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CLOSER (J.Roberts, N.Portman, J.Law, C.Owen)

by bakalia Posted 6th Nov 2006 at 9:02 AM - Updated 14th May 2007 at 7:49 PM by bakalia
40 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 39 Feedback Posts
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Lab Assistant
#26 Old 26th Nov 2006 at 11:46 AM
This is a really really great work. They looke like the stars. Really Great. You´re the best. Thanks.
#27 Old 14th Dec 2006 at 2:31 AM
Yay, pretty Sims! And spot-on. Thank you!
Test Subject
#28 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 1:41 PM
These are SO good!
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 4th Feb 2007 at 5:22 PM
Amazing job! You're talented indeed!

"Cute and cuddly!"

My own page on MTS2
Test Subject
#30 Old 23rd Feb 2007 at 4:27 AM
Wow...omg...great job, on all of them.
Test Subject
#31 Old 16th Mar 2007 at 11:15 AM
Thanks for Jude Law, I've always wanted him to run around in my neighborhood. LOL Can't wait to see what his sim-children will look like.
Test Subject
#32 Old 21st Mar 2007 at 6:35 PM
You did fabulous work on Jude! I've found many Jude Law's versions, but this is the best! You are the best who made him! I luv him...
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 2nd Apr 2007 at 5:04 PM
wow, you did a phenomenal job. I'm very impressed.

So long and thanks for all the fish!
Test Subject
#34 Old 1st May 2007 at 7:04 AM
i love Natalie P. great work!! thank u!!
Test Subject
#35 Old 19th Jul 2007 at 9:10 AM
I really like this movie!!! I'm only downloading Julia and Jude for the time (they're my favorites!) but your work is great! Thanks!

No regrets... they don't work...
No regrets now...they only hurt ...
Test Subject
#36 Old 10th Aug 2007 at 8:00 PM
This is really great! i dont know how this works to request something but can you make sarah jessica parker or shia labeouf?
Test Subject
#37 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 6:02 PM
really great resemblance! thanks
Test Subject
#38 Old 26th Jun 2008 at 6:12 PM
I honestly think you did an amazing job on these! Great work. Thanks!
Test Subject
#39 Old 22nd Aug 2008 at 8:23 AM
Thank you so much! You've recreated my two favorite pieces of eye-candy: Jude Law and Clive Owen. Now, if you'd just make a sim of me so I can move in with the both of

Thanks again!
Field Researcher
#40 Old 8th Sep 2009 at 5:05 AM
I wish I could download all 4 of the characters in the movie "Closer," but alas, I need more disk space. Thanks for showing me them, though. I should download them sometime, as I can hardly wait to see how they'll work in the game.
Test Subject
#41 Old 24th Mar 2014 at 10:23 AM
These..are.. AHMAZING!!!
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