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by kansascityrose Posted 19th Jan 2007 at 10:07 PM - Updated 23rd May 2009 at 5:24 PM by kansascityrose
19 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 18 Feedback Posts
#2 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 10:53 PM

Wow Wow Wow

Amazing furniture, beautiful

Thank you for sharing all your hard work and extremely awesome furniture.

Best regards :lovestruc
Field Researcher
#3 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 11:09 PM
very nice

Test Subject
#4 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 11:39 PM
This is a marvelous set. The armoire and armchairs really drew my attention.
Thanks man!

Are you addicted to Mayonnaise? Is it alright if I use Mayonnaise? I will go outside if you want me to.

- Jim Gaffigan
Field Researcher
#5 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 11:45 PM
this is magnificent! unique and stylish! i love it! thank you so much for sharing :lovestruc
#6 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 12:04 AM
How talented you are! You did wonders.This set is gorgeous and so unique LOVE it SO MUCH.Thank you for sharing this treasure with us.
#7 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 1:40 AM
Love it.

"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio."

- William Shakespere ~ Hamlet
#8 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 2:21 AM
This is a very beautiful set and very well made, it should be a featured download!

Rhondalatte's Custom CAS screens: (formerly known as Reflex forum)

DeesElegantDecor - Beautiful furnishings:
Space Pony
#9 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 11:30 AM
Wonderful work sweetie - it´s just amazing in what a short time you became a great mesher ! :lovestruc

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 12:03 PM
Thank you all for liking it!!!!!!!!!!!
Big hug
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 4:11 PM
This is fantastic. Thanks!!
Test Subject
#12 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 7:44 PM
Thank you so much for the Biedermeier set, it is perfect.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 20th Jan 2007 at 11:04 PM
Thanks, I was hoping someone would make some Biedermeier furniture someday! I think this is the only set I've seen for Sims 1 OR Sims 2! :D
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 4:39 AM
Absolutely stunning! Beautiful work.. WELL DONE
Hugs Cathy
Field Researcher
#15 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 7:29 AM
Lovely Work
Your `Biedermeier furniture set has a unique design with
its refined and elegant lines, truly a look unto it self!
Biedermeier is more then a style it’s an idea, it’s the start of modern
Thank you so much for sharing your work.

..·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´Platinum*¨)¸;*
Test Subject
#16 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 3:20 PM
Wow Kansascityrose, how beautiful. I can't believe that those should be really your first meshes. Great job. Thanks for sharing and for your great policy. And thanks to Lathen for requesting something like this

Lab Assistant
#17 Old 21st Jan 2007 at 8:20 PM
Wow! Great set! Thank you :D

Love is the Greatest Power!!! :)
Test Subject
#18 Old 31st Jan 2007 at 1:21 AM
:lovestruc You rock Renate! Thanks for this!
Forum Resident
#19 Old 6th Feb 2007 at 5:16 AM
I love this. Thank you.

Nutty Sims Mommy.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 2nd May 2007 at 5:36 PM
Here's my two cents... This is a great look. Simple but clean lines without being ultra modern/high tech looking and feeling which has a very cold and hard look to me.

Thanks so much. Perfect for my Sim homes for my tropical hood.