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Startin' New - House 3 - §15,740

by CrowsMan Posted 11th Dec 2007 at 12:22 AM - Updated 12th Dec 2007 at 5:01 AM by CrowsMan
1 Comments / Replies (Who?)
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 12th Dec 2007 at 3:43 AM
u forgat 2 mension when a maid repair or other police like 100 of them apears on the game that is y they need 2x1 lots or hire because it append on my geme that is y i dont downloads 1x1 lots i hope i dont upset nobody if u dont trust me try it call a repair or maid because alot of them or goin 2 show up again sorry for my opinion if i upset anybody espesially CrowsMan i like the houses but not on a 1x1 lot