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Phoenix outfit

by robi69 Posted 26th Feb 2005 at 5:47 PM
4 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 3 Feedback Posts
Test Subject
#2 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 9:29 PM
It's nice to see an X-man skin! I love action comics and cartoons and it makes me feel nastalgic to see the good stuff! Keep up the great work!
#3 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 10:06 PM
Very Nice. Thank you so much for making an outfit rather than a skin. So much better to be able to create the Sim first and then dress them in costume when desired.

Lab Assistant
#4 Old 1st Mar 2005 at 5:18 PM
O_o X-Men outfit? ...Wonderful job!!
Test Subject
#5 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 8:43 AM
ooo! i love x-men this is great to see.
it would be great to get a bunch of them out there, especially with their certain heads as well.