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Finding Nemo Nursery/Kid's Room Set

by Rachel8575 Posted 17th Apr 2005 at 3:16 PM
17 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 16 Feedback Posts
Test Subject
#2 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 3:56 PM
works fine and looks great
Test Subject
#3 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 4:46 PM
Excellent, I can use this for my sims nursery!
#4 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 4:48 PM
thnx! this is really cool
#5 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 4:53 PM
Hey, thanks, I like it a lot. Great first upload too.
Forum Resident
#6 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 5:01 PM
Looks great, I have a bathroom that will go perfectly with your nursery, Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Test Subject
#7 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 7:08 PM
is the bed only for children?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 8:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by conversegirl
is the bed only for children?

The one in this picture is, I forgot to add a regular bed to the picture.

No, the bed covers can be used on any bed.

Lab Assistant
#9 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 8:02 PM
looks great, I have a question though about the toddler bed, is the mesh included or is this the same mesh that I found at SimSquirts?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#10 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 10:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DvDMoM
looks great, I have a question though about the toddler bed, is the mesh included or is this the same mesh that I found at SimSquirts?

No, that's the one from simsquirts, it's not included.

Forum Resident
#11 Old 18th Apr 2005 at 12:17 PM
So cute and cool do more keep up the good work I got tired of recoloring now for me to have other simmers recolors Thank you
Test Subject
#12 Old 18th Apr 2005 at 5:59 PM
this is really cute! whats the address for simsquirts?
#13 Old 19th Apr 2005 at 2:28 AM
Excellent idea...nice to have something more recent than Mickey Mouse for the kids.
Test Subject
#14 Old 21st Apr 2005 at 9:53 PM
thank you!
#15 Old 22nd Apr 2005 at 8:44 PM
Thanks for the link to simsquirts. Love all the nursery stuff there. But the toddler beds there are recolors. Original mesh for toddler bed is here at MTS2 somewhere.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#16 Old 23rd Apr 2005 at 2:13 AM Last edited by Rachel8575 : 23rd Apr 2005 at 2:17 AM.
Go back to simsquirts, theres a link there to the toddler bed mesh.

Ahh, I'll do it for you:

Any ideas as what I should do next? I have a cold, the weathers bad and I have a three day weekend.
#17 Old 28th Apr 2005 at 2:35 PM
fun set! Thanks!
Forum Resident
#18 Old 1st Feb 2008 at 3:00 AM
thank you

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