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"Uncomfortable" Boosts Other Negative Emotions (+Other Changes)

by Zerbu Posted 23rd Oct 2014 at 2:50 AM
16 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts, 8 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 24th Oct 2014 at 1:40 AM
Thanks for this! It made no sense that the "negative" emotions wouldn't be boosted for being uncomfortable.
#3 Old 25th Oct 2014 at 3:33 AM
I assumed this was already happening. It should be this way. I like this mod!
#4 Old 27th Oct 2014 at 2:26 PM
Something that might be trickier, but worth it: Tense should boost Angry.

Pushed to your limit at work (Tense) and choking down poor quality drinks at the sleazy dive (Uncomfortable) - now this guy mocks you (mild Angry moodlet). You fly off the handle!

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 28th Oct 2014 at 10:02 PM
OMG YES, I just thought of that, it made sense in my eyes TOO!
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 25th Dec 2014 at 6:07 AM
how this mod is with the new patch?? is still working????
Test Subject
#7 Old 1st Jan 2015 at 9:28 PM
Great! makes my game soo much more well um... hold on.... *5 mins later literally* REALISTIC THAT THE WORD YES!
Test Subject
#8 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 5:08 PM
As far as i know, it still works.
Playing 1.4 with Outdoor Retreat
Test Subject
#9 Old 3rd Apr 2015 at 2:39 AM
I was wondering if you could make a version where Uncomfortable boosts negative emotions without your alterations (e.g. Ravenous does not make your Sim Dazed) and a version where the points required to get to higher states of emotion are at the original levels. However, if you don't want to, you don't have to (of course). Thank you so much anyways!
Test Subject
#10 Old 8th Apr 2015 at 7:47 PM
is this going to be updated?
Field Researcher
#11 Old 10th Apr 2015 at 4:48 AM
please update!
Test Subject
#12 Old 21st Apr 2015 at 2:00 PM
Could you make a version where this feature is disabled whilst there is a fire on the lot?
Test Subject
#13 Old 18th Jul 2015 at 6:28 PM
Is this mod still working?
Test Subject
#14 Old 28th Jan 2016 at 3:16 PM
Believe it or not, this mod is still working for me!
Test Subject
#15 Old 26th May 2017 at 7:52 AM
For anyone still using this awesome mod, I have to report that alas it doesn't seem to work with the toddlers patch (1.29) It has the same effect, but it often causes moodlets to become "stuck" on sims - especially the needs to pee moodlets. Removing the mod fixed the moodlet stickiness problem.

It's a real shame, this was one of my favorite mods and Zerbu one of our best contributors! Thank you for many months (years?) of improved Sims 4 experiences, but it looks like I'll have to do without this. >.<
Test Subject
#16 Old 20th Aug 2017 at 4:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Zouflain
For anyone still using this awesome mod, I have to report that alas it doesn't seem to work with the toddlers patch (1.29) It has the same effect, but it often causes moodlets to become "stuck" on sims - especially the needs to pee moodlets. Removing the mod fixed the moodlet stickiness problem.

It's a real shame, this was one of my favorite mods and Zerbu one of our best contributors! Thank you for many months (years?) of improved Sims 4 experiences, but it looks like I'll have to do without this. >.<

Yeah, I figured this was the thing making my "really needs to pee" stick around forever. Thanks for posting. Saves me some time trying to confirm.
Test Subject
#17 Old 20th Apr 2019 at 10:29 PM
Is there any chance that this can be updated to the most recent patch?