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Crucifixes and crosses

by Lisen801 Posted 30th Sep 2010 at 6:23 PM - Updated 15th Oct 2010 at 10:22 PM by Lisen801
47 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 19 Feedback Posts, 27 Thanks Posts
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#26 Old 17th Dec 2010 at 10:01 AM Last edited by SeaZephyr : 17th Dec 2010 at 10:13 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by justinandseth
Maybe he was asking for the inverted cross because he has some Sims who also deem themselves unworthy in the eyes of Jebus?

Now I'm going to have to take up creating just so I can make some pentagrams and pentacles as well as some alchemic circles and celtic symbols to hang in my pagan sims homes.

Cool! The Catholic Church in ancient times used the Pentacle to represent the 5 wounds of Christ, so once you make those Pentacles, point me in their direction! I can't wait for more Christian symbolism for my game! Thanks!

Quote: Originally posted by DevilsAdvocate
What it meant in the past is not what it means today.
The swastika used to be a symbol of peace or sainthood. But is that what you think when you see one today?

The Swastika's roots are in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, not Christianity, so I am not sure how accurate the Saint reference is there, and as for the St. Peter's Cross, yes, I still think about St. Peter when I see an inverted Cross, its still widely recognized as such by well over half of today's Christians. Anton LeVay was a little late with his idea. Oops. Its Hollywood that tells a different story, not real life.
#27 Old 27th Dec 2010 at 2:10 AM
These are great. Thanks you so much for sharing. There is reliogion in the Sims--we got a menorrah from EA in 2009 so why not crosses and a crucfix too. Next I'll download the Buddha. I think there's a place for religion in the sims. All of them . Guess some people just aren't tolerant. Unfortunate that.
Test Subject
#28 Old 29th Dec 2010 at 12:02 AM
I downloaded the crosses (thanks a bunch by the way ) But they don't appear when I go to buy them... Help please?
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 1st Mar 2011 at 9:27 PM
Great! Thank you!
Test Subject
#30 Old 7th Apr 2011 at 8:04 PM
I would like to download it, because I like to have a church, but the launcher don't accept them, so that I could not open them. How could I bring them into the game? I have it in mods/packages and every other downloads are okay. But yours are diffrent... Please help me, because you made a really good job. And sry because of my bad English.
#31 Old 4th Jun 2011 at 12:26 AM
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I'm going to download these, they are very wonderful. Thank you.
Test Subject
#32 Old 5th Jun 2011 at 4:03 PM
Hey I LOVE Theses Crosses! I Use Them For Everywhere! Can You Please Update Them For Generations Because it Won't Work for generations! Thanks!
Test Subject
#33 Old 29th Jul 2011 at 12:53 AM
Where can I get the candles that are on the table with the crosses?
Test Subject
#34 Old 2nd Nov 2011 at 9:23 AM
Any chance these will be updated for the Pets patch?
Test Subject
#35 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 11:22 PM
Great bro/sis! Now my churches will be complete. I've built a lot of church-looking buildings, but they never could become into real churches because they were no crosses, and that kinda bugged me. A small statue or a few figurines of Virgin Mary could go great for my Catholic sims
Seriously, there should be a EP introducing spirituality and religion. However, I think the religions in the game shouldn't be real ones because there can be controversy between people with one religion and others with another one or without one.
Test Subject
#36 Old 28th Mar 2012 at 2:17 PM
Thank you for these wonderful crosses. For some weird reason I always wanted to make a church for my sims... Tried making some wall/column crosses, but these are just perfect! Thank you!
Test Subject
#37 Old 21st May 2012 at 10:02 PM
Lovely serendipity. I was decorating a house and had come to the puzzling conclusion that it really, really needed a cross. Nothing else would do. I'm not sure why it needs a cross, but I've come to accept that the design is more likely to pull together if I indulge these notions.

These are beautiful. Thank you.
Test Subject
#38 Old 27th Oct 2012 at 12:25 AM
This was just what I needed! Thanks!
#39 Old 14th May 2013 at 5:09 PM
This is perfect... I ask could you put up a painting of Dali's Christ of Saint John of the Cross? which is by far the most beautiful Christian art work of all time!
Test Subject
#40 Old 29th Jun 2013 at 6:03 AM
This is very nice. Thanks for the time you spent making these. You also did a really good job.
Test Subject
#41 Old 29th Jun 2013 at 6:07 AM
Default Plz
Quote: Originally posted by Ejak2021
Oh man, one of my sims is REALLY going to like these. Also, I've been meaning to build a pipe organ, which means building a church, which will look funny without crosses.

Don't think I'll put the cross in my yard, though. That's a bit much (and kind of creepy) if you ask me.

Please do so. If/ or when you do make them please point out the direction where to get them. Thank you

#42 Old 12th Feb 2014 at 9:12 AM
Thank you thank you thank you God bless you :D :D :D
Test Subject
#43 Old 18th May 2014 at 2:24 PM
Is this compatible with Pets?
Test Subject
#44 Old 19th Oct 2014 at 4:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DevilsAdvocate
What it meant in the past is not what it means today.
The swastika used to be a symbol of peace or sainthood. But is that what you think when you see one today?

Old post, I know, but I don't think of Nazis when I see a swastika. My people, the Basques of Spain, have their own version of the swastika called the lauburu. It refers to the four Basque regions. That's what I think of when I see it. It's all about culture and context. While YOU may see the swastika as a symbol of evil and genocide, many others don't. An Indian, a Basque, etc. might see it as a much different symbol. It is an ancient symbol, it's bound to have many meanings to many people.
Test Subject
#45 Old 19th Jun 2015 at 1:09 AM
Test Subject
#46 Old 5th Nov 2015 at 9:25 AM
unfortunately, this seemed to be the download that was crashing my game. no idea if it was because of a cc conflict, or because of some problem with the items not being up to date, patch-wise? i thought i should say something. beautiful work regardless!
Test Subject
#47 Old 11th Aug 2016 at 6:01 PM
Thank you! It's been a bit difficult to find a proper crucifix for my sims.
Test Subject
#48 Old 3rd Oct 2017 at 12:12 AM
Can you make them for Sims 4?
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