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UI Cheats Extension v1.15.1 for Legacy Edition

by weerbesu Posted 1st Jul 2015 at 1:43 AM - Updated 17th Aug 2022 at 1:31 PM by weerbesu
3373 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 2046 Feedback Posts, 1326 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#3351 Old 23rd Sep 2023 at 4:35 PM
Hey, as of the 09/2023 update, I am getting a BE error for UI & More Columns in CAS mod. Is there an ETA on when these will be updated?
Lab Assistant
#3352 Old 25th Sep 2023 at 4:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by hottskullxD
Hey, as of the 09/2023 update, I am getting a BE error for UI & More Columns in CAS mod. Is there an ETA on when these will be updated?

If you have an update this month, you need to update your mods from Patreon. This version is for Legacy players whose game is no longer being updated.

= luthienrising (on the Forums and AHQ)
Test Subject
#3353 Old 18th Oct 2023 at 1:00 AM
hi im commenting on your latest update.I have aging turned off,in the bar it shows days till aging up and it shows 52 days till aging up. i have the 10/13/2023 version. i wanted to make sure if it was your mod that was causing it. i went back to the 7/18 version,and it fixed it,it didn't show up anymore.
Test Subject
#3354 Old 24th Oct 2023 at 2:43 PM
Your mod is fantastic! But I have 1 question, "I can't find a place where I could make all cooking recipes active, is this option no longer available?"
Test Subject
#3355 Old 25th Nov 2023 at 5:26 PM
Hi, i don't actually need the legacy version but i needed to ask, am i the only one not being able to play with this mod? after i load the game and a household the game looks paused but doesn't show any ui at all, i can't exit the game like i would normally, i hope you respond, if you'd like i can post the better exceptions report since you probably understand what it means. Also i know it's this mod (Again not using the legacy version but i'm not able to ask in patreon) because if i load the game without it i have no problems at all. My version of the game is
Lab Assistant
#3356 Old 22nd Jan 2024 at 12:01 AM
Default Congratulations!
Quote: Originally posted by weerbesu
By not working, do you mean the cheats are not working? If so, there are basically two possibilities: either the mod is not installed correctly (check that both the script file and the package file show up in the list of mods you have installed), or you have a conflicting mod that overrides the same UI files.

Thank you for your creations!

You are to be congratulated! ...and your parents too!

Be kind, be thankful, be nice.
Test Subject
#3357 Old 6th Feb 2024 at 7:01 PM
Default ui chea extension
Theb ui cheat doesn't work for me. it work with previous update but this time it doesnt work, the game freez and it does nothing i have the screenshot i also have mcc mod but it always worked fine
Test Subject
#3358 Old 25th Mar 2024 at 8:47 PM
Hi! I just want to help, I have noticed that some people on your patreon page are complaining about the UI Cheats, and I was having problems too, then I figure out what was the problem. The UI Cheats package and script was in a sub-folder on my mods folder, that was causing conflict on the mod, then I changed and was all normal again! If you put on the description on patreon that it can't be in a sub-folder, then it's going to help some of the people with the same problem.
Sorry about the errors, english it's not my first language :D
Test Subject
#3359 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 8:34 AM
Default hi, please help
Quote: Originally posted by LuvMySimz
As posted many times before, this mod will NOT be updated here on MTS anymore. You have to visit his patreon page (free download) and get the newest update from there.
I wish people would at least take the times to read a few pre-posts before complaining.

^ this has nothing to do with my question idk how to comment without replying

i have no clue how to use this site, but i have no money to unfortunately support your patreon so i cannot comment there. i did the 50% method to figure out that the latest UI extension mod was absolutely destroying my sims. anytime i launched with it, my saves disappeared completely from households. like if i started a fresh game. and if i loaded the save directly it would show no sims, none on the ui, nowhere. i use the mod conflict detector, didnt find anything there. is there something im missing? the ui mod worked perfectly until i downloaded some unrelated mods like hair cc, and now whenever i add the ui mod regardless of any other mods, or even if its my only mod, it causes the issues. thank you
Test Subject
#3360 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 11:56 AM
This is so awesome! But is there anyway you could split the mod into optional separate files? Like if I just wanted a draggable needs bar and didn't want the others for fear of doing something accidentally?
#3361 Old 22nd Apr 2024 at 8:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kyeo82828282
^ this has nothing to do with my question idk how to comment without replying

i have no clue how to use this site, but i have no money to unfortunately support your patreon so i cannot comment there. i did the 50% method to figure out that the latest UI extension mod was absolutely destroying my sims. anytime i launched with it, my saves disappeared completely from households. like if i started a fresh game. and if i loaded the save directly it would show no sims, none on the ui, nowhere. i use the mod conflict detector, didnt find anything there. is there something im missing? the ui mod worked perfectly until i downloaded some unrelated mods like hair cc, and now whenever i add the ui mod regardless of any other mods, or even if its my only mod, it causes the issues. thank you

