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Super Mario Sunshine: Hotel Delfino

by Ultimah Posted 16th Aug 2007 at 8:12 AM - Updated 2nd Mar 2009 at 3:23 AM by Ultimah
24 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 21 Feedback Posts, 2 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 16th Aug 2007 at 10:06 PM
That's friggin' awesome!
#3 Old 16th Aug 2007 at 10:31 PM
Oh, nice, I played that game! Thanks

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Test Subject
#4 Old 16th Aug 2007 at 10:45 PM

This hotel is so beautiful!

Test Subject
#5 Old 16th Aug 2007 at 11:02 PM
I really love this, thank you so much!

- Shinizzle -
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 12:03 AM
This is neat! I've played SMS a couple of times. Thanks!
Test Subject
#7 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 12:53 AM Last edited by Canoodle : 17th Aug 2007 at 10:17 PM. Reason: is a thanks post
Default jeeze.
i've played SMS a few times. & damn, that looks exactly like it. :D

how amazing.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 1:41 AM Last edited by Canoodle : 17th Aug 2007 at 10:18 PM. Reason: is a thanks post
What a fabulous hotel.I loved super mario sunshine, you did a great job.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 1:51 AM
Wow, that's so awesome! I don't download lots, but I'm thinking about breaking that rule, just this once.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 6:38 AM
Thanks for the wonderful comments you guys! It's very much appreciated. ^_^

{ SOLDIER-02 }

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#11 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 10:32 AM
Yes, it is big. and yes, it is also grand. Thanks for sharing!
Field Researcher
#12 Old 17th Aug 2007 at 4:56 PM
this is awesome ! i loved super mario sunshine so much that im getting a gamecube controller for my wii so i can play it again !!!

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Test Subject
#13 Old 24th Aug 2007 at 2:41 PM Last edited by Bambifani : 28th Aug 2007 at 3:02 PM.
It´s sooo.. beautiful!
It looks so real!
Too bad that I don´t have Open for business or University.
And I don´t have Glamour life neither....
Now I´ve got open for business butt I still can´t download that.
Test Subject
#14 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 11:16 PM
Great job! I love super mario sunshine!
Test Subject
#15 Old 2nd Sep 2007 at 4:09 PM
Great job, almost exact replica, definantaly putting this in my costal town. Plus, when Bon Voyage comes out, we can make this into a REAL hotel :P

[Insert witty and hilarious signature here]
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#16 Old 6th Sep 2007 at 2:10 AM
Yeah I sure hope so! I'm glad you all like it... I just wish more people would say Thanks before they download!

{ SOLDIER-02 }

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Test Subject
#17 Old 7th Sep 2007 at 4:20 AM
Hey, I've played that game, but how do you get to the hotel? I have Gamecube.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 8th Sep 2007 at 5:09 AM
The hotel is in the level called Sirena Beach. To get to the level you need to climb on top one of the buildings in Delfino Plaza and use Yoshi to eat/spray (can't remember which) the orange goo blocking the red pipe on the rooftop. Then climb in and.. that's it.

{ SOLDIER-02 }

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Field Researcher
#19 Old 18th Sep 2007 at 8:39 AM
Gorgeous! It really gives the tropical feel to it, and I love that feeling! The stuffed toys are adorable! The whole hotel is marvelous. I wasn't sure about this game before, but you sold me. I must buy this game to experience the true beauty of this hotel. Thank you so much. I hope you make more of these videogame-inspired buildings in the future. Please keep it up! We are looking forward to your marvelous works!

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Test Subject
#20 Old 15th Oct 2007 at 3:24 PM
it is such a pitty that this was never featured, its truely amazing thankyou so much :D


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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 16th Oct 2007 at 2:12 AM
Indeed... I worked so hard on it... But I'm glad that nonetheless people like it.

{ SOLDIER-02 }

An original Sims 2 series.
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Lab Assistant
#22 Old 23rd Apr 2009 at 2:09 PM
AMAZING! It looks EXACTLY like the game! If I had all the EPs, I sure would be downloading that!
Test Subject
#23 Old 26th Aug 2010 at 4:46 AM
Wow this a really great creation! I wish I'd thought of making the hotel
Test Subject
#24 Old 30th Oct 2010 at 11:24 PM
I can practically hear the music right now lmao.
No swimming in the pool unless you have your swim shorts..
This brings back good memories..
I just wish I had the EPs
Test Subject
#25 Old 16th Aug 2011 at 5:29 PM
I hardly play TS2 anymore, but this definitely got me back to playing it because the hotel is so beautiful & so close to the hotel in the game! I would love to see this in TS3 though! Thanks for this! I had forgotten how fun TS2 is!