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Goth-Industrial Male Skirt *UPDATE* Young Adult Version

by Artemistha Posted 16th Apr 2005 at 8:52 PM - Updated 25th Apr 2005 at 5:36 PM by Artemistha : Adding young adult vesion
94 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 93 Feedback Posts
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Test Subject
#76 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 4:17 AM
very nicely done as usual
Test Subject
#77 Old 31st Jul 2005 at 8:07 PM
My impression was that you can edit this mesh for use in your OWN game, you just can't share those changes ANYWHERE without permission. Or at least, that's what I'd do. Because if I'm just editing it for MY game and my use, what's the harm?

Lovely mesh, by the way. Just lovely.
Test Subject
#78 Old 1st Aug 2005 at 7:02 AM
Nice Hot Topic Replica!
#79 Old 1st Aug 2005 at 1:51 PM
*drooling* Very lovely! Thank you, as always, you rawk!
Lab Assistant
#80 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 5:15 PM
Awesome! Thanks so much! I love the shoes!
Field Researcher
#81 Old 27th Aug 2005 at 9:30 PM
i love your stuff. can't wait for new DLs from you
Lab Assistant
#82 Old 27th Aug 2005 at 11:56 PM
Loving your work - thankyou!
Test Subject
#83 Old 2nd Sep 2005 at 10:45 PM
it doesnt show up in my game :confused: what am i doing wronge
Lab Assistant
#84 Old 5th Sep 2005 at 5:39 PM
My god, I love it! thank you so so much! *hugs*
Test Subject
#86 Old 17th Nov 2005 at 9:20 PM
AWESOME! this looks just like my best friends fav outfit! perfection! thx dear!


iiitjV3y jnoh tV3 hluo ll!--bu!pp!>| tsnr--hlmols--noh ll!>| ll!m ! puV s!yt pV3j
Test Subject
#87 Old 4th Jan 2006 at 3:55 AM
Wow...this is really *really* cool.
Test Subject
#88 Old 12th Mar 2006 at 4:17 PM
May u please make it in zip form
Test Subject
#89 Old 6th Apr 2006 at 9:21 PM
Thanks! Great work.
Test Subject
#90 Old 15th May 2006 at 8:26 AM Last edited by Tigger : 15th May 2006 at 8:52 AM. Reason: Problem fixed
Uh oh, can't download the file
Hi there;
I have to say that this is an outstanding display of creativity! You have done wonderful work.

I tried to download the file, but I am getting page errors. I am not sure if this is due to the current server troubles or not. I understand the rules for the file and please be assured that I intend to use this file to make a wizard outfit, not a recolor of your work.

Thank you for making this file available, it truly is a work of art.


Thanks, apparently the servers don't like dial-up users right now. My mom got the file for me.
Field Researcher
#91 Old 12th Dec 2006 at 8:20 PM
I think that the top is great! I have just created a brilliant sim who is sporting the top, I don't have any sims that the skirt will look good on since my sims are video game characters and I like them to look as identical to the character as possible, and none of them wear a skirt like that. I still like every part of it!
Test Subject
#92 Old 1st Jun 2007 at 6:32 AM
Umm... When I tried using the "Download all above files with Q-Xpress (requires 1.1.4 or above)" and had the Q-Xpress install it for me, but when it got half-way finished, it all poped-up and said that it failed to properly install the files because they had something wrong with them.
Lab Assistant
#93 Old 4th Jul 2007 at 11:49 AM
They were just cool maan
Test Subject
#94 Old 5th Jul 2009 at 4:28 PM
can u recolor this to flesh? i'd really appreciate it!thanx
Lab Assistant
#95 Old 5th Apr 2016 at 4:34 AM
Really? No one's allowed to use your thing in sims that they upload? Or anything? Did the multicoloured robes person get your permission? Because I'm going to use the black one for a Hades sim, and if I can't include the damn robe then I guess I'll just get them to download it themselves! Well, that's kind of what the aforementioned person did. So I guess I'll just link it.

And I have to use that robe with your thing because it's the ONLY GOD DAMN SET OF ROBES THAT ISN'T BATH ROBES OR FOR HARRY FUCKING POTTER! Which now that I think about it isn't the robe for that Voldemort sim...
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