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#51 Old 14th Nov 2007 at 2:18 AM
Does Mahjong count ?

<---Majorly addicted...
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Original Poster
#52 Old 17th Nov 2007 at 10:48 PM
I've just got into Freedom fighters. I got out of it about four hours later when I completed it! It's that freaking short!
#53 Old 18th Nov 2007 at 12:08 AM
Persona 3
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Growlanser-all of them
Hitman-All of them
Baulder's Gate-1 & 2
Phoenix Wright: ACE Attorney-All of them
The Sims 2
Sam and Max on Gametap
Gametap-Awesome place for games.

And probably a mess more I'm forgetting, and yes I like Hitman now. i'm excited about the movie coming out this month I think on the 21st .
Test Subject
Original Poster
#54 Old 18th Nov 2007 at 9:18 AM
I'm horrified about the hitman movie. Firstly, the actor isn't "47" enough, and secondly, There's a freaking romance storyline?!? That's a horrible idea!
#55 Old 19th Nov 2007 at 8:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by omarion99
I'm horrified about the hitman movie. Firstly, the actor isn't "47" enough, and secondly, There's a freaking romance storyline?!? That's a horrible idea!

Yeah, it's pretty horrible. Agent 47 is about ten to twenty years younger than he should be (making this one hell of a prequel in that sense). The romance subplot (it better damn well be a subplot) is needless--47's closest thing to a romantic interest in the games was Meiling, and that didn't exactly work out.

I may end up watching it though--I have a high tolerance for bad movies, and at least it looks like they got the right music.

"We're on sob day two of Operation Weeping-Bald-Eagle-Liberty-Never-Forget-Freedom-Watch sniff no word yet sob on our missing patriot Glenn Beck sob as alleged-President Hussein Obama shows his explicit support sniff for his fellow communists by ruling out the nuclear option."
Lab Assistant
#56 Old 21st Nov 2007 at 8:37 PM
I'm trying to balance time between the Sims 2 and World of Warcraft. I've been wanting to play the sims more, but my guild needs my awesome healing. :D
#57 Old 8th Dec 2007 at 2:26 PM
Currently I'm playing Sims2 a lot, as I just got OFB and it's still exciting to run a business.

Also I'm a bit obsessed with Pokemon Pearl. I'm about to start the Pokemon League, and then onto Johto! Yay!

I'm supporting the Optimist Camp for the Sims 4.

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#58 Old 9th Dec 2007 at 7:46 AM
Picked up Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PS3 yesterday. Wow! Laura Croft move over, Nathan Drake is now the king of video game swashbuckling archeologists.

*** Games Journalist with the magazines PC Powerplay and Hyper ***

And guys don't say a game is 'addicting'. That is a horrible massacre of the English language. The word is 'addictive'. Thank you. :)
#59 Old 9th Dec 2007 at 10:39 AM
I'm enjoying SimSocieties, but it keeps freezing on my @$$.
#60 Old 9th Dec 2007 at 11:12 AM
Nancy Drew series... I just can't stop playing it and the Sims 2 of course :P
#61 Old 9th Dec 2007 at 12:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ElPresidente
Picked up Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PS3 yesterday. Wow! Laura Croft move over, Nathan Drake is now the king of video game swashbuckling archeologists.

Maybe, but it's hardly an original game.

I'm supporting the Optimist Camp for the Sims 4.

#62 Old 9th Dec 2007 at 4:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Figgi
Maybe, but it's hardly an original game.

I gave it a try myself at a friend's house (don't own a PS3).

It looks quite nice, certainly, and the game itself gets very hectic, very quickly (which is usually a good thing), but it wasn't anything life-changing. It seems as though it's success is derived from the fact that the PS3 lacks a good game in that genre already. If it came out on the Xbox 360, I probably wouldn't pick it up, since it felt like playing faster-paced Gears of War in a jungle--not terribly original.

Of course, I only played a 30-minutes of it or so. There could be a lot more to the game itself.

"We're on sob day two of Operation Weeping-Bald-Eagle-Liberty-Never-Forget-Freedom-Watch sniff no word yet sob on our missing patriot Glenn Beck sob as alleged-President Hussein Obama shows his explicit support sniff for his fellow communists by ruling out the nuclear option."
#63 Old 10th Dec 2007 at 5:46 PM
I have never played on a PS3, but I have a Wii at home. The only games we have though are WWE Smackdown vs. Raw, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, Wii Play and Wii Sports - we got quite a good pack with our console.

I'm supporting the Optimist Camp for the Sims 4.

#64 Old 11th Dec 2007 at 5:14 AM
I just finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on PS3, it rocked. Currently playing Assassin's Creed and about to get Tomb Raider: Anniversary.
Test Subject
#65 Old 11th Dec 2007 at 5:22 AM
1) Sims 2 Wootness!!
2) Assassin Creed (Game is awesome!!)
3) Super Smash Bros (^_^ Kirby:P)
4)Naruto rise of a ninja(Love It!!)
5)Kingdome hearts
6)Splinter Cell Double Agent
#66 Old 12th Dec 2007 at 5:50 PM
I love Kingdom Hearts. Never got round to finishing the 2nd one though, it sure is taking longer than the 1st.

