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Gravitation - Shuichi and Yuki

by meowski Posted 24th Feb 2006 at 6:17 AM - Updated 27th Jul 2006 at 8:44 AM by meowski
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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#26 Old 19th Jul 2006 at 3:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Kitsune Hiei
very good, I love them :3
but...Shu-chan's eyes are purple. Not green D:

I already explained the green choice. Read over the download details again.

But, there's a problem. I can't seem to download Shuichi's hair. DX Any help?

Hmm hmm... Something similar came up with another download, and the solutions I gave were to download the entire hair set, including all colors and meshes, then install those with Clean Pack Installer. It seemed to work.

"If there is anything that accrues my ire, it's confounded serpents upon my dirigible!" -Serpents Upon My Dirigible
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Test Subject
#27 Old 20th Jul 2006 at 1:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by meowski
Hmm hmm... Something similar came up with another download, and the solutions I gave were to download the entire hair set, including all colors and meshes, then install those with Clean Pack Installer. It seemed to work.

But I can't download the hair at all. The website listed at the top, , seems to be down. It says the download isn't available. I need that for the hair to work?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#28 Old 27th Jul 2006 at 8:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by evlvenus
But I can't download the hair at all. The website listed at the top, , seems to be down. It says the download isn't available. I need that for the hair to work?

I've checked it out, and Peggysims has changed their layout as well as their policy, it seems. I e-mailed them about it, and the link they want to give is to their host site and not to the download itself. Along with that, the free section is now completely separate from their primary site. I'm going to make notes of this in the information section with a link to their new site.

"If there is anything that accrues my ire, it's confounded serpents upon my dirigible!" -Serpents Upon My Dirigible
More sims stuff can be found here. Site has a bandwidth limit, be gentle.
Project info is found in my journal. Please direct your requests to the jounal.
Test Subject
#29 Old 27th Jul 2006 at 10:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by meowski
I've checked it out, and Peggysims has changed their layout as well as their policy, it seems. I e-mailed them about it, and the link they want to give is to their host site and not to the download itself. Along with that, the free section is now completely separate from their primary site. I'm going to make notes of this in the information section with a link to their new site.

Thank you for the help! It works now! X3 Thanks again ~
Test Subject
#30 Old 31st Oct 2006 at 2:32 AM
I'm a little cunfused about what meshes are needed for the lovely sims you have made. Do I need to download the Samus sim for the eyes to look right?

Thanks for your help

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#31 Old 7th Nov 2006 at 4:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by saffire_angel85
I'm a little cunfused about what meshes are needed for the lovely sims you have made. Do I need to download the Samus sim for the eyes to look right?

Thanks for your help

I don't remember if the eyes are in this sim or not... they're not vital to the sim(now that I've discovered Louis's and Haelane's eyes, I mean) so just download as-is and use your favorite eye color.


"If there is anything that accrues my ire, it's confounded serpents upon my dirigible!" -Serpents Upon My Dirigible
More sims stuff can be found here. Site has a bandwidth limit, be gentle.
Project info is found in my journal. Please direct your requests to the jounal.
Test Subject
#32 Old 6th Jan 2007 at 3:51 AM
*squees* Eeeeek thats awsomeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ <3

"When he gives he takes and it makes us stronger."
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 24th Jan 2007 at 8:51 PM
OAV's don't count as much as the anime. In any case, I must say I'm disappointed in these. You're along the right lines but they just don't have the right look about them. Since I take Yuki and Shuu on a very serious level, I'm afraid all you'll get out of me is critique. I don't think anyone could make them perfect, so I'm just going to shrug it off and say it was a good attempt.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 3rd Mar 2007 at 2:53 AM
Considering how tough anime characters are to recreate, these are very well done. I love them, especially Yuki *drools*. Mmm, Yuki, gotta love him. And Shuichi is adorable. Very good shot at these, I'm just frantically looking for a hair mesh that would look good on Yuki, though he looks awesome as is. Thx very much for sharing, Gravi is my favorite show!!
Test Subject
#35 Old 27th Jul 2007 at 11:49 AM
La Li Ho! This is great I love Gravitation.Keep the good work na no da! :>>

Test Subject
#36 Old 28th Jul 2007 at 1:16 AM
I'm sad na no da...I've downloaded those two cuties and it doesn't keep saying file corrupted!Naaaze????????????

Test Subject
#37 Old 23rd Jul 2008 at 10:16 AM
Thanks ^^ I've been waiting for someone to do these :D

And although in the main anime Shuichis eyes are purple, they are green in Gravitation OVA ^^

Thanks <33
Test Subject
#38 Old 24th Feb 2009 at 2:27 PM
Omg thanks for making them x3!, I'm killing a few days ago to find Yuki and Shuichi for sims D:. But I have a problem, when installing Yuki me to go perfect, but when I open the sims is without hair ;_; , And when I open the WinZIP to Shu said there was a mistake and not let me open D: ...
Help >_<!
Field Researcher
#39 Old 30th Jan 2010 at 9:13 PM
Gravitation rocks this temps me to watch it again xD its such a sweet and funny anime, Anyhow awesome simmies Shuichi especially looks kawaii. And same here Evlvenus i can't get Shuichi's hair either.

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 31st Mar 2012 at 6:31 AM
i love these two, although my versions of this famous couple is altered quite a bit from this version. been working on some new hair for shuichi. thanks for the simmies
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