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Fried Chicken (Restaraunt Meals at Home Series)

by Morague Posted 29th Jun 2007 at 12:14 AM - Updated 11th Dec 2008 at 6:57 AM by Morague
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Mad Poster
#76 Old 20th Jan 2016 at 10:04 AM Last edited by Rosawyn : 20th Jan 2016 at 11:41 PM.
I just recently re-installed TS2, because my poor crappy laptop can never handle TS3. Anyway, I downloaded this today along with a few other custom foods, and I have to say it's working awesome for the most part! All FT enthusiasm wants seem to be triggered and fulfilled without issue.

My one minor annoyance is that on the Cuisine hobby lot, Sue's (Secret) Kitchen, the menu options get a little wonky. This seems to be an issue with ALL custom meals that can be grilled, as it's affecting the Filet Mignon and Tropical Ribs as well: in the "Make Food for Contest" menu on the fridge, the name shows up twice (apparently once for using the grill and once for the stove, but there is no way in the menu to tell which is which). Also, specific to this one, it's showing up as just "Chicken" in the "Grill..." menu but as "Fried Chicken" in the "Serve..." and "Have..." menus. (Under "Make Food for Contest" it shows up as "Fried Chicken," but it shows up twice.) Not sure if the variation in the name is intended, but it was a bit confusing when I was looking through the menus (I tend to look mostly at the first letter when there's a lot of options and I'm looking for one specific one).

Re: TS2 Double Deluxe: That's what I have (with all other EPs except OFB), and all the meals in this series (including this one) are showing up just fine for me.
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#77 Old 5th Mar 2016 at 8:10 AM
thank you
Mad Poster
#78 Old 19th Feb 2017 at 8:40 PM
Thank you
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#79 Old 14th Dec 2017 at 6:51 PM
I love chicken for our sims.
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