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~Outerwear Collection~ Cosy Coats for Children

by hrekkjavaka astarkort Posted 22nd Aug 2007 at 2:32 AM - Updated 10th Oct 2008 at 2:52 AM by CatOfEvilGenius
8 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts
#2 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 5:13 AM
wow, beautiful, great, thanks so much.
#3 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 6:06 AM
Perfect for my children!
#4 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 8:54 AM
I love it, they look little ladies,thanks
Test Subject
#5 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 2:05 PM
I absolutely love your Cosy Coats collection. Thank you!
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 6:49 PM
Thanks for this collection!Too bad for the toddler coats...Anyway,these are great!Thanks again! (:

I'd rather be a square peg in a round hole
Field Researcher
#7 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 8:04 PM
I have loved this entire series and have them all! Thank you so much for sharing your hard work.
Top Secret Researcher
#8 Old 26th Sep 2007 at 10:30 PM
Fabulous jacket! I love it......thanks for all the colors & for sharing
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 4th Sep 2008 at 12:48 AM
I'm your new biggest fan!