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Xaldin's Eyebrows

by Sunfish Posted 7th Apr 2008 at 3:33 AM - Updated 5th Apr 2009 at 3:12 PM by Sunfish : edit language
8 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts
Forum Resident
#2 Old 7th Apr 2008 at 11:35 AM
how do you do it..Sunfish. it looks so easy..

"Anyone who dares oppose me no, the Life Fibers will suffer the same fate." ~Ragyo Kiryuin
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#3 Old 7th Apr 2008 at 1:57 PM
Making Sims2 things is easy! :9
Field Researcher
#4 Old 7th Apr 2008 at 2:57 PM
Great job!

"Cant sleep... Clowns will eat me." -- Bart Simpson
Mad Poster
#5 Old 8th Apr 2008 at 12:05 AM
haha, nice. I like the little curls. :D

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 11th Apr 2008 at 2:10 PM
Are they color coded right? Some are just custom, but others if you have a certain color, it only shows that color, and not all 4 at once.

[QUOTE]Artist Formally Known as Okalani You'll be seeing my posts for suggestions of what may help you improve your posts. I have S2, Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, and Seasons![QUOTE]
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#7 Old 11th Apr 2008 at 2:28 PM Last edited by Sunfish : 8th May 2009 at 5:38 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by okalani
Are they color coded right? Some are just custom, but others if you have a certain color, it only shows that color, and not all 4 at once.

Mm, I don't exactly understand what you're asking, but it's only one eyebrow color (because it's for the character Xaldin and he has black hair, I'm not interested in the eyebrow in other colors). As you can see, there is only this color in the preview pictures too, because there are no others.
Sorry if this doesn't answer your question If it's something else, please write it differently.
Test Subject
#8 Old 25th Apr 2008 at 6:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunfish
...I'm not interested in the eyebrow in other colors). As you can see, there is only this color in the preview pictures too, because there are no other.

Hey I think Xaldin's eyebrows and sideburns are excelent you have a great talent in being able to do this things because some of us cant do it or don't have time to learn. But I also think that aside from Sunfish you are pretty SELFISH, for I'm sure that for you to make the eyebrows and sideburns will take tops 20 minutes and for maybe it will take me a week or two to make the same thing.

Just think that if everybody had your same mentality sites like this one will not exist. Please, even you are asking for meshes, how do you spect to get when you are so rude and ALWAYS say NO when asked.

Hope this helps you in your life.
Sarah Saavedra, MD
Test Subject
#9 Old 26th Apr 2008 at 10:30 PM
Hello again to you too Sunfish
Which is your first language?
MD means I'm a Doctor it is Doctor of Medicine, but in Latin: Medicinæ Doctor (MD) it is a common way of writting it in short.

Of course I made time for you reply, other wise I wouldn't have made my post in the first place.

I don't understand your comment about not collecting the correct infromation, what I read in your posts was more than enough for me. But it may also have been because of my lack of sleep that I was a little (only a little mind you ) touchy.

You see the thing is that I love your eyebrows and sideburns but I prefer my men blond or redhead and as you would say I have never sin the cartoon Xaldin's from so I'm not interested in black.

For me to say to someone else that you are not interested in what they want is being rude, because even though you have the rigth to not be interested it is not polite to refuse to help someone just based on that.

Actually you can and, well, you must see inside yourself to analyse your actions and see if you have been selfish or rude with others. I'm doing that now and I'm able to say that is was angry and also rude, but I had my reason. You say you didn't turned me down, well let me tell you not directly but you had already say no to my request so you can understand that it was useless to post it again (If you had not guess already I wanted the eyebros ans sideburns in the 4 colors, but you had repitedly said No") So going back to where you say that you have had like 5 request, so far on the count you have said NO to 3 of them, so... maybe not always but close.

And yes you said rudely "no" to those requests, may be you trasnlate the word literally and don't mean them rude but they are.

About the cake: Well let me tell you that if I'm the only on the island that makes banana cakes, and I already have all the ingredientes to make it, I will make it for you, I'm sure I won't eat ir with you if I don't like bananas but that wont stop me from helping someone else, even if I don't know that person. Because it is a world for diference to not KNOW and to not be INTERESTED in a person. I have a question? What do you mean by saying "but you don't like bananas or me..." do you mean "don't like as in -don't know, don't care- or as in dislike, because they are to diferent things.

By the way what knid of science do you study?

About the time: As you may or may not know a normal laboral schedule is of 40 hours a week plus extra activities. My laboral schedule is of 80 hours plus extra of constant activity. (I spend up to 36 hours without sleep the night I'm on call) Aside from that I speak Spanish, English, and French and I'm about to start Portuguese. On me free time I sleep hahaha , but aside from that I'm also part of a theatrical group, and I sing on the chorus of my local chuch and go to the church group. And have with some friends a program to help low resourses comunities. And like you I also write stories (only that every time less and less). And even though I will love to I simply can't make time to learn and do the tutorials t make Sims things, I'm sure its not hard, but I do prefer to sleep sometimes. That way I come to sites like this one with people like you who can do this things on their free time(or no so free time )

Well thats all for my part, sorry if I'm a bit intense. And I hope you reply back, banana cake or not.