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Greenest Grove Wolf Project

by pjbrooks56 Posted 18th Mar 2007 at 10:20 PM - Updated 25th Mar 2007 at 7:38 PM by pjbrooks56 : found links for custom content
18 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 17 Feedback Posts
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#2 Old 25th Mar 2007 at 12:37 PM
cool! thanks
Forum Resident
#3 Old 25th Mar 2007 at 5:07 PM
Lovely garden.


♥Adam Ant♥
No, I don't take request at the moment
11/7 -09 My beautiful niece was born!
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#4 Old 25th Mar 2007 at 7:45 PM Last edited by pjbrooks56 : 25th Mar 2007 at 9:45 PM.
Thank you, I did find the terrain and wall links, as this is why they wouldn't let me upload in full glory. As for most of the garden stuff, lik flowers and things you will most likely have to add your own goodies. I found some awsome flowers (NO watering and some no trimming) in sculptures.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
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#5 Old 26th Mar 2007 at 10:03 AM
My Sims' gardeners LOVE it [/sarcasm] Hours spent trimming the many plants I added to the garden, FUN. I'm loving it! (No matter what they think)
Lab Assistant
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#6 Old 26th Mar 2007 at 7:49 PM
Default More goodies that will help the lot
Invisible Driveway & Extensions


"The Old Tree Swing"

I found this tree swing fit in perfect. One thing though, all the new swing sets you place on lots or move become tree sets.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Test Subject
#7 Old 26th Mar 2007 at 9:06 PM
Just to let you know, I have all the EP's and no stuff packs and when I downlaoded this lot my game became unplayable...could not access buy or build modes. I took it out and the game played...put it back stopped...I used the hack conflict app to see if there was one but no conflicts showed up. Has anyone else ahd this problem with the lot?
Lab Assistant
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#8 Old 26th Mar 2007 at 10:32 PM
I used clean install to be sure there was no bugs and I have been playing the lot for months. Than when I packed it, I tried in a different nieghborhood, it worked fine there. I would ask one of the "Gurus" about what is happening with your game and lot.

I am so sorry this is happening to you.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Lab Assistant
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#9 Old 26th Mar 2007 at 10:54 PM
In the Help section you can go to and place a search on game crashing, lot makes game crash or something like that and you may get a deasent answer there.

I have never had this happen. I have had blue skins flashng, as I didn't have the meshes, so I just deleted them from my lot. Had a sim so badly stuck in labber I had to move everyone else out and than move her out and delete her...died in childbirth! Found out I had two hacks conflicting. Ho well, it needed Immediate attention.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Test Subject
#10 Old 27th Mar 2007 at 12:19 AM
I ran the game in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled and that came up with nothing, as well as using the hack accesory...and I installed with Quick haven't got a clue...oh well...who knows...everything else in m game is running fine so I guess I'll just have to do without it...had a problem with a castle lot a while back too, but that was becasue of missing meshes...had to track down so many on other sites that it just became easier to deletye the whole kit and kaboodle...
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 28th Mar 2007 at 3:45 PM
Great job on this lot, pjbrooks! I love it!

One quick question though: When I started playing the lot, a lot of "vase sculptures" and end tables appeared where I guess there are supposed to be rocks "sculptures" and possible decorative plants/trees. Is that supposed to happen? I know I'm missing some custom content, so that may be one problem of mine. Can you tell where you got your decorative content you used in your pics from, if possible? I'd really love to have the full affect of the lot, as it's a perfect setting for some of my screenshots! :D

Contests? Challenge? Custom Content?
Find it all, and more, in the link below!
(~☼ Sim Oasis ☼~)
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#12 Old 31st Mar 2007 at 7:01 PM
Default custome content in pictures
Quote: Originally posted by TenshiiAkari12
Great job on this lot, pjbrooks! I love it!

One quick question though: When I started playing the lot, a lot of "vase sculptures" and end tables appeared where I guess there are supposed to be rocks "sculptures" and possible decorative plants/trees. Is that supposed to happen? I know I'm missing some custom content, so that may be one problem of mine. Can you tell where you got your decorative content you used in your pics from, if possible? I'd really love to have the full affect of the lot, as it's a perfect setting for some of my screenshots! :D

The reason I didn't get right into all the custom content of what is in the pictures is that the file would have been almost 30 mg. and I wasn't realy planing on uploading this lot. But it was a special request of a friend of mine. I tried to remove all the custom content I could (and yes, all the odd tables are custom rocks and the statues are plants and such) I missed. I will try to find the files and sites where I got these goodies, mind you it will take time, I hope you have pacients....

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 12th Apr 2007 at 1:47 AM
That great to hear! I'll be waiting patiently until then.

Contests? Challenge? Custom Content?
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(~☼ Sim Oasis ☼~)
Lab Assistant
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#14 Old 13th Apr 2007 at 9:20 PM
Most of the garden stuff and rocks are from

sorry it took a while to find the files in my achives. and than some right here on MTS2. You can always replace them with what you find or already have.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 18th Apr 2007 at 6:40 PM

Contests? Challenge? Custom Content?
Find it all, and more, in the link below!
(~☼ Sim Oasis ☼~)
Test Subject
#16 Old 28th Apr 2007 at 4:24 PM
You said it just costs 73,208 but in my game, it costs over 1 billion 0_o
What's wrong with that ? Is there any solution to fix that problem ? I love your lots very much and I can not waiting playing ... but ...
Erh, please, fix that problem for me as soon as possible.
Anyway, thank you so much.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 31st Jul 2007 at 6:57 AM
Thanks pjbrooks56, nicely well done. Thanks for sharing.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 26th Nov 2007 at 7:36 PM
Default I haven't been here for a while, so sorry for not checking in!
Quote: Originally posted by Nakira
You said it just costs 73,208 but in my game, it costs over 1 billion 0_o
What's wrong with that ? Is there any solution to fix that problem ? I love your lots very much and I can not waiting playing ... but ...
Erh, please, fix that problem for me as soon as possible.
Anyway, thank you so much.

To be honest I have no idea why it is costing so much in your game. I have taken the package, loaded it in my game and put it in an other town. I came up with the same price to purchase.

I suggest to use clean install and get rid of all that you think you could live witout and add your own after it is installed.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 1st Sep 2010 at 8:56 PM
Thank you so much this is perfect for cats as well as dogs. Reminds me of Warrior cats!

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