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*New Update* Victorian Walls & Floors Set 4 - Egg & Dart Design - Now In 36 Colours

by dimsim78 Posted 7th Jan 2008 at 12:58 AM - Updated 10th Feb 2008 at 2:03 AM by dimsim78 : Added 1 more colour
16 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 14 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 9:17 AM
These are really well done. I noticed also that you used Maxis wall paint colors. That's super. Thank you for the time and effort you put in to these. And for sharing them.
#3 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 10:18 AM
Thank you Dimi, this set is definetively complete, it seems that you covered any possible color need! Thanks and ciao
Field Researcher
#4 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 4:19 PM
It's hard to find diamond tiles so nice looking. Many many thanks for the collection!
Coffee, anyone?
retired moderator
#5 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 7:06 PM
I love these! One question: how much do these cost per roll?

I'm worried that my latest Salvation Army donation will result in homeless people looking like sluts from the 90s.
Top Secret Researcher
#6 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 8:59 PM
I have no idea what "egg and dart" means, but the walls are lovely!

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 10:13 PM
Wow great selection of colors!
Field Researcher
#8 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 11:58 PM
These are really wonderful!! I can't wait to use them. Thanks much!

You can find some of my older houses HERE
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 10th Jan 2008 at 1:42 AM
Canoodle the walls and floors cost $5 each. Corylea egg and dart is just the name of the border design on the walls. Thanks everyone for your comments, i'm glad you all like them, just to let you all know, i am currently working on some fruit and vegetable designs to match these colours. :D
Test Subject
#10 Old 10th Jan 2008 at 9:49 AM
I adore your walls and floors. I use them constantly. Thanks so much!
Coffee, anyone?
retired moderator
#11 Old 11th Jan 2008 at 5:26 AM Last edited by Canoodle : 15th Jan 2008 at 6:38 PM.
Dimsim: Thank you so much for making the price decent. Those zero simoleon floors and walls drive me batty. LOL Thanks again for sharing. I'm definately snagging these ( I'm a greedy littly piggy..I'm getting them all). They are exactly what I have been looking for!

ETA: I'm hooked. I just deleted all my other tile walls and floors. These are just that great!

I'm worried that my latest Salvation Army donation will result in homeless people looking like sluts from the 90s.
#12 Old 18th Jan 2008 at 11:48 PM
"Thank You" so very much for this lovely and complete collection. Bless you for taking on the overwhelming task of naming each and every one and putting them in groups. Like Canoodle, I took them all in greedily.

Coffee, anyone?
retired moderator
#13 Old 1st Feb 2008 at 8:28 AM Last edited by Canoodle : 1st Feb 2008 at 8:37 AM.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, you update with more colors! And the lime and moss work with the HolySimoly content I did the sage and apple. The only reason I looked at this thread again was that I was recommending these walls and floors to a fellow moderator in staffchat. What a pleasant suprise! I'm addicted. Thank you so very much for sharing.

I'm worried that my latest Salvation Army donation will result in homeless people looking like sluts from the 90s.
Mad Poster
#14 Old 5th Feb 2008 at 8:43 PM
Adding my two cents - these are so comprehensive, they're beautiful and labeling them is the greatest courtesy. You are truly a prolific and talented creator. Thanks for the many items you have contributed to my giant dl folder with your name on it!!
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 9th Mar 2008 at 7:34 AM
Beautiful. Hopefully the textures are the right size for me. As I have a mac, it's hard to find walls that will work in my game. We'll see.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 28th Jul 2008 at 8:42 AM
I really love these. I downloaded them some time ago and they're all I use in bathrooms now. Thank you!
Test Subject
#17 Old 4th Oct 2015 at 2:03 AM