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^_-Asian Boys^_-

by ~*Michi*~ Posted 18th Mar 2006 at 10:11 PM - Updated 30th Mar 2006 at 3:35 PM by angel f
14 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 13 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 5:15 AM
Aww they're so cute!
#3 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 5:22 AM
HEY! Where these the guys you were talking about! Very cute! *shakes finger* I think they are adorable! And lol! I'll be dl these foe real! ;oD

At my final resting place
#4 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 6:08 AM
Ooo! They're really cute! I have the perfect girls to go with them! hehe
#5 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 6:48 AM
They are very nice
#6 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 10:12 AM
Hey, they're really nice sims, but the link to simguys isn't working, just so you know. I also tried looking them up on Google, but even the link from there doesn't seem to be working. Maybe the site is down? Anyway, nice job on these guys.
Test Subject
#7 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 11:26 AM
I like them! (because I like exspecialy Japanese boys ^_^

So, where are they
Test Subject
#8 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 8:55 PM
oh man they're AWESOME! once i get ofb installed (it keeps quitting :/ but it WILL work!!) i'm TOTALLY installing them. great work!
Test Subject
#9 Old 19th Mar 2006 at 9:36 PM
Hey, it's Jet and Ryu-err, I mean Chet and Ryu. ^__^ Ahh, Michi it would have been a true tragedy had I made you get off the computer, and even though I'm using 'tragedy' the wrong way according to the lame brigade, it still would have been a tragedy. Yep. *Shakes head yes* Anyway, I have the perfect girl for both of them... Noriko! Whoo!!! I'm kidding, I'm kidding, so put the book down and don't hurl it at your screen like you did with America's Next B- heh heh, I mean TOP model. ^__^ Okay, I'm off to find that townhouse I lost with OFB (I hate that flippin game. >.<) Have an On the Move Day, Commi for pres, and Ryu for NFC. ^____^ (Did ya ever notice my posts are always so long!?)

"Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you. While gripping the sword I cannot embrace you."

Forum Resident
#10 Old 20th Mar 2006 at 9:47 PM
OH...I am such a sucker for asian sims..and I can't decide which one to take home. I guess I'll grab em' both! OOOhh I can't wait to take pictures of them!! Thanks for both!!

I...will never be a memory.
Test Subject
#11 Old 21st Mar 2006 at 11:49 PM
they are cute!!!! for sims atleast
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 9th Apr 2006 at 1:19 AM
NYAAAHHHHH!!! <3<3<3 (Will I EVER get over my Asian fetish?) <:x

Does this font make me look fat?
Test Subject
#13 Old 28th Apr 2006 at 7:57 PM
was my reaction.
pwease god. make them real and make them come to my house. PWEASE GOD.
and thankyou kind person.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 19th Jun 2006 at 6:26 PM
Awwww... Damn cute!! I especially like Ryu.

Test Subject
#15 Old 26th Dec 2006 at 8:23 AM
awesome sims, I too have an asian fetish o_0Y long live the asian sim-makers!!
I know what you mean about it being hard to make asian looking sims... if I ever manage it i'll upload um!

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