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Moar Interactions

by Buzzler Posted 22nd Mar 2011 at 7:55 PM - Updated 25th Jan 2015 at 5:19 PM by Buzzler
1044 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 733 Feedback Posts, 310 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#1026 Old 27th Apr 2018 at 6:16 PM
please update this MOD. I would love to have this too!
Mad Poster
#1027 Old 27th Apr 2018 at 7:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mrsadm
please update this MOD. I would love to have this too!

There aren't any further patch related updates for 1.67/69 required for this mod than the developer has already provided, the current version works as intended for most of us.
Forum Resident
#1028 Old 25th Aug 2018 at 10:33 PM Last edited by MissPat : 29th Aug 2018 at 8:24 PM.
Really thrilled to find a mod that allows inactives to autonomously read skill books and for broke student sims to *finally* get part time job shifts. Thank you so much for creating this mod!
Forum Resident
#1029 Old 3rd Sep 2018 at 6:34 AM
Not sure if I'm the only one who noticed this but couple updates from playing with this mod:

1) University student sims CANNOT use the "work parttime shift" at the rabbit holes with part time jobs. Only non-students can do it. So this mod cannot be used as a "part time job for broke students" hack. Too bad :/
2) When my adult male sim enrolled in the military career did attend the 3 hours of parttime shift during the week-end, he only got paid 1 simoleon and not the 3h x 30 simoleon each expected.

It could be a glitch due to my other mods installed but thought I'd share in case someone else is experiencing the same things with this mod.

Other than that, the mod does wonders in my game vis-a-vis laundry, socializing, group activities and so on and so forth. Must have.
Test Subject
#1030 Old 27th Sep 2018 at 10:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MissPat
When my adult male sim enrolled in the military career did attend the 3 hours of parttime shift during the week-end, he only got paid 1 simoleon and not the 3h x 30 simoleon each expected.

Well, that's the military for you! (Sorry. Bad joke based on having been a military brat throughout my entire childhood and then being a military wife for much of my young adulthood.)

I was recently playing a would-be rock star (i.e., a character in the music industry) and his wife was in the police, and they were both able to do the three hours and got paid as expected. Added bonus, if you had a career opportunity like "read this book and then report back" and you were close to a promotion, if you do the three hours of part time, it counts as work and you can get a promotion (the male sim had the ambitious trait, so he was always champing at the bit for a promotion and this helped with that).

I would say there may be a conflict in your game. Or there may be a problem with the Military career, but I've never played it (too much RL experience with the military ). You might want to do a test game with a different career and see what happens? It definitely worked for police and music in my game (haven't tested other careers; I only just recently got back into playing Sims 3 after a long hiatus).
Forum Resident
#1031 Old 12th Feb 2019 at 10:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LadyMacGuffin
Well, that's the military for you!

Hahaha! Now thinking of it... Why was I surprised?!

Quote: Originally posted by LadyMacGuffin
I was recently playing a would-be rock star (i.e., a character in the music industry) and his wife was in the police, and they were both able to do the three hours and got paid as expected.

That's true, I noticed it worked just fine with most careers. Actually I think that the military career worked as well after that one time. And then there are days when my sims go back home after extra time at custom careers - like the recently released Hawaï Five-0 career - and they get paid peanuts again!

Quote: Originally posted by LadyMacGuffin
Added bonus, if you had a career opportunity like "read this book and then report back" and you were close to a promotion, if you do the three hours of part time, it counts as work and you can get a promotion.

Good point: even if they may sometimes be paid peanuts, at least they get a job performance bar boost and even promoted, so it completely makes up for the glitch.

Quote: Originally posted by LadyMacGuffin
I would say there may be a conflict in your game. Or there may be a problem with the Military career, but I've never played it (too much RL experience with the military ).

Haha, I bet!

Quote: Originally posted by LadyMacGuffin
You might want to do a test game with a different career and see what happens? It definitely worked for police and music in my game (haven't tested other careers; I only just recently got back into playing Sims 3 after a long hiatus).

I switched to a different household and everyone has been doing fine and received full compensation when working extra hours. The glitch did happen a few times again but it represents less than 5% of my gameplay time, so I made peace with it.

Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated
Test Subject
#1032 Old 10th Mar 2019 at 7:50 PM
I noticed that when having a party, inactives were autonomously “socialize”ing and it made the party really active and social so that was good. (Some of them doing never-ending “socialize - mean”, so that was a little annoying but i guess that’s also realistic...)

The problem was birthday party and wedding party.. Once they start “socialize”ing, they dont stop socializing. They don’t come gather around and celebrate the growing up event and wedding event. It seems these events cannot cancel socialize interactions.
I guess to work around this, we just start these events right away before inactives start socializing...
Test Subject
#1033 Old 11th May 2019 at 12:58 AM
I really like this mod but there is one thing i want to switch off, but idk why document is unclear.. maybe someone knows what to do?

