The toilet will never need cleaning again!
-Level seven mechanical can install a auto flush, this toilet acts like the cheap toilet. With this upgrade it will act like the expensive toilet. The toilet will automatically flush, never break and give some comfort.
-Purple bar added to show your Sims progress.
-A sound effect and a pip pop up will show once the upgrade is completed.
-Sims tinkering can have a rare chance of implanting a random upgrade. You will be noted with a pip pop up saying so with a sound effect.

-New pop when your Sim gains a skill point! (Live PIP must be turned on or you'll just hear a sound effect)
-No more game pausing or clicking to remove dialog boxes. This new pop only only lasts for five seconds and your game will keep running whatever speed your on.
-Less dramatic rejection to skill gaining, replaced with a simple disapproving animation and messaging saying "I'm not in the mood to tinker" with the new pop up.

-Sims can read the newspaper while on the toilet. Sims with 2 less Playful/Serious points or maxed politics interest have a higher chance of this happening. Sims with 5 or less Playful/Serious points have a slight chance of this happening. Reading the newspaper gives your Sim slight fun.

-New interaction cast. If your Sim has some enchant spells, you can just use them on this toilet to instantly upgrade them.
-Children can do this as well if they have some enchant Jr spells.

-The spell will backfire if performed in a bad mood.

Download link

I haven't touched this in ages, I just remember it needed tidying up, so some feed back would be great, as I'm getting the itch to move on and create new stuff.
#18 Old 6th Jun 2022 at 10:04 PM
Hmmhmm. That's amazing because my Roomies are tired already to clean their toilets in Mango manor after the every big riot. They are having an agreement with landlord to keep all furnishing ol' fashioned. This is a great chance to make some improvements to the most conservative neighbors without breaking etiquette. And yes! I am talking now about technophobic Goths.
Many thanks!
Vic ^_^

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
Test Subject
#19 Old 9th Jun 2022 at 10:37 PM
Thank you so much for this cool toilet!
#20 Old 10th Jun 2022 at 8:50 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 10th Jun 2022 at 9:12 PM.
There is an issue with toilet. Once it is spoiled and sims start to clean it manually, they are stuck forever so even death do not them a part.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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#21 Old 10th Jun 2022 at 9:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
There is an issue with toilet. Once it is spoiled and sims start to clean it manually, they are stuck forever so even death do not them a part.

That's a stinker. I'll have to check what went wrong.

What's the Sim Neat points? I changed it to be shorter/longer based on points. Must of had an oversight there.
#22 Old 10th Jun 2022 at 10:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SimmerAl
That's a stinker. I'll have to check what went wrong.

What's the Sim Neat points? I changed it to be shorter/longer based on points. Must of had an oversight there.

That been placed in Roomies' house.
Melissa has 4 neat points and Chris has 5. Both are... suffer from endless cleaning syndrome.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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#23 Old 11th Jun 2022 at 4:06 PM
Okay I think I fixed it? I couldn't get it to happen in my game, but I saw in the code where it could possibly loop.

Also run into a different issue. Sims with 8 or more neat point would reset themselves and the object. This is because I set a global to false instead of true by mistake, This has been fixed. Download link updated.

Here's a preview of the sink to go with this set, so far I made it so Sims can brush there teeth at the sink, stops dishes from being washed in this sink and animation tweaks.
#24 Old 12th Jun 2022 at 12:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SimmerAl
Okay I think I fixed it? I couldn't get it to happen in my game, but I saw in the code where it could possibly loop

No sims still can't clean it. This issue is not caused by sloppy/neat points. Unfortunately every sim in my game can not clean this toilet and has the loop animation. But I wanted this toilet specially for Roomies household.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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#25 Old 12th Jun 2022 at 11:11 AM Last edited by SimmerAl : 12th Jun 2022 at 6:55 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
No sims still can't clean it. This issue is not caused by sloppy/neat points. Unfortunately every sim in my game can not clean this toilet and has the loop animation. But I wanted this toilet specially for Roomies household.

Okay, I managed to see it in my game and I see what went wrong. I fixed that along with another bug... under certain conditions Sims would lock themselves out the toilet (aka the object would be constantly flagged as in use being unable to be used again)

Two other things I done, minor touching up to the graphics and removed the dirty sprites. I need to simplify these hacked bases for simple future use.
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