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Queen of the Fay

by sherahbim Posted 22nd Nov 2007 at 6:31 AM - Updated 6th Mar 2009 at 11:27 PM by sherahbim
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Test Subject
#51 Old 5th Aug 2009 at 1:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sherahbim
i actually dident build a castle for her i just made little sets on a lot for the pictures so i dont really have anything to upload plus there are quite a few pay items mixed in as well.
i may build a castle for her some time though and i will upload it if it turns out nice.
thank you again all

I love her a bunch!! Please upload even just the sets, I'm begging you, I have to have the little temple thingy!!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#52 Old 5th Aug 2009 at 5:58 PM
im glad you like her Syrus
im afraid i cant upload the sets, there are just to many pay items mixed in.
just use your imagination and make a temple using objects you have and put them together with cheat codes. its a lot of fun to do, and if you need some good objects check out my journal, i have links to the sites ive gotten most of my downloads from.
Test Subject
#53 Old 6th Aug 2009 at 2:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sherahbim
im glad you like her Syrus
im afraid i cant upload the sets, there are just to many pay items mixed in.
just use your imagination and make a temple using objects you have and put them together with cheat codes. its a lot of fun to do, and if you need some good objects check out my journal, i have links to the sites ive gotten most of my downloads from.

Poop, you did it so well. Will use your journal though, will use it.
Test Subject
#54 Old 28th Oct 2009 at 3:13 PM
She looks an awful lot like the elf in The Spiderwick Chronicles! Was that your inspiration? That would be nothing short of amazing, but regardless, she is awesome!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#55 Old 28th Oct 2009 at 5:49 PM
im glad you like her
no i had never even heard of The Spiderwick Chronicles when i made her.
Test Subject
#56 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 8:15 PM Last edited by klauss_ad : 27th Dec 2009 at 2:50 AM.
Wow - in my game she is a kind of important Citizen of Veronaville along with the Veranossonho Family; shes a good friend of Titania, Oberon and the children. (:

She is a neutral witch (only supernatural state that would fit her to me) and lives in that house near Titania's - I've build more stuff like a Lake and a small Pool, and theres also the green house (bronze badge at gardening atm) and I couldn't make the little temple 0.0

I've downloaded mushrooms (toadstools) so the house is full of them...

Addiction facts of her in my game:

- she listen to World Music in the radio

- she likes travelling

- she has first Aspiration for Knowledge but when there is a second, it would be for Romance just because of the Quemistry bonus

- her hobby includes "Science" (the brilliant ones), but she also practice "Nature" and "Kitchen" as also "Physical Condiction" 'cause of Tai Chi and Yoga

- her lifetime Want is to reach the top of Scientific carear so she's now at level 7 (out of 10) as an Academic - and she also is immortal and never age cause of the thousands gallons of -Elixir of Life-
Test Subject
#57 Old 1st Jan 2010 at 12:13 PM
Veranossonho Family = The Summerdream

She has finally reached the top of Science Career - but now she wants to reach Intelligence's one!
Test Subject
#58 Old 5th May 2010 at 11:20 PM
those screenshots are killer! <333
Test Subject
#59 Old 8th Nov 2010 at 4:11 PM
the best !
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 31st Dec 2011 at 7:56 PM
STUNNING! Absolutely STUNNING!!! I love this!!
Test Subject
#61 Old 13th Jun 2012 at 2:14 PM
Anyone happen to have the Liana mesh to share?
Lab Assistant
#62 Old 9th Jul 2012 at 6:50 PM
I had the same question, but found the answer on the previous page (post 38 by seraphim):

go into accessories/sets/page one/bottom row/Mesh JS1
Top Secret Researcher
#63 Old 5th Oct 2012 at 5:47 PM
I love this download where did you get that archway from?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#64 Old 9th Oct 2012 at 10:01 AM
hi Artimis
i think i got it off of TSR if i remember right, but it has been so long i'm afraid i'm no longer sure.
Test Subject
#65 Old 14th May 2014 at 1:45 PM
Thank u!
Lab Assistant
#66 Old 13th Aug 2014 at 2:17 PM
I think you should update that whing mesh, because Sapphire sims doesn't exist anymore. At least not on that link that you've put into your post.

And by to way I like your work. You have done awesome clothing, thank you for that.
Test Subject
#67 Old 12th Feb 2015 at 8:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Yavannah
I think you should update that whing mesh, because Sapphire sims doesn't exist anymore. At least not on that link that you've put into your post.

And by to way I like your work. You have done awesome clothing, thank you for that.

Found the mesh at Took alot of digging to come up with it. Whew! But I just had to have those beautiful wings.
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 8th Apr 2015 at 3:51 PM
epic introduction scene
Test Subject
#69 Old 25th Nov 2020 at 1:45 AM
Very beautiful sim, thank you. =]
Test Subject
#70 Old 22nd Feb 2024 at 1:37 AM
Anyone still looking for the wing mesh, I believe I found it here:

Liana Sims Jewelry Mesh here:
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