DBPF  x  n
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kMaxLikingBoost value="25.0" />
<kMinLikingBoost value="15.0" />
<kPayPerHour value="30.0" />
<kShiftLength value="3.0" />
<kBaseChanceToBuyIngredientsInBistro value="10.0" />
<kBaseChanceToBuyIngredientsInDiner value="20.0" />
<kIngredientMinimumQualityDiner value="6" />
<kIngredientMaximumQualityDiner value="8" />
<kIngredientMinimumQualityBistro value="8" />
<kIngredientMaximumQualityBistro value="10" />
<kIngredientSurcharge value="100.0" />
<kUnpauseAndPauseOnLoad value="False" />
<kPauseDelayOnLoad value="2.0" />
  5ç…{Üä¦â€*- TwoBTech.MoarInteractions.Interactions.Tuning8ðÄzTÝ) TwoBTech.MoarInteractions.Services.Tuning—%µìC61 TwoBTech_MoarInteractions_InteractionAvailability<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kMinAutonomousSocials value="4" />
<kMaxAutonomousSocials value="12" />
<kMaxSocializeHours value="1.0" />
<kVisitShellWithStartsGroup value="False" />
<kGoHereWithStartsGroup value="False" />
<kVisitCommunityLotStartsGroup value="False" />
<kVisitLotWithStartsGroup value="False" />
<kCallInviteOverStartsGroup value="False" />
<kCallInviteToLotStartsGroup value="False" />
<kHourlyWageForBuyablyUpgrades value="250" />
</base>û êï<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TwoBTech_MoarInteractio‡À ns_åAvailability>


Below you'll find switches to ëividually turn on/off certain parts of the Moar ‡ ˆçs mod. The stuff with "Services" 7 inãkey
can only beiked éompletely. So it is not possible to disa Oble lsto /enãcarpools, but keˆÀ.ep Å*À/
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Wo âit off later‡ÀV, jâit back to T rueÃ*Don' t c‘anyÃ*else)k ãis file apart from Å*À™ thHá-->
<Dataá <Key></.
< +/Da3<Daâ!-- Athletic‡Â iné- Workout, Jog Here, Ask To Be Trained anâ couple invi)ös‡ÀJintÂ*->
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there is how it looks i use notepad to open. i would know what to do if i could understand...
Mad Poster
#1034 Old 11th May 2019 at 2:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kii4a
there is how it looks i use notepad to open. i would know what to do if i could understand...

As Buzzler explains on his Description page, the tuning resources file needs to be opened in S3PE. Just opening the package file in Notepad would make a mess of things and any edits to it would not be usable.

Is that scrambled up result really the way it looks after running it through S3PE to separate out the three (I think) xml resources?
Test Subject
#1035 Old 11th May 2019 at 4:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
As Buzzler explains on his Description page, the tuning resources file needs to be opened in S3PE. Just opening the package file in Notepad would make a mess of things and any edits to it would not be usable.

Is that scrambled up result really the way it looks after running it through S3PE to separate out the three (I think) xml resources?

Thanks a lot! My fault didnt read description thought im clever..
Test Subject
#1036 Old 11th Jan 2020 at 12:37 PM
Default the sims 4
is it possible to create such a mod for the sims 4?
Lab Assistant
#1037 Old 11th Mar 2021 at 4:39 PM
Please add Take nectar recipe ingredients to fridge
Test Subject
#1038 Old 28th Nov 2021 at 5:24 PM
Hello, English is not my language, I really like your mod of calling dancers and that it has several different styles of dancers with different clothes, I would like to ask you this and it would be a great favor for me, if I made each dancer keep their By default and their face, body and clothes were the same when they were called, they will not change for another model every time they are called, because what I do is edit them in the house and I put another kind of clothes and with various mods their height, face and body shape and I would like them to always stay that way, so when a dancer is called with a police style, it is the same as before and if it is of another style of clothing such as the service one, they will always be the same, I thank you a lot if you can upgrade your mod with this feature.
Mad Poster
#1039 Old 28th Nov 2021 at 11:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by esteban medina
...I thank you a lot if you can upgrade your mod with this feature.

I'm afraid that Buzzler hasn't been around here much lately as is the case with many (but not all!) of our favorite TS3 mod developers. It's been about 5 years since his last MTS login.
Lab Assistant
#1040 Old 5th Mar 2022 at 3:27 PM
This mod is amazing but i just wanted to give two suggestions

- Could you please remove the shared file from buy takeout mod or from this mod so they won't keep showing confliction at the dashboard?
- Again this mod is amazing but certain intrections such as commision an upgrade and socialize makes the game even easier than it already is. Could you make a version without them?
Test Subject
#1041 Old 19th Aug 2023 at 4:33 PM
Damn five (5) years of no activity? I wonder where they are and what they're doing right now, I hope they're doing well.
Igazor I hope you stay in touch with us!!
Mad Poster
#1042 Old 20th Aug 2023 at 8:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grem_linda
Igazor I hope you stay in touch with us!!

Didn't realize I was going anywhere. But if I ever get there, will be sure to send a postcard.
Test Subject
#1043 Old 2nd Jan 2024 at 1:33 PM
does anyone has working version of tuning file?
the one that suggested doesn't work. I changed work shift hours to 6.0 (it should be float, right ?) but it's still 3 in the game and placed tuning file in overrides
Test Subject
#1044 Old 11th Mar 2024 at 12:37 AM
For whatever reason the “commission upgrade” feature is really hit or miss for me. Most of the time I get an error that reads “TwoBTech.Mods.MoarInteractions.Services.BuyableUpgrades.UpgradeSituation+UpgradeStuff: Upgrade failed” and other times it works fine.

Can someone please help?
Test Subject
#1045 Old 27th Mar 2024 at 9:32 AM
Hello can you help me, I tried to edit the payperhour for work parttim shift using s3pe, but nothing changes in the game, the pay is still 30/h, I downloaded the tuning package and edit it using s3pe, how to apply the change to the game?
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