I'm supporting the Optimist Camp for the Sims 4.

#67 Old 12th Dec 2007 at 5:54 PM
World in Conflict. The visual of the Russians blowing up the Seattle Kingdome is a gaming classic
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 12th Dec 2007 at 9:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Figgi
Currently I'm playing Sims2 a lot, as I just got OFB and it's still exciting to run a business.

Also I'm a bit obsessed with Pokemon Pearl. I'm about to start the Pokemon League, and then onto Johto! Yay!

How are you getting to Johto? (presuming you having suddenly changed topic to GSC) Johto is only in those games .
I'm playing Pokemon Diamond lol, only need a male Burny to evolve it and thats the last pokemon i need for my Sinnoh Dex barr the two lake pokemon that don't run away .
Through the holidays i'm hoping to finaly complete (old classics beware!) Halo 2, Tomb Raider Legend and Resident Evil 4.
Moderator of Camera Models
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#69 Old 15th Dec 2007 at 2:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Figgi
Maybe, but it's hardly an original game.

Originality does not always equate to greatness.

No Uncharted is not an original title but it does Tomb Raider 10x better than Tomb Raider ever did.

It is not because the PS3 is lacking in good games I like this title. I have all the consoles, I will play whatever is good, not just whatever is good on system x.

The game is sitting on 90% on Gameranking and it has deserved the great reviews it has been getting. It isn't perfect but damn it is hard to remove the big grin on your face as you play. The game has nailed its setting, its characters and its gameplay.

Absolutely wonderful.

*** Games Journalist with the magazines PC Powerplay and Hyper ***

And guys don't say a game is 'addicting'. That is a horrible massacre of the English language. The word is 'addictive'. Thank you. :)
#70 Old 17th Dec 2007 at 12:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ElPresidente
No Uncharted is not an original title but it does Tomb Raider 10x better than Tomb Raider ever did.

Gave Uncharted a try on a friend's PC. Unoriginal, yes, but it is a good bit of fun. I wouldn't have given it 9 out of 10 personally, but that's because it doesn't seem to do anything really new (separating it from, for example, some of the Tomb Raider games), but it does do it well.

And it looks pretty.

"We're on sob day two of Operation Weeping-Bald-Eagle-Liberty-Never-Forget-Freedom-Watch sniff no word yet sob on our missing patriot Glenn Beck sob as alleged-President Hussein Obama shows his explicit support sniff for his fellow communists by ruling out the nuclear option."
Moderator of Camera Models
retired moderator
#71 Old 17th Dec 2007 at 10:24 PM
Much heavier focus on gunplay than Tomb Raider... it actually owes a bit more to Gears of War surprisingly.

*** Games Journalist with the magazines PC Powerplay and Hyper ***

And guys don't say a game is 'addicting'. That is a horrible massacre of the English language. The word is 'addictive'. Thank you. :)
#72 Old 18th Dec 2007 at 12:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ElPresidente
Much heavier focus on gunplay than Tomb Raider... it actually owes a bit more to Gears of War surprisingly.

That's one of the games I was thinking of actual (that, and a bit of Stranglehold). In terms of gunplay, each has its advantages and disadvantages over Uncharted.

"We're on sob day two of Operation Weeping-Bald-Eagle-Liberty-Never-Forget-Freedom-Watch sniff no word yet sob on our missing patriot Glenn Beck sob as alleged-President Hussein Obama shows his explicit support sniff for his fellow communists by ruling out the nuclear option."
Test Subject
#73 Old 18th Dec 2007 at 9:59 AM
Ooooh! I'm pretty addicted to Guitar Hero III, I have all of Midori's outfits and their different styles! Then probably The Movies, I have to remind myself before I turn that game on that I might not sleep for a few days. Finally, I'm still addicted to The Sims 2, got all the expansions and I'm planning on getting the new one as soon as it comes out.
#74 Old 26th Dec 2007 at 4:19 PM
Aside from the Sims 2, I'm addicted to GTA: San Andreas. I love shooting the gangs and exploding the cars.
Moderator of Camera Models
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#75 Old 26th Dec 2007 at 5:45 PM
Now I'm on holidays I've been able to get stuck into Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness on the PSP. Nippon Ichi games are perfect fodder for handheld fun and even though I've already done the whole Disgaea thing on PS2... it is so much fun going through it all again.

Nippon Ichi = Much Love.

*** Games Journalist with the magazines PC Powerplay and Hyper ***

And guys don't say a game is 'addicting'. That is a horrible massacre of the English language. The word is 'addictive'. Thank you. :)
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