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Gin Rickey, a berry-sim (now with non-berried version)

by k2m1too Posted 6th Jan 2015 at 11:17 PM - Updated 14th Jan 2015 at 9:01 PM by k2m1too
10 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 4 Feedback Posts, 5 Thanks Posts
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 7th Jan 2015 at 2:55 AM
That was fast. ;) "Insanity"? No way, I love the fact that you made a non-celeb sim, a berry sim at that! Yeaaaaaaaa.
#3 Old 7th Jan 2015 at 9:24 AM
Yay, that was quick! I'm with Dolce on this one - it's not insanity, but great fun She's so cute
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 12th Jan 2015 at 5:06 PM
She is really cute. I love the eyes you found and was THRILLED they were DEFAULT and not contacts. They are now my new defaults. Not a fan of berry sims, but a quick skin change can always change that :) She would be an adorable pixie sim in a game where I do play supernaturals.
Original Poster
#5 Old 13th Jan 2015 at 11:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lowrisim
She is really cute. I love the eyes you found and was THRILLED they were DEFAULT and not contacts. They are now my new defaults. Not a fan of berry sims, but a quick skin change can always change that She would be an adorable pixie sim in a game where I do play supernaturals.

Oh, yes! She is quite cute as a no-berry! I should post a non-berry picture of her because I think her berry-ness is turning people off to her.
#6 Old 14th Jan 2015 at 4:46 AM
I've never been into supernatural or fairy sims. But this one may make me change my mind. She is so adorable. I am going to have to try her out. But I don't want her to be lonely. Are there other berry sims that are like her? After I first saw her I googled berry sims and read a lot of pages. But I didn't see any like her. Most just looked like ordinary sims with wild colored hair and/or skin.
Original Poster
#7 Old 14th Jan 2015 at 12:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by hedgekat
I've never been into supernatural or fairy sims. But this one may make me change my mind. She is so adorable. I am going to have to try her out. But I don't want her to be lonely. Are there other berry sims that are like her? After I first saw her I googled berry sims and read a lot of pages. But I didn't see any like her. Most just looked like ordinary sims with wild colored hair and/or skin.

In truth, I've not wild about berry sims myself, so she is the only one I've done. And I guess I'm an odd-duck in that I was inspired by an actual "berry"... I really don't know anyone that makes them in a similar style (that also have them for download). I would suggest Morgana Banana because her berries actually made me not hate berry sims. But she doesn't have any of them available for download.

She could probably use some friends, though. So maybe... but no promises because I've got the attention span of a gnat.
Test Subject
#8 Old 27th Jan 2015 at 10:57 AM
She's adorable! I love her very unique look and she even slightly reminds me of a friend I have, haha. I think she is great either way- berry or not. Personally, I think even people that don't prefer berry sims have to realize how freakin' cute they are! I am excited to put her in my game. Thank you. (:
Test Subject
#9 Old 29th Jan 2015 at 5:14 AM
Really cute! Thanks for this upload.
I don't normally ever use sims that are odd like berries but this is really cute. Maybe the springboard for me to get into berry simmies now. :P
#10 Old 29th Jan 2015 at 3:15 PM
I like her in both versions. Her face is so full of personality, I fell in love with her right off.
#11 Old 22nd Feb 2015 at 12:36 PM
She looks best in her normal non-berried skintone. Young, innocent, full of spirit, and adorable!

I moved my downloads to Simblr thebleedingwoodland
My newer quality downloads on my blog The Bleeding Woodland