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The Neocon’s

by smithycpl Posted 26th Apr 2006 at 5:35 AM - Updated 27th Apr 2006 at 4:51 PM by smithycpl : added link for object
39 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 37 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#26 Old 28th Apr 2006 at 4:05 AM
"Maybe next time you should try keep your mouth shut and opinions to yourself." well that's an opinion isn't it.

"if people keep reacting this way i rethinking seriously into quit sharing them and the bushmaster." awww nevermind the trolls most of us love your stuff.
Test Subject
#27 Old 28th Apr 2006 at 4:32 AM
I agree with Idms510; you did a great job at the Sim-making and representing your work, Smithy.
#28 Old 28th Apr 2006 at 4:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by smithycpl

That's only said coz most reactions went that way, i never try to mix into politics.
And offcourse i don't want to know if someone hates them or not, i live in Belgium, i only like to hear comments on the creations.
I just made them to promote my first animated object the buyable bushmaster found here and after request i made them available for all to download.
Also it has nothing to do with what i think of any of the real persons, but if people keep reacting this way i rethinking seriously into quit sharing them and the bushmaster.

I wanted to say that I have seen and recognize that your post, and understand your reasons for promoting your Bushmaster (which is really a well done object.)
Quote: Originally posted by Simbad44
"Maybe next time you should try keep your mouth shut and opinions to yourself." well that's an opinion isn't it.

"if people keep reacting this way i rethinking seriously into quit sharing them and the bushmaster." awww nevermind the trolls most of us love your stuff.

Yes, that was an opinion. I was just voicing the fact that he (seemingly) went back and supported those who were talking about killing him in creative ways after saying he didn't want for people to talk about whether they liked him or not.

On a different note, I'm going to stay out of this thread now as it really shouldn't start into a political discussion.
Test Subject
#29 Old 28th Apr 2006 at 6:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CormorantEnt
Actually, while "neocon" does simply denote "neo-conservative," I doubt many right now would say there's anything really "conservative" about the policies of those in the upload.

Also, there was a time, particularly during the 2004 presidential election, that many in the press did use the term "Neo-Con" in connotation to Jewish reporters, as blasting them for being "those Jewish guys" would sound anti-Semitic.

I believe Michael Medved was one such target for the title while the title was being used in its "derogatory" sense.

But I know what you're trying to say by this, Smithy, and whether the upload title changes or not, I think most understand your point even if there is a debate on the semantics of what to call it.

You forgot to mention that he used the possessive.

Test Subject
#30 Old 30th Apr 2006 at 8:27 PM
Can you make the Clintons?
#31 Old 4th May 2006 at 1:34 AM
That might have been a type error, Mary. I'll let Smithy decide. I was commenting more on the fact that there was so much debate over the usage of the term than about whether or not the title of the upload was in error.

Bandr does have an idea though. I'm pretty sure the Clintons have already been made a hundred times, but one more couldn't hurt. Maybe I'll make sims of Mary McCarthy and Sandy "Burglar". I'll make sure in my test run that they have four charisma points (to win media approval) each and zero neatness points ("It's just sloppiness...")

Oh well, it is an election year...let the satire begin!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#32 Old 4th May 2006 at 5:11 AM Last edited by smithycpl : 4th May 2006 at 5:30 AM.
After reading some of the comments i have to say to you all my English isn't perfect at all and i appologize for that.
I sure would like to see some of you try to write in Dutch or French , my native languages.

Bandr i prob, could make a Clinton, but i have one in my game already that looks very great, i will try to find out where i got him from, and post the link here or pm it to you.
Hes from one of the many other sims 2 sites around.

Blue Mary & CormorantEnt, is there anything conservative about the sims 2?
The fact alone that although most people seem to think wtf, a fact is, im still the only one on this planet, who made these probably most known and talked about persons in the entire world, yet some feel that this has a purpose.
Again ive only made these to use into a "computer game".
To my knowledge "Neo" means "New" and "Con" is a shorter name for "Conservative" nothing more nothing less.
+ the name also imply's on what they called themselfs.
If you have a good funny altarnate name for the title, then please let me know, i will use it then.

For your other concern, if i was to say "Hey i made Franky Boy and Franky Boy is my test subject ive killed him for more then 100 times now in my neighberhood, but i want to share him with anyone so you could kill Franky to".
What does that say? Nothing, Who is Franky Boy? A sim i made to test and play with. How do i play the game? Well like i said then i liked to kill Franky.
What would happen if i posted that under a real name?

I quote myself "5 new sims for you to enjoy, curse at, praise, kill, worship, feed to the cowplant, let Wintermutai’s objects on them loose or whatever you plan to do with them"
Ive made 3 suggestions bold, please read it now outloud with only using the bold words If that doesn't suit you then read it without the bold words.
Either one ofthe 2 will suit you, and i think you appreciate the upload more then.

Im not willing to let my views mix into others peoples views on this subject, but earlyer in this thread ive said something that i better had shutted up about, i didn't even mean't it that way.
About how creative they all came up with new ways to play with them around. It was meant different then stated.

Where, How, Why,...?

For all who care, i will try to explain here how and why this whole idea started to form, and where the title came from.

