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Micoeib:Chrome Line Couch Set~One

by Loverat Posted 26th May 2008 at 7:24 AM
20 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 16 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 26th May 2008 at 3:01 PM
Pretty!! Thanks,
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 26th May 2008 at 3:38 PM
Many many many thanks. This is really very nice, much more nicely than the original. A really great colour arrangement!

Sims is just fun and every custom content should be available for FREE.
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Original Poster
#4 Old 27th May 2008 at 7:32 AM
Why thank ya vere and mico - and mico this set was a pleasure to recolour :D

<:3))~~ Loverat
"In some cultures what I do is considered normal" Check it out for other recolours & lot uploads =D
Top Secret Researcher
#5 Old 29th May 2008 at 6:13 AM
Thank you! I was really hoping for another color of this set & I think the black looks really nice. The tables look fabulous. I like the combination with the dark turquoise...very manly set...nice :cylon:
Test Subject
#6 Old 15th Aug 2008 at 3:17 PM
I love this, but sadly micoeib deleted the meshes before I could have a chance to download them.. really a shame, I must say. Gorgeous set, although recent downloaders won't be able to enjoy its beauty
Test Subject
#7 Old 29th Aug 2008 at 10:22 PM
Awww, I had this set and it was my favorite but it got deleted, and now the mesh is gone If anyone has it, I'd love if you could send it to me.
Test Subject
#8 Old 30th Sep 2008 at 12:54 AM
yea no more mesh, where'd it go?
Test Subject
#9 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 12:36 AM
I love the color combination, but where did you get the windows? I would like those!!
Test Subject
#10 Old 22nd Mar 2009 at 4:33 AM
Too bad the mesh is gone before I got to see this. Beautiful recolor =}

all your base are mine
Test Subject
#11 Old 16th Apr 2009 at 7:32 AM
downloaded and thanked before i knew the mesh was gone...

oh well, it is a beautiful set, and i would have loved to have had it.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 22nd Apr 2009 at 7:58 PM
yea same here would love to have this amasing set but where is the mesh :S if anyone has it would be pleased if someone could post it here or something ^^
Test Subject
#13 Old 6th May 2009 at 2:57 PM
I love to download this set but the original mesh creator had deleted his/her post. Aww too bad. Is there anyway to get the mesh?
Test Subject
#14 Old 22nd Aug 2010 at 6:46 PM
I NEED this set for my sims house it will just complete it but the original mesh creator deleted his/her post.Is there a possibilty to get the mesh?
Test Subject
#15 Old 12th Oct 2010 at 1:10 AM
Aww, the mesh is gone!
This couch set is really, really beautiful!
Why do almost all of your graet recolors meshes get deleted?
What a pity though...
Test Subject
#16 Old 14th Nov 2010 at 11:17 PM
The meshes have been removed by the creator....any chance of adding them to your set on your site?
Test Subject
#17 Old 20th Dec 2011 at 3:57 PM
It has been deleted and its soooo pretty can u give us a new mesh...
Test Subject
#18 Old 15th Jan 2013 at 10:57 PM
I just downloaded the couch, but when I went to get the mesh, it doesn't exist? Does anyone have this mesh?
Test Subject
#19 Old 16th Sep 2014 at 8:49 PM
Thank you ! :)
Test Subject
#20 Old 6th Mar 2016 at 10:22 AM
Thanks You
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 18th Nov 2019 at 2:00 AM
no mesh