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#26 Old 5th Nov 2014 at 5:34 PM Last edited by Peterskywalker! : 6th Nov 2014 at 1:51 AM.
Fun in the sun in the sand (July)

Sesquipedalian Pisciform
retired moderator
#27 Old 5th Nov 2014 at 6:02 PM
@Peterskywalker! - dont forget to say what month

More downloads by Leesester, BoilingOil and others at Leefish.nl | My Stuff at Leefish.nl | LeeFish RSS | Sims4 News Blog | TumblinLeefish
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#28 Old 5th Nov 2014 at 6:08 PM
@Peterskywalker! - What month is your 2nd entry for?

...oooo, sniped by a fishy :D

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
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#29 Old 6th Nov 2014 at 12:26 AM Last edited by Misty4m : 13th Nov 2014 at 5:30 PM.
Month: September
"Me and my best-friend on a sunny September day having a picnic" ( Size Corrected again )

Field Researcher
#30 Old 6th Nov 2014 at 1:52 AM
Sorry about that the first picture's month is May
The second picture's month is July
Test Subject
#31 Old 6th Nov 2014 at 5:12 AM
If someone were to ever ask me where my CC came from..I truly would have no answer (I have 9 gigs of CC in my game, accumulated from day one of Sims 2 being out up til now...and adding more on a weekly basis....knowing exactly where each one came from is pretty impossible) I will probably have an entry for December The ONLY CC I am positive about is that I use Navetsea's F-In Evo 3 skins as my defaults....
The other one
#32 Old 6th Nov 2014 at 7:53 AM
Thank-you @zoozeegirl, @tupelo66, @Romana_II, @Klaartje and @Peterskywalker! For your entries You’re all added to the table now.

@Misty4m, both of your pics are showing as 800x600px. Entries need to be 1000 x 750px I’m afraid.

@Tabitha27, If you’re certain you don’t have any pay cc in your game, that’s fine. If you have a mix of pay and non-pay cc but don’t know what’s what, you can do a wcif for any items you’re unsure of that you want to use in your pic

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
#34 Old 6th Nov 2014 at 6:09 PM Last edited by pizza : 6th Nov 2014 at 9:32 PM.
Default April
It's Easter, featuring the one and only Easter Bunny.
Test Subject
#35 Old 7th Nov 2014 at 12:01 AM
My first post, yay !
My suggestion for May
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
Original Poster
#36 Old 7th Nov 2014 at 3:31 PM
Nice entries @pizza and @Vivitalia! They've been added to the table
Test Subject
#37 Old 7th Nov 2014 at 7:50 PM
Here's my entry for November. Inspired by the fact that this year it's 100 years since WW1 started - lest we forget and all that!

Some people are like slinkies. Useless, but awesome fun to push down the stairs.

So theres a sims 3. So What? I'm happy with sims2.
#38 Old 9th Nov 2014 at 2:40 PM
Guess who's back this year! I got excited and worked hard for this


(If anything isn't right just say so!)

Edit: My fraps decided to glitch out, reupload :P

Formally known as TotallySimsCrazy. Still addicted to custom content.
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#39 Old 9th Nov 2014 at 8:26 PM
I have a question, are we able to use the same sims in a different entry and different occasion? This sounds like fun~
Toaster Strudel Addict
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#40 Old 9th Nov 2014 at 9:35 PM
I would say no, should me a different sim, but I'm not certain. @heaven and @missroxor, your thoughts?
Mad Poster
#41 Old 9th Nov 2014 at 10:15 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 9th Nov 2014 at 10:35 PM.
Title: First day of kindergarten
Month: September

CC: Only free sites (MTS, some blogs, GoS), plus some by me (baby hair conversion, clothes).

(It's a picture I took earlier this year, I hope that's fine. And does it absolutely have to be one sim? Because just one baby on a playground isn't much kindergarten-feely)
#42 Old 9th Nov 2014 at 10:19 PM

Peace, Harmony & Balance... Libra is Love..
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#43 Old 10th Nov 2014 at 12:01 AM
@SinTheFox, you're allowed to use whatever sim you choose, whether you use the same sim in both pictures or do something different.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Test Subject
#44 Old 10th Nov 2014 at 2:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by heaven
@SinTheFox, you're allowed to use whatever sim you choose, whether you use the same sim in both pictures or do something different.

So we can only submit two submissions total, correct?
Test Subject
#45 Old 10th Nov 2014 at 3:36 AM
Default January
This is my second entry. It's for the month January.

Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
Original Poster
#46 Old 11th Nov 2014 at 6:50 PM
@SinTheFox, You may have 2 entries per game. So if you play all 3 games and enter for each, you could have up to 6 entries.

@simmer22, @frenchyxo22, and @tupelo66 (second entry) nice pis They've been added to the table.
Test Subject
#47 Old 11th Nov 2014 at 8:30 PM
A nice walk down the wood.....For the month January

Here are the mods I used



Sesquipedalian Pisciform
retired moderator
#48 Old 13th Nov 2014 at 9:45 AM
@cavmaster1128 - the picture is blurry because it looks like you are sizing them up; try using print screen and pasting to GIMP/Photoshop. Always size pictures down, never size up

More downloads by Leesester, BoilingOil and others at Leefish.nl | My Stuff at Leefish.nl | LeeFish RSS | Sims4 News Blog | TumblinLeefish
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#49 Old 14th Nov 2014 at 12:53 PM Last edited by TheHatter : 14th Nov 2014 at 2:20 PM.
Default February (Valentines Day)

My entry for Miss February with my Sim, Valerie, ready for her 3rd blind date this week. Romance Sims...
#50 Old 14th Nov 2014 at 2:30 PM
August - Catching a wave.

Dirk Dreamer's Hair

“Seize the time... Live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” ― Jean-Luc Picard
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