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Luxurious Simplicity - 3Br,4Ba

by PhenomIIFX Posted 24th May 2012 at 7:07 PM
10 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 3 Feedback Posts, 6 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 25th May 2012 at 2:26 PM
it's great now i just need to get generations and master suites stuff and ill download haha :P
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 25th May 2012 at 3:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MrReece1997
it's great now i just need to get generations and master suites stuff and ill download haha :P

It doesn't look like you need Master Suites Stuff, just the EPs.

Lovely house, though Especially if it's your first upload.
Forum Resident
#4 Old 26th May 2012 at 3:21 AM
Like the idea and the concept just not sure of the house itself but otherwise its a nicely done house
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 26th May 2012 at 9:23 PM
Something is wrong with d download...When I try 2 extract it, it says unknown method in Luxurious Simplicity.Error:operation failed
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 27th May 2012 at 7:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ChiK_HeinekeN
Something is wrong with d download...When I try 2 extract it, it says unknown method in Luxurious Simplicity.Error:operation failed

What version your 7-zip is? If it's too low you might need to upgrade it.
Test Subject
#7 Old 27th May 2012 at 9:35 AM
Finally somone made a house for a horse that doesn't look like country hick. Thanks!
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 27th May 2012 at 8:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PhenomIIFX
What version your 7-zip is? If it's too low you might need to upgrade it.

I use WinZIP but Im downloading this one 2 see what happend...Thanks!
Test Subject
#9 Old 5th Jun 2012 at 1:58 AM
Absolutly wonderful!!! Thank you.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 27th Jun 2012 at 5:26 PM
I love how you made your markings in the turf!!!!! Will have to do that sometime! Fantastic idea
Test Subject
#11 Old 18th Jul 2012 at 3:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by alishiagambino
It doesn't look like you need Master Suites Stuff, just the EPs.

Lovely house, though Especially if it's your first upload.

Actually, it needs high end lot stuff pack.