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MYOS Male Hair 18 Recolors/Retextures

by Setso Posted 23rd Jun 2007 at 2:42 AM - Updated 28th Oct 2008 at 6:52 PM by Setso
40 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 38 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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#26 Old 20th Nov 2007 at 12:22 AM
BTW S.A.U has moved to:

Thanks for the lovely recolors.
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 7th May 2008 at 9:04 PM
That IS the hair style of L from Death Note. XDDDD Dunno if the creator did it consciously, but it really looks similar to L's hair. XDDD But it looks really awsome. >3
Great Job. ^^ Big THX XD

*Read Death Note! The greatest manga on earth!*
Test Subject
#28 Old 27th Dec 2008 at 9:59 PM
Sims Artist Union appears to be completely down, and has been for some time now. I think you can still find Myos hair 18 mesh if you checked the cached site on google though. (I found it at

I would assume this is allowed since the current site is down and the link goes to a cached version of the creator's site.

Test Subject
#29 Old 9th Feb 2009 at 11:12 PM
it's L Hair!!!!
Test Subject
#30 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 8:46 PM
& awesome recolour! <3
Test Subject
#31 Old 24th Mar 2009 at 11:34 PM
where can you find a load of MYOS creations?
Test Subject
#32 Old 28th Dec 2009 at 2:49 PM
Ther is no mesh
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 15th Feb 2010 at 5:16 PM
luckily; mesh is included guys :P
Test Subject
#34 Old 9th Jun 2010 at 1:26 AM
I love this hair. It was my favorite for the sims 2... I would really like it for the sims 3 too if someone could get it.
Test Subject
#35 Old 17th Jan 2011 at 4:46 AM
Hey, I really want this download, but I can't get to the mesh. I tried the direct link that illovich put up, but my computer won't go to the site. The url just goes away and I don't get anywhere. Could you pllleeeaaassseee help me?!
Test Subject
#36 Old 8th Oct 2011 at 11:56 PM
Please include the mesh and or updated links. The links provided DO NOT WORK. Thank you, I'd really appreciate it. This is an awesome redux.
#37 Old 3rd Nov 2011 at 10:49 PM
this is their new website and direct link to the page it's on:

WickedNoukFamily -- free sims2 sites with hundreds of creations for you to fill your downloads folder with! Some sites offer sims3 content too! :D

Pay Stuff for Free -- Visit Me at My Website: Wicked Sims (sims2 & sims3)
Test Subject
#38 Old 30th Dec 2012 at 3:55 PM
I really like the style but for some reason it does not download properly and the machine is not in the game so the hair can you help? Oh, and sorry for spelling mistakes but I'm Hungarian.
Test Subject
#39 Old 5th Apr 2014 at 11:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sabriny
luckily; mesh is included guys :P
really i cant find it
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 5th Dec 2015 at 12:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ~Jessica~
this is their new website and direct link to the page it's on:

Thank you, I tried every link on the comments and yours was the only one that worked. Onward I go to make sim-Gray Fullbuster :D
Top Secret Researcher
#41 Old 18th Jan 2016 at 7:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mariajoaobarata
Thank you, I tried every link on the comments and yours was the only one that worked. Onward I go to make sim-Gray Fullbuster :D

Idem. Minus sim-Gray Fullbuster. I'm gonna make Earthbound's Pokey with this. ^^
Thanks to Setso for the recolors!
Thanks to ~Jessica~ for the link to the mesh!

I know I can't do it, but I'm still going to do it. - M. C. Escher
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