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Mix N Match Vanities by Tazzy

by Tazzianna Posted 27th Feb 2006 at 9:17 PM - Updated 27th Nov 2008 at 12:02 AM by Canoodle
6 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 5 Feedback Posts
Test Subject
#2 Old 27th Feb 2006 at 9:40 PM
Thank you so much. They are lovely. =)
Test Subject
#3 Old 27th Feb 2006 at 11:47 PM
They are great! Thanks! :wave:

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 28th Feb 2006 at 12:59 AM
Thanks for replying! Y'all really know how to make a gal smile! I'm so glad these are well liked... they are one of my favorite recolors in my own game play.
#5 Old 28th Feb 2006 at 1:47 PM
It's nice to have a bit of choice with the vanity,
thanks for adding these options for us,
they're really nice

Please note - I'm not taking any requests at the moment.

You may include my items in your uploads but please credit with a link to either the object or my creator page please.

My Sims 2 videos
Test Subject
#6 Old 13th Mar 2006 at 7:35 PM
Thank you! I haven't put the dresser in my new bedroom because the original didn't match my furniture. And the marble tops are gorgeous!

Field Researcher
#7 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 5:06 AM
I have been looking for recolors of the vanity. Thank you so much.