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[Request] Furless Werewolves

by poifectly_poiple Posted 11th Nov 2008 at 4:16 AM - Updated 13th Jun 2009 at 10:49 PM by poifectly_poiple
30 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 26 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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#26 Old 26th Apr 2012 at 8:53 PM
furless werewolves, huh?
kinda defeats the purpose of having a werewolf, doesn't it?
that's silly, whoever requested it.
nonetheless, you fulfilled their request, so nice job
#27 Old 17th Sep 2013 at 9:56 PM
Every time my sims change into a werewolf or try to become a werewolf through normal or abnormal means, this mod has managed to crash my game.

Requests? Yes! See my journal entry for palette options! Shameless plugging of my Sim sites: (TS2) · TS4
#28 Old 11th May 2015 at 6:56 AM
Thanks for this mod!! It's soo much nicer to have a hairless werewolf and the added link for the no stupid hair makes it all the better!
Field Researcher
#29 Old 2nd May 2016 at 1:04 AM
With my old game setup (which was only up to Seasons), this mod worked fine. But now that I have Ultimate Collection, it causes my game to crash as a werewolf changes. Any ideas why this is, and is it possible to update the mod to work?

I'm a young adult in poor health, trying to heal enough to complete my goals.
This is the song that never ends ~ It goes on and on my friends ~
my first ToT Challenge (which is actually indefinitely hiatus, I'm in a different TOT hood now)
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 3rd Mar 2019 at 11:59 AM
A nice idea but it didn't work for my non-werewolf skinned sims, (although did work for the ones with custom werewolf skin.) It is possibly because I have default replacments of the regualr Maxis skins though. I have tried another creator's default replacement werewolf skin and this seems to work ok with my regular sims.
Test Subject
#31 Old 7th Oct 2020 at 4:00 AM
This mod crashed my game the moment my sim decided to turn. What a bummer :/ Anything I can do to fix it? I'm playing the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection from Origin.
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