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Vampire Portaits

by hellktten Posted 27th Nov 2005 at 9:08 PM
8 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts
Field Researcher
#2 Old 27th Nov 2005 at 9:21 PM
Oh! You have some very pretty vamps! Any chance in uploading them? Thanks for the pics, too!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Nov 2005 at 9:24 PM
I'd be happy to upload the Sims, but you'd have to make them vamps in your game.

He who laughs last... thinks slowest.
#4 Old 27th Nov 2005 at 9:28 PM
Oo sexy, that redheaded male vamp! And the dress of the female one is beautiful as far as I can tell from the collar. Do upload them, hehe and thanks for the download!

If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets
Test Subject
#5 Old 27th Nov 2005 at 9:42 PM
great job, they look really good!
Test Subject
#6 Old 27th Nov 2005 at 10:56 PM
Your female vampire is beautiful and frightening! Excellent work, thanks for sharing!

Do paranoid schizophrenic agnostic dyslexic insomniacs lie awake at night wondering if they might be the dog that's out to get them?
Field Researcher
#7 Old 28th Nov 2005 at 2:03 AM
Wow I love the pictures.I also like the Vamps
Test Subject
#8 Old 1st Apr 2007 at 11:57 PM
Those look great. Would you mind uploading the redheaded male vamp?
Test Subject
#9 Old 2nd Mar 2008 at 6:22 AM
Hehe.. that guy on the left (the red-headed guy everyone is talking about) looks almost exactly like the first vampire I made, except mind had tattoos