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Green Day Logo

by kapu Posted 10th Oct 2006 at 8:58 PM - Updated 13th Feb 2007 at 5:10 PM by IgnorantBliss
13 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 12 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 10th Oct 2006 at 9:09 PM
This is pretty cool kapu for my sim's walls. I am thinking a black recolor that I am going to do will look good... Thanks!

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#3 Old 10th Oct 2006 at 9:11 PM
Forum Resident
#4 Old 10th Oct 2006 at 9:26 PM
:O:O Green Day!!!!!! I lurve them :lovestruc Thanks so much!!!

Can't install .rar files? I recommend: Sim File Maid 2

Imma Scene_Core_Dinosawr_x
Test Subject
#5 Old 10th Oct 2006 at 11:12 PM

Tabs the kitty ;)
Mouse says hi!
Test Subject
#6 Old 10th Oct 2006 at 11:25 PM
That's pretty sweet.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 11th Oct 2006 at 1:48 AM
Okay, I'm going to give you the order of events From when I saw this.
*Hey, Green Day. Okay, let's look at that.*
*Cool, it's in the awesome font-thing*
*Wait a second... Green Day!!*
Then I giggled madly for about 20 seconds...

Thank you!!

How many abstract artists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Test Subject
#8 Old 11th Oct 2006 at 2:50 AM
yes! now my Green Day Sims can further...decorate? xD lol...when they preform...and Bartimaeus1313 Wanna be my friend? lol
Test Subject
#9 Old 11th Oct 2006 at 2:53 AM
or anyone by the matter, lol
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 11th Oct 2006 at 3:15 AM
Heh I'll be your friend!

Check out my uploads here!
Feel free to email, PM, or IM me!
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 11th Oct 2006 at 9:10 AM
wow, that's Green Day, BIG yay! That's awesome, thanks!! I'm probably gonna decorate every house I have with at least 3 of those :p

Trashed and scattered again, I'm feelin' so low
You waste your breath while fuckin' with me, my blood is so cold
My destination always unknown, I'll find my way there
But you Goddamn Motherfuckers always wasting my time
Test Subject
#12 Old 14th Oct 2006 at 12:55 AM
this is really really kwl kapu blady great lol
but somthing else wot would be evan better is if u make a My Chemical Romance one that be absulotely so so so so so kool
Test Subject
#13 Old 14th Oct 2006 at 12:57 AM
if u do, make one send me an email lol cas den i download it for sure cas im making a MCR band and a big thing like dat would make my band room complete
Test Subject
#14 Old 24th Sep 2008 at 10:33 PM
what section is this in so i can decorate my house with it. i downloaded it previously but i couldnt find it on buy mode. Please help i wanna put on a concert with my simmies!!!