Are you playing Legacy Edition or regular?
Test Subject
#3362 Old 2nd May 2024 at 1:49 AM
Default A+ Mod
So good
Test Subject
#3363 Old 3rd Jun 2024 at 4:19 PM
Hey, Weerbesu. Chingyu updated a mod called Satisfaction Point Store Cheats and I believe you could add the feature to cheat the satisfaction points by clicking in the reward store window. Similar as we click in the money bar to add or remove simoleons, but just for the satisfaction points. It would be great if you could add this feature to the upcoming UI Cheats Extension Cheats Update. Thanks in advance!
Test Subject
#3364 Old 28th Jul 2024 at 9:17 PM
Hey, Weerbesu, getting Better Exception on this mod, details below:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<createtime>2024-07-28 19:06:21</createtime>
<desyncdata>TypeError: Error #1006: BuildPreferencesTooltipText is not a function.
at olympus.views::CellView/Draw()
at olympus.layout::GridLayout/OnFeedAdd()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::PreferenceGroupCellView/RefreshDataFeed()
at olympus.views::CellView/Draw()
at olympus.layout::GridLayout/OnFeedAdd()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel.controls::PreferencesPanel/RefreshDataFeed()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::SummaryPanelContent/SetupPreferences()
at olympus.views::CellView/Draw()
at olympus.layout::GridLayout/OnFeedAdd()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::SimInfoSummaryPanelMain/RefreshContent()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::SimInfoSummaryPanelMain/HandleGameplayOptionsChanged()
at olympus.core.widget::WidgetBase/Initialize()
at olympus.core::LayoutManager/LoadWidgetCompleteHandler()
Client Session Time: 35.49
Num Save Errors: 0
Num Load Errors: 0
Current Game State: 0x96d01090
LoadingScreenActiveFlag: 1
Origin Version: 13,257,0,5770
Modded: True
SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.19045 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-6644-11CF-5D7D-12A80EC2D235
<createtime>2024-07-28 19:06:21</createtime>
<desyncdata>TypeError: Error #1006: BuildPreferencesTooltipText is not a function.
at olympus.views::CellView/Draw()
at olympus.layout::GridLayout/OnFeedAdd()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::PreferenceGroupCellView/RefreshDataFeed()
at olympus.views::CellView/Draw()
at olympus.layout::GridLayout/OnFeedAdd()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel.controls::PreferencesPanel/RefreshDataFeed()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::SummaryPanelContent/SetupPreferences()
at olympus.views::CellView/Draw()
at olympus.layout::GridLayout/OnFeedAdd()
at widgets.Gameplay.SimInfoHUD.SummaryPanel::SimInfoSummaryPanelMain/RefreshContent()
at widgets.shared.controls::SimInfoPanel/HandleSimActivated()
at olympus.core.widget::WidgetBase/Show()
at olympus.core::LayoutManager/OnDemandWidgetLoadComplete()
Client Session Time: 35.49
Num Save Errors: 0
Num Load Errors: 0
Current Game State: 0x96d01090
LoadingScreenActiveFlag: 1
Origin Version: 13,257,0,5770
Modded: True
SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.19045 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-6644-11CF-5D7D-12A80EC2D235
Test Subject
#3365 Old 20th Oct 2024 at 4:39 AM
You're the best!
Test Subject
#3366 Old 29th Oct 2024 at 10:07 PM
hello, I am having an issue with UI Cheats v1.44 re-downloaded 10/28/24. my game is updated to the latest patch. I play on desktop. not sure what other info may be needed. I was doing the grilled cheese aspiration and noticed completed tasks not checking off in-game. I right clicked on the task and it did not check off. I changed aspirations and found the same issue. I removed all mods, cleared localthumbcache, resource cfg, and a ton of screenshots. I then placed on UI Cheats in my game. I experienced the same issue. what am I missing as far as troubleshooting.

thanks for your mods.
Lab Assistant
#3367 Old 30th Oct 2024 at 1:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bunny.rabbit
Hey, Weerbesu, getting Better Exception on this mod, details below:

This version is only for the Legacy Edition of Sims 4. If you're on the current Sims 4 game, you need the version on Patreon.

= luthienrising (on the Forums and AHQ)
Lab Assistant
#3368 Old 30th Oct 2024 at 1:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by whymelani
hello, I am having an issue with UI Cheats v1.44 re-downloaded 10/28/24. my game is updated to the latest patch. I play on desktop. not sure what other info may be needed. I was doing the grilled cheese aspiration and noticed completed tasks not checking off in-game. I right clicked on the task and it did not check off. I changed aspirations and found the same issue. I removed all mods, cleared localthumbcache, resource cfg, and a ton of screenshots. I then placed on UI Cheats in my game. I experienced the same issue. what am I missing as far as troubleshooting.

thanks for your mods.

This version is only for the Legacy Edition of Sims 4. If you're on the current Sims 4 game, you need the version on Patreon.

= luthienrising (on the Forums and AHQ)
Test Subject
#3369 Old 30th Oct 2024 at 3:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by shelleny
This version is only for the Legacy Edition of Sims 4. If you're on the current Sims 4 game, you need the version on Patreon.

thanks for the reply. I should have known it was the game and not rhe mod.🙄
Lab Assistant
#3370 Old 30th Oct 2024 at 10:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by whymelani
thanks for the reply. I should have known it was the game and not rhe mod.🙄

Both the game and the mod are fine. The ModTheSims download works only with the Legacy Edition of the game. If you're on the *current* version of Sims 4, not the very, very old not-even-available-anymore Legacy version, you need the version of the mod that was updated on Patreon.

= luthienrising (on the Forums and AHQ)
Test Subject
#3371 Old 30th Nov 2024 at 9:15 PM
Hi, I love this mod, but when I go into create a sim the traits are not selectable/not showing up. When I take out your mod they pop back up?
Lab Assistant
#3372 Old 26th Feb 2025 at 6:09 AM
Just got updated for 1.13!!!
Test Subject
#3373 Old 4th Mar 2025 at 11:15 PM
v1.47 is possibly broken, having lots of UI issues. thank you!!
Lab Assistant
#3374 Old 5th Mar 2025 at 12:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bmc10
v1.47 is possibly broken, having lots of UI issues. thank you!!

Unless you've tested that without other mods installed at all, you're likely seeing a different mod's effect. Better BuildBuy, for example

= luthienrising (on the Forums and AHQ)
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