For my first new animated object ever for the sims 2 i wanted to make the "Aspiration Tellermachine", buyable.
The frase "Bushmaster" maxis used in the name for the object cached my eye it was funny and to the point.
So ive made this buyable object and called it "The buyable Bushmaster", while i was testing and making pics for the upload, i had this feeling something was missing, i added the presidential seal.
Still it wasn't what i wanted it had to be a fun object with new animations according to the action you took.
I still was trying to figure out a way that looked better with that name.
On a news site, CNN i guess there was this article of the popularity of Bush dropping, and there came my idea to create a Bush.
Still something was missing in the pic, now i kind of started to look for the pics to use and i suddenly wanted to do a Powell also, who came out the best i think myself.
Before i knew it 11 hours later and a pack of coffee poorer, these 5 Characters where done. (total time for Bushmaster and these 5 was 49 hours of work btw)
The Bushmaster pics where taken and uploaded and after the first few feedbacks on the Bushmaster i decided to upload these.
During the upload, it asked me for where i would like it to be posted on the site and i choose groups, the name afterwards came realy sponteniously.
I first wanted to use the name "American Goverment".
So ultimately i uploaded it them as "The Neocons" it took more then 30 hours before it got an ok freom the moderators, i guess they also where a bit unsure about the name, or had an extremely large amount of uploads to check.

I happen to live myself in a different country than the USA, and i feel ive made these characters totaly not in a way to make them look redicilous.
It may sound strange to some of the commenters that said earlyer Bush didn't look very lifelike, but i even dare to say that they all look pretty lifelike in the game particulary the smaller head-icons like when you select an object for use.

I hope i made myself clear on the why? and wherefor? they are here.
If these would have been Lincoln, Washington, Eisenhower and Roosevelt.
I probably should have called them else believe me.
But even if we have a different oppinion about Bush or the other ones, that doesn't makes us different from one another, it only is like what fits the best in your way of thinking and what values you consider to be important.
Some take the blue pil, others take the red pil, there is no good or bad pil.

Untill up to this date i have personaly nothing for or against any of these characters, nor anybody else for that matter, im simply not an American citizen, his laws doesn't mean anything in my country.
I only suggest download them and try them if you don't like them then remove them.
Have Fun! That is the purpose of this game after all!

If you still feel i should change the title and post then please pm me and i shall see what i can do about it.
I'm also aware that this upload has my worst download percentage ever, and drags my avarage down, but still i believe it deserves to be here on the site.
Anybody can check that themselfs by clicking my name or avator, and then the "thanks and downloads" link under my join date.
Currently it says 7% my others have a 31% avarage.

I took much time to reply on the concerns for this upload and to make some things clear, i hope you all readed it first, before posting in the future.
I don't want to see this thread getting locked for issues that some of you still have.
If it isn't game related or if you love me or hate me for creating and sharing stuff or any other reason, just pm me if it is worth to mention i even post it here for others to read if you want.

For now i wish you all a happy simming day!
Love you all, and let me just spoil you with my other and future projects if you don't like this one.

PS i am in the final stage of a Banker Career with a totaly new job rewarded object that will not overwrite the current maxis careers and although the job levels, wages, workinghours and workingdays look like their real lifelike counterparts, the Chance cards and job descriptions are hillarious and sure gonna make you sick to the stomic from laughter .

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark Twain
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#33 Old 15th May 2006 at 2:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bandr
Can you make the Clintons?

Gunmod has made 1 very good clinton, you can find it here


Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark Twain
Test Subject
#34 Old 16th May 2006 at 1:08 AM
who cares what anyone says about the pres and his cabinet. who really cares what the liberal puss*** and republican nut jobs say, it happens every term. one side just rips on the other regardless of what they do.
and any body who thinks the pres is bad at what he does, 2 billion says you would suck more, he has conferences and major decisions happening all day long and thats more than any of you can say. his decision can save or kill hundreds and you can't tell which it is until it happens. so before you say a damn thing, becomne the president, go to war which was started by another country that killed thousands in less that 2 hours and see what happens. okayt you freakind nut sacks.

p.s. these do look pretty good. mabey i'll make some deomcrats =P
Test Subject
#35 Old 28th May 2006 at 8:36 PM
I'd just like to say...

IN BEFORE THE FLAME WAR. Great job smithy I do like to stay out of these debates myself. I always wonder why anyone would want Bush or his cabinet 'seriously' assassinated or killed, because how could you wish that on ANY human?

/downloads and thanks.
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 7th Jun 2006 at 4:15 AM
LOL, too bad there isn't an impeachment hack around but I do like the cowplant idea!

Hey Imds510, I see you're a Galactica fan, me too!
Test Subject
#37 Old 26th Jul 2006 at 4:42 PM
whoot! this is graet thanks! now i can make bush win over, and over, and over, and over and over... :D

if you must mount the gallows, give a jest to the crowd, a coin to the headsman,
and make the drop, with a smile on your lips.
-Robert Jordan
Field Researcher
#38 Old 2nd Oct 2007 at 9:08 PM
Great idea

More Power !!!
#39 Old 2nd Nov 2007 at 3:37 AM
Nice Job on These Guys Smithy! They Turned Out Great!

Hello, I'm Tiya Marie :)
I Hope You Dance!
Test Subject
#40 Old 10th May 2011 at 9:00 PM
LOL how funny! thank you for creating them!
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